Commonwealth Heads of Treasury meetings, Turner inaugurates 17–18
Commonwealth Liberal Party 23 see also Liberal Party of Australia
Commonwealth Literary Fund 113
Commonwealth Treasury Department
advises Hayden 239–40
early staff levels 18–19
gives tax reform options 325
leaks Budget to Oakes 264
Loans Council increases influence of 67–8
mistrusts Whitlam government 236–7
on effects of stimulus on GFC 412–13
on floating dollar proposals 305
opposes tariff reductions 205–6
recommends surplus budget 268–9
resists deregulation 277, 281–3
response to Asian financial crisis 366–7
response to GFC 405–6
supports GST 369
underestimates mining revenue 359–60
unrealistic growth forecasts 261
Communist Party of Australia 136, 142–4, 146, 153
Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1928 (Cth) 71
Connor, Rex 218–20, 222, 255, 298–9
Conroy, Stephen 396
conscription referenda 37–8
Constitutional conventions, Turner’s work on 9–13
consumption tax see goods and services tax
Cook, James 37
Cook, Joseph 3, 36
Cook, Robert 72
Coombs, Herbert ‘Nugget’ 121–2, 125–8, 180
Copland, Douglas 99–100, 121
Corio Federal electorate, UAP loses 79
Cornish, Selwyn 126, 139, 377–8
Corrigan, Mary Anne 112
Costa, Eric 297
Costello family 348–9
Costello Memoirs, The 386
Costello, Peter Howard 345–90, 345
as barrister 351–2
as deputy Liberal leader 354
as new parliamentarian 352–4
as shadow minister 353
as Treasurer under Howard 354–64
assaulted at university 349
deregulates Reserve Bank 376–80
early life 348
evaluation of 387
introduces GST 371–6
leads Young Liberals 350
leaves Parliament 385
post-Treasurer career 384–7
response to Asian financial crisis 364–8
reviews prudential regulation 380–4
runs for deputy Liberal leader 353
Tanya Coleman marries 254, 350
Costello, Tanya 254, 350
Costigan Royal Commission 270, 273–4
Country Party of Australia see also names of Coalition administrations; National Party of Australia
approaches Fadden to run for parliament 156
attains government in coalition with NP 59
coalition policies 54–5, 59–60, 82
disunity with UAP in opposition 166–7
formation of 57
Fraser’s sympathies with 277–8
gains seats in 1929 election 75–6
in opposition under Scullin 76
independence from Liberal Party 167
loses seats in 1940 election 161
opposes currency devaluation 212
opposes Menzies as UAP leader 78–9
re-enters coalition with UAP 77, 79–80
remains in coalition with Nationalist majority 71
rise of during Watt administration 40
trade policies under Page 68–9
undermines Hughes 50
Court, Charles, supports mining industry 263
Court, Richard 375
Cowper Federal electorate, Page elected for 57, 76
Cramer, John 254
‘crawling peg’ currency valuation 304
Crean, Frank
as deputy leader under Whitlam 223
as Treasurer 189–90, 208–9, 225, 236–7, 247, 272
runs for ALP leadership 201, 244
swaps portfolios with Cairns 209
Crean, Simon 327, 333, 395–6
Crosland, Tony 196
Crown Remedies Act 1874 (Qld) 95
Crown Solicitor’s Office, fails to pursue tax evasion 274
Curran scheme for tax avoidance 272–3
currency valuation see also financial deregulation policies
Country Party opposed to rate changes 212
floating rate protects Australian economy 367
government control over 277, 280–1
under Fadden 170–1
under Keating 304
under Whitlam 214
current account deficit issues 311
Curtin, John
appoints Theodore to head AWC 108
as opposition leader 117
as Prime Minister 120–30, 166–7
elected to Federal Parliament 72, 114
Fadden’s relations with 154
fails in ministerial election 115
illness and death 111–12, 129–30
on Menzies’ absence in UK 163
orders troops back to Australia 80
promotes war bond sales 125
relies on Chifley’s support 150
supports Page’s role in UK War Cabinet 80
Watt defeats in Balaclava 36
Curtin Labor government 120–30, 166–7 see also Chifley
Dalley Federal electorate 88, 107
Daly, Fred 197, 201, 298
Daly, John 104
Danby, Michael 350
Darley, Frederick 14
Darling Downs Federal electorate, Fadden wins for Country Party 158
Darling, Elaine 395
Darwin, bombed by Japanese 123
Dawkins, John
as Treasurer under Keating 338
