Kyrine nodded, and Astrid said, “She’s not wrong. It’s a good likeness.”
I looked at the two beautiful women, taking in their admiring looks as they gazed at me. This life really was a dream come true. Kyrine and Astrid stood next to one another, equally sexy and beautiful in the clean, white snow.
I blinked. There was a companionable silence now, and suddenly it felt like anything might happen between us here. But I needed to be careful. My first responsibility was to Kyrine, as her Keeper, and I would not do anything that would put our relationship at risk. I resolved to ask her what she thought about it in private before I made any suggestions to Astrid.
To break the silence, I said, “Perhaps we could practice some summoning here? I’d intended to use the training area, but this place would be perfect. Kyrine, will summoning powers work in this location the same as in the mansion?”
“Oh, yes,” said Kyrine. “This can be used as a practice area, and my ability to manipulate the environment here has other advantages for our training. Do you mind if I join you in fighting some monsters? I can fight here in ways which I can’t in the mansion.”
“That would be great!” Astrid said enthusiastically. She reached out a hand and squeezed Kyrine’s shoulder. “It would be an honor to train alongside you.”
“Very well!” said Kyrine. “Let the summoning begin!”
I grinned and turned my attention to my summoning sphere. I had 12 summoning points, and as a Level 3 monster, the new Venomous Cobra would use three. I drew upon the Cobra strand and focused my attention on a patch of snow about ten feet away from me.
There was an electrical crackling noise, like power whipping through a broken power line, and an oval portal six feet high appeared just above the ground. It was dark and black, and it churned as if it were made of storm clouds.
From the portal’s depths, a giant Venomous Cobra appeared. The snake came out of the portal with its head reared up and its mouth open, the huge flap of skin behind its head flaring to the attack. The beast was striped green and brown, with little beady red eyes that flashed with a keenness of mind that was terrifying.
This was the first time I’d seen the Cobra as it was meant to be. The monster we had fought was Putrefied, and it had reeked of death and decay. This Venomous Cobra was noble and, in its way, beautiful. It moved sinuously across the snow toward us then, when it reached me, it dropped its head in a bowing motion.
“Master,” it hissed in a voice we all could hear, “you saved me. I am yours to command.”
This was a surprise. None of my summonable creatures had ever spoken to me before. I did not know it was possible. The creature’s voice hissed like the hiss of a snake. This Cobra was a step up from my other creatures in intelligence, apparently. I cleared my throat.
“You’re referring to me cleansing the putrefaction from your core?” I said to the Cobra.
It nodded its huge head. “For years I was caught in the curse of the putrefaction. You have cleansed me and given me new life. It is an honor to serve the Dungeon Keeper.”
“Very good. We will test our fighting abilities against you now. Get ready!”
The Cobra whipped away from us, lowering its head and flicking its tongue, the poison sacs beneath its neck bulging.
I leaped backward. I was unarmed, but a sudden thought came to me. “Kyrine, can you give me a weapon?” I called.
“I can do more than that,” Kyrine said, with pride ringing in her voice.
A sudden warmth ran over my skin, and light shimmered all around me. I looked down to find myself clad head to toe in gleaming steel armor. There was a two-handed battle-axe in my hands.
“Wow!” I exclaimed. “I didn’t expect this!”
The armor must have been from old Eosor because it was crazily spikey and decorated. The shoulder guards were covered in razor-sharp, uneven spikes, and the chest plate, greaves, and other flat surfaces were figured with intricate floral patterns inlaid in black into the shining steel.
My helmet fitted perfectly, protecting my face, head, and neck, while not interfering with my vision at all. I swung the perfectly balanced axe experimentally, and it whistled death through the air. I felt like a character in a video game.
I heard an amazed laugh from beside me and glanced over just in time to see Astrid’s clothes transform into a suit of sexy fantasy-style armor. The steel plate and chainmail showed off her flat belly and her pale, strong arms. A long expanse of bare thigh was visible above high steel-plated boots. She held a longsword in her hand.
“What use is this?” she said with a laugh, turning to Kyrine.
Kyrine was dressed in a similar suit of armor, though hers showed off even more flesh, if that were possible.
Kyrine grinned. “You’ll see. The steel plate is force-enchanted. Blows to your skin will glance off as if your very flesh were made of steel.” She held her hands in the air, and two war axes shimmered into existence in her grip.
“How come Jeremy still needs full coverage, then?” Astrid asked playfully. She looked me up and down as if she would have liked my armor to show a bit more skin.
Kyrine shrugged. “Only works on women,” she said. “No idea why. Come on, let’s fight!”
“It is my privilege to die and be reborn for battle,” hissed the Cobra.
The beast charged at me full steam ahead, a blast of acid gushing through the freezing air as it approached. I sprinted forward, holding up my steel gauntlet to protect my face as the