you’re cute,” I gibed. “Cause you’re not as funny as ya think.”

“Lies. I’m hilarious,” Cian defended. “You just don’t know it yet.”

I turned to find Uncle Lachlan regarding us with a suppressed smirk. I immediately stiffened, sat a little straighter, and cleared my throat inadvertently. It felt like getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar—an incredibly attractive cookie jar. So, I made a point to get back to business. “I suppose if it's something that needs to be discussed later, we can do that. Until then, is there anything at all, Uncle Lach, you can tell me about the Silver Scroll in Davar Magén’s possession?”

“I have some notes, ye are welcome to take ‘em and see what ye can glean from ‘em. They are housed in the archives on the third floor of the Library. We haven’t had a chance to properly review what is at yer disposal. That was on my schedule t’ do Monday. But Cian has access to the Fae archives,” Uncle Lachlan explained.

“Tomorrow?” Cian looked at me and posed the question.

I pretend to be patient. And often times my job has required me to be patient. But patience goes against the natural order of things for me. “Am I not allowed t’ check items or materials out of the archives or the research center, myself?” I asked.

Uncle Lachlan chuckled. “Ye remind me so much of Evie.” He turned to Cian and explained. “Evie was m’ sister and Aish’s grandmother. She was as feisty and impatient as ye are, m’ dear,” he said to me. “Tis what made her such a force t’ be reckoned with. Jus’ as ye are.”

My cheeks formed crinkles around my eyes at the comparison. “That’s a compliment, for sure. Thank ya. But is that a yes or a no on the materials check out?” I offered a huge grin.

“Aye, ye can check out most things. There are a few items ‘at must remain in the archives for security reasons, but they are clearly labeled in the records,” the Keeper in him dutifully informed.

“Perfect.” I turned to Cian. “After dinner, we’ll swing back by the library. There are a couple of things I’d like t’ look at a little more closely. We can take ‘em back t’ the cottage and settle in. If that works for you? Since ya insist on bodyguardin’.” I winked.

“Well, I need t’ pick up a few things from my place too, but we have time for it all,” Cian agreed.

The waitress returned with our food, and Cian followed the same procedure for lowering the privacy ward and putting it back in place. And that’s when we moved to the topic of The Saiad.


As Cian and Uncle Lachlan discussed what they knew regarding The Saiad and their current operations, I simply sat and listened. I was hesitant to discuss the visions I had seen of the future should The Saiad succeed in acquiring the Kanna Stone. . . and the destruction it would mean for the world as we knew it. As much as I didn’t want to think about it, I needed to lay out all the possibilities. But I also didn’t want to out Cian for sharing the visions with me if it was something that was meant to stay between us. I needed to choose my words carefully.

“Cian, I know ya said I was unaware of how powerful the Kanna Stone is, so I have t’ ask . . . this morning, when you shared with me,” I tilted my head just enough to make him understand I was trying to talk in code, “about what they are planning . . . were ya fully aware of the damage and destruction that would occur if they have it in their possession?”

What I wanted to say was, had you seen that vision before this morning? Did you even see it then? Or was it only in my head? Am I the only one who saw the complete obliteration of the Supernatural races?

But I didn’t say any of that. If I needed to ask later, I would.

“I know they have plans t’ use it t’ obliterate all Supernatural races, wipe them from existence completely. I am not entirely sure how they intend t’ do that. Whether it be an all-out war or terrorist attacks focused on non-humans. That’s one of the reasons we need your help. We’re hoping you can provide us with the logistics of how they might go about using whatever artifacts they have access to. Our inside guy, he doesn’t have the kind of knowledge you possess in that area.”

“Do ya know what artifacts they currently have?” I asked.

Cian shook his head. “Afraid not, not a complete list at the moment. But we should know soon. Our informant is scheduled t’ come in t’ town with my brother tomorrow. His most recent assignment was t’ gather a list of what they have in their inventory.”

“Good. Knowing what we’re up against is half the battle, right?” I tried to sound convincing. I didn’t feel convincing.

“I’m guessin’ since we haven’t heard any news, they don’t have any new leads on the Kanna Stone?” Uncle Lachlan posed.

“No. So, in that regard, no news is good news,” Cian replied.

I finished off the last bite of chocolate cake I’d ordered for dessert and slid my plate toward the middle of the table. “So, does this conclude our business for the evening, gentlemen? Because I have some research to liberate from a library.”

Uncle Lachlan chuckled. “I believe it does. At least, I have nothin’ further t’ offer at the moment. Maybe tomorrow when I return, we can discuss what ye find in yer liberated research materials.”

“That’s a plan!” I declared.

Uncle Lachlan had never been much of a hugger. Instead, when he stood to leave, he squeezed my hand, nodded in Cian’s direction, and said, “Ye two be safe, and I’ll see ye both tomorrow.”

“Safe travels,” I replied as he walked through the ward around the

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