asks Hawke to resign for Keating 336
attempts to lower deficit 310
Keating’s relations with 329
opposes consumption tax 326
Day, David 112, 143
De La Salle College, Bankstown 295
Deakin, Alfred
as Cabinet minister 17
as Prime Minister 21–3
at Constitutional convention 11–12
criticises Reid government 24
in Victorian cabinet 6
industrial relations policies 21
on Turner 2–4, 9
opposes Lyne as first PM 14–16
Watt’s admiration for 31
Deane, William 253
decimal currency, Turner rejects proposal for 22
Dedman, John 129
deferred loans scheme 165, 167
Democratic Labor Party 183
Denman Chambers 253
deregulation see financial deregulation policies
‘dirty float’ of dollar 280–1
Ditchburn, David 215
Dixon, Daryl 241
Dolan, Cliff, contribution to Accord 333
dollar, floating of see currency valuation
Dollar Sweets industrial dispute 351–2
Douglas, Clifford 117
Douglas, Jane 30
Douglas social credit movement 117
Downer, Alexander 289, 353, 354
Drummoyne state electorate, Howard fails to win for Liberals 253–4
Earlwood Public School 253
Economic Consequences of Mr Churchill 64
economic crises
Asian crisis 346–7, 364–8
boom and bust years 169
Global Financial Crisis 399–417, 427–8
Great Depression 77, 85–6, 89–91
HIH Insurance crash 382
post-boom recession 322–3
prior to Whitlam election 211–12
under Fraser 262
under Hawke 309, 318–19
under Keating 305
under Turner 21
under Whitlam 208–9, 213–14, 235–6
economic statements see Budgets and economic statements
Economics Committee of Cabinet 306
‘Education Revolution’ 412
Edwards, Harry 254
Edwards, John 4, 308–9, 319, 326–8
Eggleton, Tony 259
Einfeld, Marcus 253
electoral reform 33, 35, 60
Ellicot, Bob 255
Ellis, Ulrich 67
Elmslie, George 33
Errol Street State School, North Melbourne 30
Eslake, Saul 413
Essendon State electorate, Watt elected to State parliament by 32
European Union 257, 377, 379
Evangelical Union, Monash University 349
Evans, Gareth, supports consumption tax 326
Evans, Ted 305, 356–7, 367
Evatt, Herbert Vere 131, 145, 147, 175–6
exchange rates see currency valuation
Expenditure Review Committees 228, 238–9
Factories and Shops Amendment Act 1896 (Vic) 8
Fadden, Arthur William (Artie) 151–86, 151
appoints economist as Treasury Secretary 19
as acting PM 162–3
as Country Party leader 79, 161
as opposition leader 166–7
as PM after Menzies resigns 80, 120, 154, 164
as Treasurer under Menzies 55, 162–4, 168–77
attempts to transfer income tax powers to Commonwealth 124
avoids fatal plane flight 160
contributes to establishment of RBA 177–82
death of 184
early life 155
elected to Federal parliament 158–61
elected to Queensland parliament 156–7
evaluation of 185–6
post-Treasury career 183
resigns as Country Party leader 183
resigns from parliamentary Country Party 79, 159
retires from politics 183
Fadden family 155–6
Fairbairn, James 160
Family Tax Benefit 358, 362, 401, 407
Federal elections
1922: Nationalists lose seats 59
1925: Bruce and Page retain power 70
1928: Coalition loses seats 72
1929: Scullin Labor elected 75–6, 89
1931: UAP gains power under Lyons 77, 115
1934: UAP loses seats and seeks coalition 77
1940: Menzies UAP loses majority 120, 160–1
1943: Curtin returned 167
1946: Chifley returned with reduced majority 133, 167–8
1946: referenda coinciding with 137
1949: Menzies wins for UAP 144–5, 167–8
1951: Coalition majority in both houses 147, 173, 178
1955: Menzies loses Senate majority 183
1956: Page loses seat while critically ill 81
1963: Howard manages Hughes campaign 253
1969: Keating campaigns for Blaxland 298
1972: Whitlam wins for ALP 204, 232
1974: ALP loses one seat 233
1974: Cairns’s ambitions following 206–7
1975: Hayden retains seat despite landslide 244, 261
1977: Fraser wins for Coalition 244–5, 259–62
1980: Fraser returned with reduced majority 245, 265–6
1983: Hawke wins for ALP 270–1, 301–2
1984: Hawke majority reduced 287, 310–11
1987: Hawke majority increased 288, 316, 318, 329–30
1990: Hawke retains power 322
1993: Keating wins for ALP 336, 340
1996: Howard wins for Coalition 340, 354
1998: Howard majority