me in her mouth. I reached over and drew Kyrine to me, kissing her neck and her breasts and pulling her over me so I could reach her sex with my mouth. As I guided Kyrine to straddle my face, Astrid swung herself over my hips.

My mouth found the center of Kyrine’s pleasure as Astrid took my length inside her, and the three of us began to shift and sway in an ecstatic rhythm together. After a moment, I realized that Kyrine had reached out and begun to touch Astrid as well. Astrid seemed ok with that, and I was delighted to see when I came up for air that they were fondling each other’s breasts and touching each other’s hips and thighs. I’d always had a thing for women who were into each other, and right now I couldn’t believe my luck.

I could tell Astrid was getting close, so I brought my attention back to Kyrine and focused on bringing her to a climax with my tongue. I brought my hands into play as well, filling her with my fingers and finding her g-spot as I worked her to a fever pitch with my tongue.

The three of us came together in a massive climax that surpassed anything I’d felt before. Kyrine’s magic played a big part in it, and as she came, she let blasts of magical lighting fly around her. Astrid and Kyrine reached out and embraced each other as I pumped Astrid full of my seed and Kyrine ground her hips against my mouth.

When it was over, we all lay back together in the incongruously warm snow, and I wrapped an arm around each of the women, Kyrine on my right and Astrid on my left. They both reached out, embracing me and each other at the same time. I took a deep breath and sighed it out. This was pretty sweet. I wanted to savor this moment. I was not in a hurry to go anywhere.

“Jeremy,” Kyrine whispered in my ear. I blinked awake.

“I must have dozed off,” I said blearily.

“Me too,” said Astrid as she lifted her head and smiled shyly at us both. “That was amazing. How long have I been asleep?”

“Not long,” said Kyrine with a smile, “but Selena is up and in the kitchen. I thought you might want to go say hello.”

“Selena is up? It must be really late, then,” I joked, and both women laughed. “Come on,” I continued, getting to my feet and helping Kyrine and Astrid up as well. “Much as I’d like to stay here forever, we’ve got things to do. We need to get the information out of that drone if we can, and then find out if the Technomancer is still a threat.”

I looked at Astrid and Kyrine. They were holding hands and looking at me. They both had smiles on their faces.

“Jeremy, Kyrine,” said Astrid, “thanks for letting me join you two like that. I know you have your own thing going on, and I don’t want to get in the way of that, but…”

I leaned in and silenced her with a kiss. “It’s all good,” I assured her.

Kyrine nodded. “There’s plenty of Jeremy to go around,” she said with a smile. “I don’t mind sharing if he doesn’t.”

“I certainly don’t mind!” I said, grinning. “Trust me, ladies, this is quite literally a dream come true for me.”

Astrid was nodding and looking like she couldn’t quite believe her luck as we moved together back toward the portal wall. I had to admit I was feeling the same.

Chapter 5

Sarah Windvane reached for her heavy beer mug and swallowed a third of the thick, sweet brew in one long gulp. It was very good, a thick, dark ale from a nearby brewery. Sarah didn’t indulge herself much, but she drew the line at bad beer. She would only settle for the best, and she had a thirst today.

“How are you getting on, boss?” said Todd Hammerfist from his seat on the threadbare sofa on the other side of the dark little room.

Sarah sighed and spun round in her chair, away from the glowing laptop screen, to look at Todd. He wasn’t much to look at, but anything was better than the rows of jumbled script on the computer screen. She’d been staring at it for three days now, and despite a few false leads, it didn’t feel like she was making much progress.

“I’m doing as well as can be expected, considering the mess this data is in,” she grumbled. “What about you? You find anything?”

Todd looked unhappily at the laptop balanced on the seat next to him. “A few hints, nothing more than that. You’re right, you know, it really is a mess. I’m starting to wonder whether it really was the Seraphic Key who stole this data.”

“Seraphic Key,” Sarah scoffed. “That’s such a load of BS. This is the work of some bunch of jumped-up amateurs who got lucky. I don’t think Seraphic Key even exists. If they do, there’s no way they’re the hacker geniuses they’re made out to be.”

Todd looked doubtful. “I dunno, Sarah,” he said, obstinately. “Say what you like, it would have to be a master to get past PentaTech. They’re the best.”

Sarah shook her head. “Even the best make mistakes. You don’t have to be a criminal genius to take advantage of someone else’s blunder. You just have to be in the right place at the right time.”

Todd threw up his hands in surrender. This was an old argument between them, and neither was going to change position. Todd maintained that the Seraphic Key really were all they were made out to be—a global network of elite codebreakers, high-level netwalkers, hackers, and shadowy criminal interests, always on the lookout to bring down oppressive governments and release the power of magic into the hands of

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