I heard you sing?”

My cheeks went red. “I know you didn’t laugh, but I’m nervous, and while I know you wouldn’t, it doesn’t hurt to remind you to—”

He interrupted my rambling by pressing his lips to mine, giving me a long, warm kiss, and my toes curled.

“Don’t ever be nervous in front of me.” His words were a warm whisper upon my skin. Our gazes locked. “I love you, Jessie.”

And just like that, my anxiety was gone. I rested my fingers on the strings, and my lips curled into a smile. “I love you too.”

I played the first few notes tentatively, then more confidently, and the poignant tune poured out into the night air. I fixed my gaze on his, moved by the stars in his eyes that matched the ones dotting the sky, soaking in this moment.

No matter what tomorrow might bring, it was all right. We were going to overcome all the lows one by one. And I was ready for it.

You and I are like flowers

That bloom at night

Courageous, teasing

Opposing the dark

Shining our own light

And it’s mesmerizing, enticing

The way you watch me move

Like the sunrays on your skin

Like the love that you give

The flames flicker in the dark

Creating a path of light

That bursts through hearts filled with love

And ends our happiness drought

And it’s heaven, the way you kiss my skin

Making my heart go wild

And I feel free

I’m becoming stronger

The flames flicker in the dark

Creating a path of light

That bursts through hearts filled with love

And ends our happiness drought

And it’s heaven, the way you kiss my skin

Making my heart go wild

And I’m freed…

Stronger than ever

Important PTSD disclaimer:

Blake isn’t a representation of all people with PTSD, and this author’s intention wasn’t to portray this disorder or people with PTSD in a negative way. Each person with PTSD experiences their condition in their own way, and PTSD symptoms and their frequency/intensity may vary from person to person.

As shown in my cameo in chapter twenty-five, the titles of the Bullied series hold yet another special meaning. Blake’s condition is post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. The first letters of Pained, Trapped, Scarred, and Damaged spell PTSD.

Thank you for joining Jessica and Blake’s emotional ride and for reaching the end. I hope Trapped helped you get through difficult times and put a smile on your face. Trapped is for all of you who feel insecure or unhappy with yourself. It’s for all of you who feel there is no way out of the shackles that prevent you from going on, for all of you who want to make your dreams come true but just don’t know how or don’t feel strong enough.

Just remember that happiness and strength lie within you. You shine your own light, and your uniqueness is the true beauty, so be yourself and keep going. One day, everything will come to its place.

In the end, here is a quote from me:

“Follow your heart and believe in yourself because you don’t lose when you fail. You lose when you give up.”

Jessica and Blake’s story has ended, but there is one more story in the Bullied series. Stay tuned for Melissa and Masen’s story in book five, Scarred.

Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter to get notified about this and all my future releases and receive sneak peeks, giveaway info, and more! Sign up here

This time I want to begin by thanking my readers—my great pillar of support. I feel very grateful for each and every one of you and for your highly encouraging messages, comments, and reviews. Thank you for the time you put into reading my books and for your enthusiasm about my characters and their world. Your encouragement always pushes me forward. <3

To all bloggers: thank you for taking a chance on my books and for helping them reach more readers. There are a lot of books out there and so little time, which makes me appreciate everything you’re doing all the more.

To my beta readers Auni Borhan, Rita Joana Gonçalves, Rachel Domingos, Breannca Bussert, Jean Manoti, and Mehvish Azmi: thank you for your very helpful responses and suggestions!

To my ARC team: you’re so amazing and supportive! I can’t thank you enough for helping my books get discovered.

To Jo, Kylie, and everyone else from Give Me Books promotions, thank you for all your amazing work.

To Caitlin from Editing by C. Marie and Stacey from Champagne Book Design, thank you for your excellent work.

To Catreena: thank you very much for all your posts. I really appreciate your time and effort.

To my FB reading group Evil Bunnies: you’re always so wonderful, and I feel so lucky to have you as my readers. Thank you for your continuous support and enthusiasm!

And to my love and number one fan, Rasha, thank you for always cheering me on and believing in me. Love you lots.

Vera Hollins is the author of the Bullied series, which has amassed over 40 million reads online since 2016. She loves writing emotional, dark, and angsty love stories that deal with heartbreak, mental and social issues, and finding light in darkness.

She’s been writing since she was nine, and before she knew it, it became her passion and life. She particularly likes coffee, bunnies, angsty romance, and anti-heroes. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, plotting her next book with as many twists as possible, and watching YouTube.

Read more at www.verahollins.com.

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