the assembled crowd started to sing:

                We approach the sacred grove,

                With hearts and minds and flesh and bone

                Join us now in ways of old-fashioned

                We have come home…

                I knew the chant well, it being one of the ones I had to memorize for my own rituals in the recent past. We walked in a rough procession, Gaia at my side, around the circle until we formed a ring around the center.

                “We are here to keep the old ways… “ a woman said in the center. As she gave the opening prayer, my attention was drawn to the space we were standing in.

                The center of the space was already glowing, light pulses of energy reaching the edge of the stone circle. I knew that I was one of the few who could perceive the energy at that point, but also knew that, as the energy grew, more would be able to feel its effects… even if they couldn’t see them.

                The ritual continued, and the energy kept growing. I could see shapes and shadows moving around the edge of the forest, but couldn’t tell if they were spirits or wayward festival-doers.

                They did their regular blessing of the three focus points for the ritual: the fire, burning brightly in the center… the well, represented by the cauldron… and the tree, a decorated ritual post that stood in for the mythical tree that connects all of the worlds. They then called on the gates between the world to open, and a most unusual sight greeted me.

                Above the fire, well, and tree at the center of the stone circle, I saw rolling clouds form. They flashed with divine light like lightening, and it caused every word spoken to echo like we were in an elaborate stage production.

                “What’s with the portal?” Gaia asked quietly in my ear.

                “You can see that?” I asked back, surprised.

                "It's pretty hard for someone who knows energy as I do to miss." she replied.

                “It’s so the Gods, Goddesses, and nature spirits can commune with us.” I explained. “It clears the way so that, as they say, ‘the Gods can see our thoughts and know our hearts’… at least, I think that’s how it goes.” I shrugged. “It’s been a while since I did this kind of ritual. I can remember the chants perfectly… other words, not so much.”

                I could see energy raining down on everyone there, forming pools of light on the grass. They fell in time with the pulses of energy coming from the center of the circle, pulses that flowed into the surrounding forest and beyond. As every God or Goddess was invoked, as every spirit of the land was invited in, I could see those invited walk out of the surrounding woods and join us around the ritual fire. Soon, I couldn’t always tell who was a spirit and who was an elaborately dressed festival attendee.

                I smiled. I couldn’t tell what was really happening… if this was what happened in every Druid ritual, only that most didn’t have Sorceress sight to capture it… or if mine and my supernatural friends’ being there was causing something unusual. Hell, it might even be the land! I thought… it was definitely magickal.

                No matter what’s causing it, it’s time to enjoy it! I thought.

                I reached over and squeezed Gaia’s hand, and she squeezed back.

                                                                                                *                *                *

                Contact had been made with the tribe of fire-spinners that the Oracle was traveling with, and we had been told that we could come and seek her out Friday night. As we sat at the cafe eating dinner that night, I was getting slightly fidgety.

                “When are we going to see the Oracle?” I asked, picking at my food.

                “After the concert.” Vincent answered.

                “You know, the same answer we’ve given the last twenty times you asked?” Raina added.

                “I’m excited, too.” Gaia, in her human glamour, said next. “I’ve been looking into this ‘Oracle’, and she’s supposed to be incredibly accurate.”

                “Some of Trevor’s sources have said the same thing.” Evelyn said, finishing up her food.

                “Where is your brother?” Raina asked. “I haven’t seen him all week.”

                “Ah, a couple of Trevor’s old Starwood girlfriends… from when he was coming to the festival years ago… are camping together.” Evelyn replied. “They’re Morning-tide Fae, so they live to pamper humans. He’s been there all week.”

                “Morning-tide Fae?” Drucilla said.

                “We haven’t seen any of them… “ Darla continued.

                “In forever and a day!” Cordelia finished.

                “You know,” Raina said, looking sideways at the blue haired Fae in human glamours, “that whole ‘finishing each other’s sentences’ thing is really starting to annoy me.”

                “I really want this to be done with.” I continued. “I’ve been feeling more calm and at peace all week. The Oracle is throwing a variable into the equation, and that bugs me.”

                Both Vincent and Gaia put a hand on one of mine, and I instantly felt better.

                “Remember to breathe.” Vincent said.

                “Don’t forget,” Gaia added, “today and tomorrow are the last two full days of the festival. Enjoy every second.”

                “You’re right, you’re both right.” I said, and I lifted each hand to kiss it in turn. “Thank you.”

                Tiffany walked into the cafe and up to our table. “Chairs are set up, whenever you guys are done eating. Concert’s going to be a good one tonight!”

                “Are Jack and Katsu there already?” I asked.

                “They’re hanging with the Druids.” Tiffany replied. “They’ll be at the show, however, because the main act is a Druid band called Wicker Man.”

                “I’m going to hang with the Druids as well. I said, rising. “I’m going to smoke a joint and try to get into the flow of things.”

                “I’ll join you.” Gaia said, rising as well.

                “I’m going to go down and make sure everything’s ready at the fire.” Vincent said.

                “We’re… “ Cordelia started.

                “Going… “ Darla said next.


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