map.  The map incinerated quite quickly despite Trevor's best efforts to put it out.

                Raina mouthed ‘sorry’, and I tried but failed to stifle a giggle.

                “Pyrotechnics aside,” Trevor continued, wiping soot off his hands on his denim vest, “Evie and I have installed supernatural-sensitive sensors at various points around the house, including a few on neighboring properties.  These can also detect regular human attackers, so nobody can use mercenaries to get around them.”

                “The chatter in the paranormal underworld is that another attack is imminent, so we need to be ready." Evelyn added.

                I looked at a charred corner of the map on the floor.  Let them come. I thought.

                                                                                                *                *                *

                I sat out on the patio, looking out into the night.  A darkened forest looked back, keeping its secrets no matter how hard I peered.

                The air was crisp and chilled, reminding me that winter wasn’t far away.  I had come out ostensibly to enjoy the night air, but I also wanted to clear my mind.  A little over a year ago, I was an ordinary suburban teenager looking to ease into an ordinary adult existence.  Nobody ever wants a boring life, mind you, but I thought that my thrills would be things like falling in love, having a family, maybe seeing the world someday… in little bits, on summer vacations, that sort of thing.

                Now I’m the Sorceress, something that I still hadn’t gotten my head completely around.  I had a smoking hot boyfriend, access to seemingly limitless financial resources, and the best friends anyone could ever ask for.

                And people were trying to kill me… powerful, connected people.

                I always thought that becoming an adult would change my life, I thought, but come on!

                I reached out with my senses, trying to detect any danger that hid nearby.  I felt the animals moving through the night… the raccoons, skunks, deer, and other nocturnal entities existing under cover of darkness.  I could almost feel the night air as bats slipped through it on their eternal hunt for insects.  I was getting better at this and was confident that no dangers lurked nearby.

                Except for the lake.  I couldn't feel anything there, only an inky black void.

                “Do you feel like company?”

                I turned around to see Raina standing there, the bright lights of the mansion behind her making her look like she was standing in shadow.  I smiled.  “Feel free to join me, madame.”

                She sat in a chair next to me and looked out into the night.  “All calm out there?”

                I had to smile again… I had been caught.  “How did you know I was keeping watch?”

                “Because I've been doing the same thing all night." she said, her grin evident even in the dark.  "I just wanted to see if you concurred."

                “As quiet as a forest teeming with life can be.”  I paused, a growing feeling making itself known.  Even though she was presenting a calm exterior, I could sense anguish beneath the surface of my friend’s words.  “Anything on your mind?”

                My friend took a deep breath and let out a sigh.  “Lots and lots has been on my mind.  Nothing I can talk about, though.”

                “Ugh.” I grunted.  “Fae stuff that they’ve sworn you to secrecy about?”

                “You could say that.”

                Her non-answer was par for the course when dealing with the Fae.  I had only met them earlier in the year and owed them a favor for being allowed to take refuge in their realm while awaiting my eighteenth birthday.  They were a cagey bunch, however, and Raina's studies with them had been marked with wondrous discoveries that she couldn't talk about with non-Fae.  Her magickal skills, however, had grown by leaps and bounds.  She had even implanted a Fae crystal, the door to humans wielding Fae magick, in her right palm.

                “I loved the look on Trevor’s face when I talked about why they were really here.” I said, changing the subject.

                Raina chuckled.  “Took the wind right out of his sails.  How did you know?”

                “His sister Evie told me.”

                “Evelyn Hawkins, damn.” She let a long breath out.  “While I enjoy the view, I wish she would wear something that’s not skin-tight sometime.  It’s hard to concentrate.”

                I thought about Evelyn’s curvaceous figure, and could see where an admirer of the female form could have a hard time looking away.  “She’s not hard on the eyes, no matter what your sexual orientation is.” I agreed.

                “So how’s your training going?” she asked.  “We don’t always get the chance to just shoot the excrement these days.”

                I thought about just how much sex had been figuring into my activities lately… sex with Vincent to blow off steam, sex with Angelique in past life memories, etc… and shook my head.  “It’s been… eventful.” I said finally.

                The scene in front of me suddenly shifted, and I was seeing the woods from above.  I looked to either side and saw bat wings, and knew that I was seeing what they were.

                Three were large, dark shapes moving into the woods from the far side.  I flew lower, and could just make out eight giant, hairy legs attached to each shape.

                They were headed this way.

                I reached out and grabbed Raina’s hand, suddenly back in my own body.  “Go get the gang.” I said, my voice tense.  “They’re coming.”

Chapter Five

                From the Diaries of Angelique Dupre


                Roanoke Colony

                Sarah's preparations are continuing at a steady clip.  It is good that she is often sent foraging for roots and herbs alone, for this allows us to work without raising the suspicions of the others.  She thinks that I am one of the local inhabitants, and that will do for now.

                Petronia told me that there was a stage where one who would take on the powers would start to wield magick, even if it was in insignificant amounts.  This started for

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