if he’d been there before, but more like a recognition of what it expected of a Party that entered it. Upon initiating the instance, the dungeon Party appeared at one end of a long, straight, subterranean tunnel, nearly thirty-feet across with a high, domed ceiling. Molten walls and a strip of flowing lava on either side of the subterranean corridor illuminated the way ahead. The main corridor extended straight for close to two-hundred yards.

At the entrance of the corridor, a roll of weathered parchment lay on top of a basalt pedestal. With Auto looking over his shoulder, Garath unrolled the ancient paper, revealing a crude, hand-drawn map of what was ostensibly this dungeon.

“Remind me to thank whoever left this here,” Auto quipped.

He instantly recognized the long hallway they were currently in. He could make out five doorways on each side of the hall on the map, and a quick glance up confirmed them. The smaller rooms were rounded on the inside, like ten globes attached to one main shaft. A massive chamber waited at the end of the tunnel. Even from here, Garath could see it was protected by a magical barrier that sparked and popped with black and neon green energies.

According to the map, five crudely drawn enemies waited in each of the ten smaller rooms protruding from the main corridor. The words ‘goat demon’ were scribbled on a hastily created legend at the bottom.

A look inside one of the rooms made it clear to Garath that they were channeling some kind of spell, standing in a circle with their arms outstretched. Tendrils of purple smoke connected the goat-people’s fingers to a floating black orb in the center of the room.

Apart from the five enemies in each room, Garath could see two patrol units in the main tunnel. Each patrol unit walked half the length of the main tunnel before heading back the way they’d come. These patrols were also goat-people, but they wore long black robes, and each carried a staff, clearly marking them as casters.

"This dungeon is supposed to be for Levels 19 to 21, right?" Auto asked, currently in human form with his sword and shield equipped. He wielded a simple broadsword, three feet long and honed on both sides. The shield was something else entirely. Auto said he’d picked up the Epic-ranked shield as a rare drop at the end of a dungeon his Party did in the mountains before making the trip to Washington. A marvel of steel and jade, the circular shield was adorned with a glowing green gem in the center and a second, pale green gemstone circling the perimeter.

"Correct," Maimon said. The Rabbi equipped his tall white staff to match his white robes, gloves, and cap.

"Let's make quick work of this then,” Auto said. “It’s like my uncle used to say…”

“Shut your ass, Auto. You don’t even have an uncle,” Garath said.

Auto looked hurt. “Nobody has an uncle anymore.”

“Alright, fine. What advice does your uncle have for us?” Garath asked.

Everyone looked at Auto expectantly.

Auto smiled. “Time is like a tree falling with nobody to hear it. It is just a pointless theoretical debate."

Garath smiled weakly, brows high on his forehead as he thought about that. “Yeah, not bad. But why tell us a proverb about time?”

“Because we’re going to get through this bitch in a hurry. I’m going to go round them up, you guys just wait here. By the time I’ve got them all, believe me, they will not be interested in you. So don’t worry about pulling aggro. Just light them up,” Auto instructed, shimmering into a new form as he finished.

Dark fur shot from the Chimerist’s neck and arms as his back and shoulders swelled into a hulking, unnaturally muscular form. The shield and sword shimmered into nothing and long, deadly claws grew from his hands in their place. His incisors lengthened and his face contorted and sprouted black fur. When the transformation to Auto's Man-Bear form was complete, he stood just under seven feet and was built like a brick shithouse. The Chimerist leaned close to Garath.

“I had another proverb that was better,” Auto growled in a low tone. Then he looked meaningfully at Daisy, and back at Garath. “It had some very N.S.F.W. material including some moonshine and the origins of these half-goat people, but I figured it wasn’t very kid friendly.”

"You're just going to pull all of them at once?" Athios asked incredulously.

"Yep," Auto said casually, in a growling baritone. "Maimon, gimme da bubbles."

Maimon nodded. The Rabbi closed his eyes and lifted his staff. When he opened them, a transparent bubble with a glossy exterior appeared around the hulking bear-man. Garath knew from their duel that it would absorb a good amount of damage in Auto's place.

Protective Rabbi bubble in place, Auto got to work. He barreled down the tunnel in a run-crawl hybrid roaring a challenge to the dungeon dwelling demons. He reached the first patrol and slammed into them at full speed, knocking both to the ground. Then Auto turned and ran into the first room on the right, out Garath’s line of sight. The patrol unit got to their hooves and gave chase, following the Chimerist into the room. Seconds later, Auto barreled back into the main hallway with seven goat-men in hot pursuit. The five demons that had been inside the room ran after him with daggers raised. The patrol unit of goat-man-casters sent evil-looking spells that hit nothing but the rock wall as Auto entered the room across the tunnel, beyond their line of sight once again.

Athios, Daisy, and Garath watched in silent wonder as Auto proceeded down the main hall, popping into each room for a few seconds before popping back out with five more demons on his tail, then moving on to the next room. Occasionally the Man-Bear would stop and rake both claws in a wide cleave, slashing across the bodies of the raging goat-men when they got too close. By the time Auto made his way

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