But it wasn't the wedding that Bella was discussing with Dolly as they walked through the market. It was Bella's trip to the Indigo that had Dolly in a state of suspense. 'Did you see anyone famous at there?'
'Not exactly. But they all looked like film stars.' Bella didn't want to spoil the impression she was giving Dolly and left out what Joyce had told her.
'Did Micky ask you for a dance?'
'Yes, we danced all night.'
'Was there singers and a band?'
Bella nodded patiently as they came to the stalls decorated with holly and Christmas paper chains. 'It was just like you see on the films, including the champagne.' She giggled and decided to tell Dolly the truth. 'I drank too much and had to stay at Micky's house.'
Dolly's eyes bulged. 'What, all night?'
'What do you think?'
'I don't know. I mean – where did you sleep?'
'In a bed of course.' Bella laughed. This was just what Dolly wanted to hear and Bella elaborated. 'A double bed.'
'Bella! You didn't!'
Bella burst out laughing. 'Course not. It was Mr and Mrs Bryant's bed when they were alive.'
'Oh!' Dolly looked vaguely disappointed. 'Wasn't it a bit creepy sleeping in a bed that belongs to dead people?'
Bella shrugged. 'It was big and comfortable and anyway, I wouldn't have known if a ghost tapped me on the shoulder as I was out like a light.'
'What about Terry?'
'He slept on the landing.'
'What did your mum say?'
Bella turned to raise her eyebrows at her friend. 'What can she say? She stands to lose the money I bung her each week and she's not about to loose that perk.'
Dolly looked uncomfortable. Bella knew that even though they had been friends for years and Dolly more than anyone knew everything about her, her friend found it hard to accept the facts.
'Wake up, Dolly, this is Bella Doyle you're talking to not Lady Muck.'
'I know, but …'
'Tell me about Burlingtons,' Bella said quickly as the faint whiff of fish escaped from Dolly's plain brown coat. With her unfashionable pill-box hat and brogue shoes, she looked more like her mother than ever. Dolly's bottom lip quivered. 'There's not much to tell really.'
'Is it interesting?'
Dolly giggled. 'Not really.'
'Why don't you change it if you're bored.'
'I couldn't do that. Mum would kill me.'
'Batter you to death, I suppose.'
Dolly burst into laughter. 'Oh, Bella that's what I miss so much - the fun we used to have. At Burlingtons the women are much older than me. The men too. And they don't have much of a sense of humour. Not like us.'
'Isn't there a nice young man your mum would like?' Bella couldn't hide the sarcasm in her voice and she was surprised when Dolly blushed. Her round face became even redder as Bella stared at her curiously.
'Well, there is one…'
'Really?' demanded Bella, shocked at this confession.
'He works downstairs in the gutting department.' Dolly began to giggle again. 'It's really horrible work, all these bones from the animals and fishy slimy heads and big glassy eyes staring back at you when you walk in.'
Bella pushed her hand through Dolly's elbow and they walked on. 'So what's his name, then?'
Dolly trapped her lip under her small white teeth. 'Percy Shine.'
'What's he look like?'
'Well, not handsome like Micky, but he's got a lovely smile.'
'Has he asked you out?'
Dolly looked shocked. 'No! Of course not. We've hardly talked, but he's winked at me. We only speak when I go in the fish shop to take the orders.'
'You should ask him home to one of your mum's teas,' Bella suggested mischievously, but again Dolly was impressed.
'I might, if I can work up the courage.'
Bella felt a sudden deep pang of envy. Here was Dolly who hadn't had a boyfriend before, she hadn't even been kissed behind the bike sheds at school. But here she was smitten whilst she, Bella, was longing for Micky to take her out on a real date, hoping he would finally see her for who she was and tell her how beautiful she looked. But all that had happened so far was that she had ended up tipsy and couldn't remember much of what had happened. Bella sighed and curled the collar of her coat up to her ears. 'Let's have a look at the clothes stall.'
She was going to buy something special for herself. Joyce had worn that purple dress which had looked very classy. The neckline had been just low enough to attract attention. The design was simple, complementing Joyce's figure. Bella had decided that simplicity was better than all the frills and fancies that had come into fashion after the utilitarian clothes of the war. Christmas was coming up and she wanted Micky to notice her. Not as Lana Turner, but as herself, Bella Doyle who would be a grown-up sixteen in January.
Dolly bounced excitedly beside her. 'I want to get a nice outfit for Christmas. I'm fed up with dull colours. Look at me, all in browns and greys.'
'Is this new enthusiasm all for Percy's benefit?'
Dolly nodded, her expression glowing as they approached the clothes stall. It was heaped with every conceivable second-hand garment a person could wear. Bella turned over the dresses and cardigans, but nothing appealed. Every Christmas Eve she and Terry went to the Bryants where Sean cooked a roast, a tradition he had managed to keep all through the war. All Micky's friends would turn up. She and Terry helped Sean in the kitchen though Terry mostly sat on a chair out of the way. There would be singing and a bit of a knees-up after. It was the best night of the year. She always hated it ending. At number three Bow Street Christmas was entirely liquid.
Dolly was waving at her. She held up an orange coloured blouse with a row of frills around the neck. Bella