hide them?

She couldn’t carry them, the thin silk didn’t hide much. Thecircle was open on almost every side and there were the watchers.

The bed was an iron frame, the mattress thin and there wereno bedclothes.

It was something to think about. She’d have to remember toask him.

For the moment she’d use what she had—her wits.

She looked into the darkness.

“Templeton said I could use the bathroom and the shower,”she said, keeping her voice reserved, distant.

One of Templeton’s men, clearly the leader of the guards—atallish man with sharp eyes, his head shaved bald and, by his manner and theway he held his weapon, either ex-military or police and probably a mercenary—steppedup to the edge of the circle.

She didn’t look at him directly, giving all the appearanceof discomfort she didn’t feel.

“Not so tough now, huh, Agent Nicholas,” he sneered,“without your gun?”

Actually, for all her lack of height she was pretty toughwith or without it, she was a self-defense instructor now and again for theBureau but she wouldn’t let him know that. It wasn’t time yet. Let him thinkher weak, broken.

She didn’t know their numbers, didn’t know their training.Making a move without good information was stupid.

The man’s nametag identified him as Kyle Baker. Sherecognized his name from her investigation. Baker was six miles of bad road, amercenary who hadn’t made it through SEAL training but had been picked up by asecurity company that was nothing more than a thinly veiled supplier ofmercenaries. He’d been with Templeton’s security arm for a year. He’d risenfast but not fast enough. He’d been part of a team sent to Iraq to protect someof Templeton’s interests. Afterward he’d been charged with assault and murderbut the charges had eventually been dropped. When Templeton had hired him she’dwondered why he needed a mercenary.

Now she knew.

Gabriel pretended to ignore him but she didn’t ignore thedanger he presented to her. There were men who entered the military to servetheir country and there were those who went in to kick some ass. He was one ofthe latter, it was there in his eyes. She was fairly certain he wouldn’t pushit…yet.

With a nod to his men to indicate they should keep theirweapons on her, Baker made the gesture that opened the door between the rings.

It was good to know Templeton wasn’t the only one who coulddo that. That gave her some ideas.

Unlike her unceremonious entrance, they were far morecareful as they passed through that ephemeral tunnel.

They escorted her to the bathroom but let her use thefacility alone, for which she was grateful. The explanation for their lack ofconcern waited inside.

Escape was not only extremely unlikely, it was impossible,as there were no windows and only the one door. She had the oppressive sensethey were deep underground. As the room had probably been intended forAsmodeus’ use, it had very likely been thoroughly vetted for any possibleweapons or anything that could be used as one. It seemed oddly unused.Apparently Baker and his men didn’t take advantage of it.

More than anything though, she wanted to be clean, forherself and for Asmodeus, for when he touched her, ate her, fed from her, madelove to her.

As much as she loved making love to him though and loved thescent of him on her skin—and just the thought of him had her aching—she wouldbe glad to be clean. Just the feel of the hot water as it ran over her skinfelt wonderful.

After the shower she pulled on the light silk dress he hadconjured for her out of thin air, fingering it in mild disbelief. Magic. Asbeautiful as it was, it was also all she had to wear for the moment.

On their return, from the corners of her eyes, Gabriel notedthe small signs as the guards relaxed their attentiveness. Her diffidence easedtheir alertness. That she hadn’t tried to escape was another indication to themthat she was beaten. Having seen Asmodeus, the sheer size of him, and knowinghim to be a demon, they would wonder what had happened behind the smoke andtheir speculations only confirmed their assessment of her. She wasn’t a threat.

She noted how many men Baker had that she could see andtheir positions. It was useful information.

It seemed as though hours went by but having no watch therewas no way for her to gauge the time that passed.

Gabriel knew the moment that Asmodeus returned to thebuilding, sensing him nearby somehow. Elation filled her and surprised her. Orperhaps it wasn’t so surprising, considering he was her only ally here.

She let out a sigh of intense relief all the same but shewas careful not to let Templeton’s men see.

Asmodeus was back and safe.

In the back of her mind, she knew it was more than reliefshe felt, that it was more than just a common bond. Much more. To herastonishment, her breasts felt tight, her nipples and pussy ached. Every inchof her body seemed to sing in response to his immediate presence, to his need.His hunger for her was nearly palpable with each step closer to her.

Even more so once he entered the room.

That hunger in his eyes was for her, not just for what hetook from her, but for Gabriel herself.

His brilliant eyes glowed when his gaze settled on her andher heartbeat accelerated just at the sight of him. Even as he entered the roomhe was shifting to his true form. It was an effort for her not to smile withrelief, with pleasure, when she saw him. All she could think of was his mouthon hers, his body against hers as he feasted on her, devoured her, his hugecock buried deep inside her.

The sight of Gabriel standing within the shimmer of thecircles, looking so lovely in the dress he had conjured for her, her brillianteyes shining, made Asmodeus’ heart lift. His relief was nearly unbearable as hefought the memories of the past—memories of those he had loved, left dead anddying. Mother, brother, sister, lover…

She had showered. He could smell the clean scent of her skinfrom across the room.

To see the joy in her eyes at his return, to watch hernipples as they hardened beneath the

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