“But… what?” she asked, concern in her voice.
What the fuck ever! I thought. Maybe I need to unload on someone!
So I did. I told her about never being interested in sex until I met Vincent, about being horny all of the time since I met him, and about all of the past lives we spent together. I told her about Angelique, about our newly uncovered (for me) past histories, and just how sexual some of them were.
“I never thought I was a horn-dog until I met Vincent." I said, exasperated. "And until this stuff started coming out with Angelique, well… I always assumed I was straight, especially with my hunger for my vampire boyfriend's body, but now..."
“You know there’s no pressure.” Gaia assured me. “I know Angelique, and she’ll be fine with however you love her, even if it’s platonic.”
“Yeah, but what if I don’t want it to be?” I asked defiantly.
“Do you want more with Angelique?” she asked back.
I pointed at her, opened my mouth, and froze for a minute. I finally threw my hands up again. “I don’t fucking know!”
“Look,” she said, stopping and looking at me. “There’s no deadline here. Angelique’s been alive for one and a half millennia, and your Sorceress powers are going to grant you a longer life, so you have time to figure things out.”
“I know.” I began. “It’s just that… wait. What was that about a longer life?”
“You know,” she said slowly, “the energy in you makes your cells age slower, so you’ll live around a hundred and fifty years at the minimum, barring any unnatural ends… you know, right?”
“No, it seems like we haven’t gotten to that bit of information yet.” I said.
“Sorry.” she said sheepishly.
“Alliteration aside, it’s OK.” I said. “I shouldn’t be surprised. As long as I don’t grow nipples on my ass, I’ll be fine.”
“That is something I’m glad to say I’ve never heard of.” Gaia said with a grin.
“Good.” I replied, smiling back.
“And as for your Angelique quandary,” she continued, “You’ll just have to figure that out for yourself. But be patient… you have time.”
“See, the thing is, I don’t know if I could even… you know, be comfortable with doing things to women.” I said, starting to walk again. “I mean, it’s not like I’m disgusted by the thought… I have the same equipment, so it would be hypocritical to be all ‘ew, gross!’ with someone else’s, right? But I’ve never, you know...”
“You never experimented?” she asked.
“You know… a little, but nothing big.” I said. “I mean, I did the usual kissing games with my girl… I mean, female friends. At slumber parties, you know? No mouths lower than the top of our bras, hands outside of the Pjs, that kind of thing.”
“Uh-huh..." Gaia grinned.
“So I wouldn’t want to be, you know, shitty if I did decide to, you know, try things.” I sighed. “I hope I’m not dumping too much on you.”
“Oh no, you’ve been very illuminating.” she said. “And let me say, you can come to me to just talk anytime. However,” she paused, smiling at me. “If you want to… you know… try things out without all of the history sometime. I would be honored.” She giggled nervously.
“The problem is, no matter how sweet your offer is,” I began. And I definitely don’t feel creeped out, now that the offer’s been made. “I still have a boyfriend to think about. I don’t want my personal explorations to hurt him.”
“You are truly a good person.”
“Thank you.”
Our conversation was interrupted by a high pitched wailing. Gaia threw an arm around me while the other wielded a sword that I have no idea where she was keeping in her silky outfit.
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“I don’t know.” she replied, eyes still scanning the surrounding terrain. “The general alarm hasn’t been sounded in ages.”
A whoosh of air signaled Vincent’s arrival, and he stood beside me opposite Gaia, also scanning the perimeter.
“Angelique’s going to find out what’s going on.” he said. “Jack and Raina are at Hatsu and Katsu’s.”
He knows me so well! I thought. “OK, so everyone’s safe. Should we move inside?”
Doors started opening all around us, and armed Fae moved cautiously into the street. They started clustering around us, eyes aimed outward.
“I think we’re pretty good out here.” Vincent deadpanned.
The siren cut off, plunging the street into silence. Everyone held their breath, waiting for something to happen.
Another whoosh, and Angelique appeared beside us. “Everyone can stand down.” she said. Her quiet voice shattered the spell, and Fae started moving back towards their doors.
“Contact your security contact to be briefed.” she continued. Angelique turned to us and lowered her voice. “There’s been an incursion on the edges of this realm.”
Gaia audibly gasped. ‘Great Mother...” she exclaimed, her hand to her mouth.
“Yes,” Angelique confirmed, grim. “There is going to be a central security meeting at Lucinda’s in twenty minutes. Our party is assembling there.”
“I’m going.” Gaia said, resolute. “I just don’t feel comfortable letting Annabelle out of my sight.”
“Well, this guardian appreciates your eyes.” Vincent said.
As does this frightened magickal figure!
* * *
“Some unknown agent penetrated our border deep in the woods.” the stern-faced Fae said. “They used the border path to move between realms, and were gone as soon as we discovered their invasion.”
I’d forgotten there even were male Fae, I thought, we’ve been surrounded by the rainbow queer gals since we’ve gotten here!
“They left no trace?” Trevor asked, his face serious.
“None that we have been able to detect.” answered a statuesque Fae, her deep emerald skin telling me that she was some relation of Gaia’s.