just feel sorry for you. You're like a stray dog. They’ll take you in and look after you, but you’ll never be one of them. They're not your real family. You come from a family of fuck-ups and alcoholics, and it’s surprising you're doing so well. But I’m sure it's only a matter of time before you’ll fuck up your own life,” she sneers, with a murderous look in her eyes.

”There's the woman I know! I knew you couldn’t put on this nice act for too long. Your true colours had to shine through eventually.”

“Well, I’m the only real family you will ever have.”

“That's not true. I’ve got Dad. He’s the only real family that I will ever have, not you!”

Her face breaks into a sarcastic smile. “Yeah, the man you call Dad. Except he’s not your blood!”

With those words, I feel a chill run through my entire body. “What do you mean?” I spit at her.

“It's a long story, Fraser, and you're obviously too tired to talk tonight, so maybe another time.”

My heart is pounding so fast I can hear it in my ears. What in the actual fuck is she on about? Is this her feral attempt to get under my skin, spinning some lies?

“Well, you clearly came here to tell me, so go on!”

“Your dad and I had been married for five years and trying for a baby since we got married. It just wasn’t happening. I saw a doctor and had some tests done, and I knew it wasn’t me causing the problem. Your dad, being the stubborn man he was, refused to get the tests done. He said it would happen when the timing was right.

“But I couldn’t wait and hope that it might just happen by some miracle when there was clearly a problem with him. So, I took things into my own hands before I got too old and couldn’t conceive at all. I waited until the timing was right. As luck would have it, your dad was away on a business trip for the weekend, so I went to a bar and found a guy I thought looked all right, and nine months later you were born. Your father was stupid enough to believe you were the miracle we had been waiting for. He never worked it out.”

“You're lying. Why would you wait until now to tell me? There's no way this is true.”

“Haven’t you ever wondered why you look nothing like your dad?” she scoffs sarcastically.

What is happening here? The room is spinning and I feel like I can’t breathe. The anger is pulsing through my body. I can't believe what I’m hearing.

“So you're saying I’m the result of a drunken, one-night stand with some stranger. You fucking bitch. How could you do that to Dad. He loved you. Even though you were horrible to him and treated him like shit, he still worshipped you, and when you left, he fell apart and prayed you would come back. But truth be told, we were both better off without you and your poison. Get the fuck out of my house.”

“You have to understand. I wanted a baby before it got too late in life. Sometimes you do crazy things. It's because I wanted you so badly.”

“No, I don’t understand. None of this makes any sense. If you love someone you don't do that to them... and if you wanted a baby so badly, how could you walk out on me when I was only 14? Did I turn out to be such a disappointment that you just left me behind? What the fuck is that?”

“It wasn’t you that I left, it was your dad. We couldn’t stop fighting. I had to leave.”

“More lies. You need to leave Dad out of this. I know for a fact you left with another man, I saw you leave. I’m not stupid! You’re such a liar. I don’t believe anything you say. You need to get the fuck out now!” I open the front door. “Don’t ever contact me again.”

“Get a paternity test. You’ll see I’m not lying.”

I slam the door in her face. Her fucking lies. There's no way he’s not my dad. I might not look that much like him but we're so similar in other ways. He’s my dad. I know it.

I don't even know how to process what she told me. It's too much. I need to message Elly. I can't go around there tonight. I need to think this over and try and process what my mum said.

Fraser: Gorgeous, I’m going to stay at home tonight.

Elly: No worries, baby, hope everything is okay?

Fraser: Yeah, just need a quiet night. Sweet dreams x

Elly: You too xx


It's only 6am but I’m sitting up in bed doodling in my ideas book for the business I’m starting with Indie. I’ve been having so much trouble sleeping the last few weeks with everything that's going on, with Dad being sick, and us starting our new business.

With so much extra time on my hands, I’ve been using it to work out ideas for the business. So, in the last week, we have worked out our budgets for our styling furniture and a price list so we know how much to charge our clients. We still need a name and logo so we can organise our marketing side of things, and nothing seems right yet. Hopefully Indie has some better ideas than me. As the artist, I’m sure she will come up with something amazing. My phone lights up the screen with Fraser's name. It's early for him.

“Morning, gorgeous.”

“Morning, baby, I missed you last night.”

“Yeah, sorry about that, you're not going to like this then.”

“What is it?”

 “I’ve had to book a trip down to see Dad. He’s in Victoria at the moment and there's just some stuff I need to talk to him about in person. I’m on my way to the airport now.”

“Is he okay, Fraser?”

“Yeah, he’s fine. Just some family stuff that needs to be

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