And finally, my family and friends who have encouraged me along the way. Mark, Kate, Grace, and Caleb, you are my heart and my life. Mom and Dad, Philip too, TADA! I finally made something. Thank you for praying and believing it could happen! My in-laws, Jerry and Ann Fryer—your prayers availed much. Chloe Vassal, Bethe Adam, Jenny Lohr, Annie Sotski, Heather White-Seest, and Kelly Hall, you mean the world to me.
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About the Author
Ann Elizabeth Fryer loves nothing more than using story and romance to relay the depths and graciousness of a Father who holds us securely in the palms of His hands. Daydreaming her surroundings from a young age, she's lived in historic homes most of her life and regularly participates in backyard archaeology. When she's not writing historical projects, her contemporary novels show a flavor of her forever-passion for all things old. Ann, her husband, and three children make their home in small-town Illinois where they can hear church bells keep time and tradition.
Read more at Ann Elizabeth Fryer’s site.