“What would you like to know?” he asked.
“What was it like when you guys first got together?” I said.
“Well, it was intense, as it can get when vampires get together.” he replied. “It’s even more so when two vampires share the kind of connection that Angelique and I share… it’s pretty much sex and eat, more sex and then eat, and even more sex and then maybe skip the eating for more sex… Are you sure you want to hear about all this right now?”
“Well, it’s not like I never knew you guys were intimate before.” I said. “Some of the passages in Angelique’s diaries are pretty steamy.”
“Okay.” he shrugged. “So that’s how it went for the first… oh, I don’t know, century or so? Then our relationship started to change, to evolve.”
“Did you miss the constant sex?” I asked.
“Well, it’s not like we quit cold turkey.” he replied. “And it’s not like Angelique or I have ever lacked for interested parties, either. We were never exclusive, even during our heaviest sexual phase… then again, I’ve never met a vampire who was always monogamous all of the time... so it was more of a shifting of emphasis than any lack of opportunities.”
I pushed myself up until I was staring him in the eyes. “And that never bothered you? Bothered either of you?”
“Your great love… canoodling with someone else?”
Vincent smiled. “Did I ever tell you about the first time I slept with Angelique? Not in one of her past bodies, but in her vampiric form?”
“No.” I said, cradling my chin in my hand.
“It was about three hundred years before I was born in this body.” he said. “I was a young farm girl in Germany, and I was seduced by a guest who was staying in our barn for a few days. It was Angelique.”
“Really?” I asked, surprised.
“Yep.” he replied. “We spent a few nights of passion together, and then she was gone… never to be seen by that incarnation of me again.”
“Damn.” I whistled low. “That sucks.”
“She told me later that she had received a vision some time before, that I was going to incarnate there and then in Paris some centuries later.” he continued. “Once we were together in vampire form, she knew that she’d not lose me so easily again, so it was easier to leave me in the previous life.”
“I assume that you have a point to all of this?” I grinned.
“A lot of people are afraid of their partners sharing intimate moments with others because they’re afraid of someone else stealing them away.” he said. “When you live as long as vampires do, our intimate connections are too strong for one night of physical pleasure to make a dent in it. Anyone can get you off.,, true love is far more uncommon, and far more resilient.”
I had no idea what to think about everything he’d just said, so I kissed him. I kissed him again, and started moving my hand lower.
“Well, I haven’t had you for a hundred years yet,” I said, a lusty smile on my face, “so I think we should be done talking for now.”
“Sounds good.” he grinned back.
* * *
I started the day ready for action. I then spent the afternoon in bed with the sexiest male vampire in the Western Hemisphere.
It was only fitting that I spent the evening stoned.
I lounged in my seat, one half of an overstuffed sofa, as we all gathered in the parlor to await Trevor and Evelyn's return. I had just finished my post-dinner joint and was enjoying Gaia rubbing my feet as everyone else milled around.
“Ooh, there!” I said as she hit a particularly good spot. “I’m melting.”
“Honey, you already melted.” Gaia grinned, and I had to nod.
The mood was broken by Trevor running into the room.
“Guys!” he said excitedly. “I’ve gotta warn you about… “
Splat! I watched in amazement as Trevor burst in a green, slimy explosion, bits of him flying everywhere. Behind him, standing in front of a swirling vortex, was… Trevor and Evelyn?
“Sorry about that.” the new Trevor said as the vortex closed behind him. “That, obviously, wasn’t me.”
“I’ll vouch for him.” Evelyn said, walking past him to sit nearby.
“And what was that?” Raina asked.
Trevor waved her off. “Long story.”
“Too long for now.” Evelyn concurred.
“So, what did you learn in South Africa?” Angelique asked, seemingly fine with what had just happened.
“Right, that!” The Brit walked farther in the room and sat near his sister. “Lots going down around there, but nobody can suss just what.”
“Well, that sounds familiar.” Jack said.
“I even contacted one of my best mates, guy by the name of Jexo.” Trevor continued. “Old Jex is a real occult mercenary, been involved in a whole shite-ton of mystical stuff for the past thirty-plus years. Not only does dude not know what’s going on, but none of his sources will call him back!”
“While I wouldn’t call Jexo one of Trevor’s ‘best mates’… “Evelyn began.
“Oh come on,” Trevor protested, “I just called instead of stopping by in case he was busy...”
“For someone like Jexo, that never happens.” Evelyn continued. “It’s got his knickers is a real pretzel!”
“And the whole thing when you arrived?” I asked, trying once again to get something concrete out of them.
Trevor just shook his head. “Not connected. Personal business.”
I had to give up.
* * *
“Okay Annabelle,” Vincent’s voice said, “I want you to walk down the forest path and choose a gate… one that’s never been opened before… and go through it.”
I was grateful that he was willing to help guide me in my past life explorations. While I could, most likely, make the journey without help, I