She splashes me again, pretending to pout, and I pull her in for a kiss. “You can't stay mad at me, I’m your ride home.”
“I guess. Just no more wetting my hair.”
I pull her into me and wrap my arms around her. “Okay. No more wetting your hair.”
We swim for a bit longer, just relaxing and enjoying the quiet and calm a place like this brings. The sounds of birds chirping in the trees. “Come on, let's go get dry. The sun will be going down soon and I’m taking you for fish and chips at the beach. Hopefully, there’ll be a nice sunset.”
“Look at you, Fraser, getting all romantic. Who would have thought.”
“Well, I have no idea what I’m doing, but for you, gorgeous, I’m trying.” She splashes me again and I throw her a warning look. "You don't want to start that again, do you?"
"No, no, no," she screams as I splash her back, and she runs up the side of the lake and out of the water to where we left our towels.
We dry off and pack up our belongings and head back up the winding trail to the car. The beach is just a short drive around the corner, and we can pick up dinner on the way.
We’ve been sitting on the beach with our fish and chips watching the sun set for the last hour. I know this is only our first official date, but this is exactly how I imagined dating Elly would be. She might dress all fancy and put on the facade of someone who's confident, but when you hang out with her, she's super chill and down to earth.
Being around her again is just like it was when we were kids, only now, I can't deny the way I feel about her. Every time I see her the feelings get stronger. She's like my drug and I can't get enough. This time things have to work out for us. I can’t afford to lose her again.
I see her shivering. I wrap my arm around her trying to warm her up. “What do you say we head back to my place? It's getting cold now the sun's down.”
“That sounds good, I’m dying for a shower.” She smiles sweetly.
“You're always dying for a shower.”
“It’s my happy place. Don’t you think, no matter what type of day you have had, life just feels better once you're in the shower surrounded by warm water?”
“Yeah, I guess. Maybe if you're in there with me it would feel like that.”
She offers a shy smile. “That's not quite what I meant.”
“When you start talking about you in the shower, that's all I’m imagining.”
“Of course that's where your dirty mind goes,” she teases.
I shake the sand off the towels. I reach my hand out, lacing my fingers through hers, as we walk hand in hand back up the beach to where we parked my car.
Elly sits looking out the window as we drive home. She hasn't said a word since we got in the car. “You okay?” I ask.
“I had forgotten how beautiful this area is. I really missed it when I was in Sydney, amongst other things.”
“Why did you run away to Sydney anyway, Elly? We could have worked things out if you’d stayed.”
“No, we couldn’t. Look at us now. It's eight years later and we're sneaking around so we can see each other. Anyway, I left for Sydney because you said we couldn’t ever be together. Remember, those were your exact words. I will never forget them. And I wasn’t sticking round to watch you date every other girl in town under my nose.”
“Harsh, Elena!”
“Well, the truth hurts, Fraser! You keep saying I ran away from you, but I didn’t run. I just moved on because you didn’t want to be with me. I knew I had to start my own life, where I couldn’t be hurt by watching you with other girls.” She's getting all feisty now. I probably shouldn’t have said anything. I have no comeback for what she just said. She’s probably right. At the time, I really couldn’t see how we could make it work.
“I’m sorry things ended the way they did that day. I felt like you were running away from me. Just like Mum did. Because I wasn’t worth fighting for.”
“Fraser, I wasn’t running away from you. I just couldn’t be around you anymore, and it wasn’t because I didn’t care about you. I was in love with you and couldn’t do anything about it. Being around you and not with you was torture.”
“Being away from you was harder, Elly. I completely lost it when you left. I felt like a part of me was missing. Then I found out from Drew you’d moved in with that guy only a month after you left. That fucking hurt, Elly.”
“I’m sorry, Fraser, I didn’t know you cared that much. You didn’t tell me any of this at the time. I felt like Drew was the most important one to you. You wouldn’t do anything to risk his friendship.”
“He was important to me, your whole family is, that's why I didn’t want to stuff it all up. But you're the one I can't live without. I know it's only been a few weeks since we reconnected, but the feelings I have for you haven’t ever gone away, and I want to see what this is. This time, no running!”
“So do I, Fraser, I’m just not ready to tell the family yet. So, can we just see what this is for a bit, then tell them when we're ready?”
“Yeah, okay, but I don’t want to wait too long.” I stare out to the road, trying not to cause an argument over this or push her too much.
We pull up at his house after the lovely date he planned. Shame he had to ruin it by bringing up the past, or maybe I did. I can't remember. But whoever did,