slows my run, so I grip it with one arm and pump the other.

I zip down another street, putting all my strength into my escape. Unfortunately, I don’t have much energy since I’m so hungry and tired. I’m also not nearly as fast as I am in-game or even as fast as I used to be since I’ve grown lax.

I glance back again, fear overwhelming me. The guard is catching up. I see a building across the street with a ladder and sprint over to it. Maybe he won’t climb after me. It’s just shoplifting.

I grip rail after rail, pulling myself up with urgency. When I’m about halfway up, I peek down.

The guard climbs after me, his thick hands propelling him upward. “Turn yourself in,” he yells. Then to himself, “Not paid enough for this.”

Turn myself in? Yite. I’m never going to jail again.

I crest the roof and pull myself over. I scan the area, looking for an escape ladder or door. There’s nothing to my left, but a few feet to the right, a paint-chipped door brings me hope. I run to it and twist the knob.

It won’t budge. I slam my hands into the door and yell in frustration.

The guard’s plume of black hair appears over the edge, then his scowling face. “You have nowhere to run. Just give up.”

Hell no. I glance around the area, trying to figure out what to do. I stand there frozen as he jumps onto the roof. He charges at me, and before I can react, he grabs for my arm. I twist away, and he stumbles off balance.

Hell, how do I escape? I’ll need to do something daring, but what? A crazy idea comes to me, and before I can talk myself out of it, I sprint across the roof, my sneakers squeaking.

The guard growls, and his footsteps accelerate. As I cut through the air, I feel like I’m back in Silent City, back in my element. I can do this.

My pumping adrenaline lends me speed as the gap between buildings emerges. With every step, it appears wider, and my nerves grow tenfold.

Five steps, four. The gap seems enormous now. Too big? I could bail by rolling against the edge, and it would be over.


Three steps, Two. My eyes are wide now, my heart thumping in fear and exertion.

One. I launch myself toward the other roof. My stomach lurches, and the reality of my impulsive choice catches up with me.

The other edge gets closer. Maybe…

I begin to dip in the air, still feet from the other side. A burst of terror screams through me. I’m close now but falling fast. My legs and stomach pass below the peak of the roof. Then my chest and face.

I stretch both arms up and curl my fingers. They just manage to grip the sun-heated roof. My face smacks into the brick wall, and stars burst in front of me. My arms tremble but hold.

“Stupid kid,” says the guard.

I strain and pull, beginning to lift myself up. I can do this. The shaking in my arms magnifies, and my progress slows. My grip weakens, and I begin to slide. I peer at the street three stories down, fear coursing through me. There’s nothing but concrete to pad my fall.

Oh hell no.

“I can’t help you now,” he says.

I scramble my feet against the wall and lunge my arm up further. My one hand scrapes down while my other loses its grip.

I tumble, my arms flailing.

I’ve fallen in-game a hundred times, but in real life, it’s terrifying. Wind rushes by as the dread of what I’m facing strangles me. A thousand thoughts collide in my mind, but the impending pain is all I can focus on.

I just need to—

My foot smacks into the ground, and I throw myself into a roll. My shoulder collides into the street and grinds against the pavement, ripping my shirt. I roll once, then crash into the wall.


I howl in pain, my jaw clenched tight. I try to breathe but choke on blood. After a moment of writhing in agony, my eyes open. I push myself onto my side with a groan and spit blood to clear my throat. I suck in a breath and grab my nose. Pain lances through it. It’s probably broken.

I twist to look back at the other rooftop.

The security guard stares down at me, his eyebrows raised. He shakes his head. “You’re lucky you’re not more hurt. Stay there. I’m coming to you,” he says before leaving.

I try to push myself up, but my ankle spikes with pain and gives out. I slump against the wall and squeeze my eyes shut as I recover. “Chim, bring up a map of the area.”

A hologram appears before me. To my left is the back alley behind the main street.

I limp down the empty alley, careful to avoid putting too much pressure on my injured ankle. I catch my blood in my shirt so I don’t leave a trail. When I finally turn down the other alley, I see what I was hoping to find. A dumpster.

I crawl over, stand on one leg, and dive inside. The smell of rotting food overwhelms me. I gag but manage to keep from throwing up. I pull the top closed, and I’m engulfed in stinky, humid darkness.

Even though I’m amazing in Silent City, I’m pathetic in the real world. Weak, slow, small, and now hiding in a dumpster, like a piece of trash.

“Chi—” I try to speak, but I choke on blood again. I cough and tilt my head forward so the blood can drip from my nose. “Chim, contact Sunny. Give him my location.”

I pinch my nose, shut my eyes against the pain, and wait, hoping the guard leaves me alone.

“Kid. Kid.

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