Options: Floor: Level 0
Granite Cave
Dirt Cave
Flagstone Castle
Cobbled Yard
“I wonder why it says, ‘Level 0’ under ‘options?” said Selena.
I thought about it a moment. “I guess that’s because I’ve not made any dungeons yet. It stands to reason that I would have to level up my dungeon creating ability by using it, the same way that I do with everything else.”
She nodded.
“What do you think I should go for?” I asked with a smile.
Selena chuckled. “I don’t know why you’re asking me; I know even less about it than you do. I’ll just be happy to have something solid to put my feet on!”
I laughed too. “Fair enough. I guess I’ll be able to change this up if I want to as well. I’m going to go for granite cave. That sounds cool, and I always think of caves when I think of dungeons. If this is going to be our first dungeon, I want to try and make it in classic style.”
“That makes sense,” said Selena enthusiastically. “Classic underground cave dungeons have always been my favorites when I’m gaming.”
“Granite cave it is then,” I said.
I tapped the option. The enchanting table’s runes glowed brighter for a moment, and then the fog beneath our feel solidified into the rough granite bedrock you’d expect to find in a cave.
As I created the floor, I felt the smaller sphere inside my center glowing and working. My dungeon sphere, I thought proudly. I truly was becoming the Dungeon Keeper now.
The floor stretched away into the fog in every direction. Turning my attention back to the PCS screen, I tapped the option for Walls.
Options: Walls
Chamber Size?
“Interesting!” I said, as I tapped the Small option, and the walls began to materialize around us. “Did you see that, Selena? Because I’d chosen the Granite Cave material for the floor, there was no other material option for the walls. I bet it would have been the same for any other material I’d chosen.”
Selena nodded as I followed the same process for the ceiling. The options here were Low, Medium, High, and Vaulted.
“Let’s go for the fancy one,” I grinned, choosing Vaulted. The result was impressive. High above us, the walls tapered and met in a high vaulted ceiling that looked like the ceiling of a cathedral, carved out of the rock of a cave.
“The only thing is that it looks a bit weird with the small walls,” I muttered. Flipping back to the Chamber Size option, I chose Large instead. The walls of the chamber expanded outward with a grinding sound, and we were in a big, wide-open chamber. All trace of the fog had gone, but it was replaced with deep veils of shadow that filled the chamber.
“Hey Kyrine! You seeing this?” I called, and my voice echoed back at me from the distant walls.
“I certainly am,” said her voice. I jumped. Her lips were right beside my ear.
I turned to find her standing right behind me. There was a mischievous look on her face, and her hood was pushed back from her gleaming hair. She kissed me on the ear.
“You have the knack of it now,” she said. “So I can leave you to get on with it. When you’re done, press this symbol on the enchanting table and you’ll be back in the workroom.”
She reached toward the symbol herself, then paused. “By the way,” she said, “take as much time as you need here. The time you spend in creating the dungeons doesn’t pass in the same way as it does outside. It’s a side-effect of the magic. You’ll probably find that only a few minutes have passed once you return to the workroom. Best of luck!”
She grinned at me and Selena, then pressed her hand to the rune on the table. There was a faint hissing noise, like water evaporating off hot metal, and her image flickered and then vanished, leaving Selena and I alone.
“Damn,” I said, “I wanted to ask her about these robes we’re wearing, and about all that dramatic stuff around the enchanting table to begin the creation process. I felt like we were summoning the dead or something.”
“It was a bit scary!” Selena agreed. “But I guess it’s her way, isn’t it? Most stuff is dramatic with Kyrine! We’ll have a chance to ask her later, come on, I’m keen to see what else you can create!”
Selena’s earlier fear had completely left her now, I saw. She was amazed by the process of dungeon creating, and she laughed with delight as I returned to my creation menu and added flaming torches in wall sconces to light the chamber.
It seemed that with every new thing I added, I both excluded other options and opened up new ones. When the floor, the walls, the ceiling, and the lights had all been added, I was presented with options for an entranceway, and for a connection to a new chamber.
I chose a big, iron-studded double door for the entrance, and then opened three connections, one in each of the three remaining walls. That was where I ran into my first limitation.
Notification: Chamber limit reached. Level up to add more chambers
“Hmm, I guess that makes sense,” I said. “It stands to reason that there would be limitations. We’ll just have to get some dungeon adventurers in as soon as possible to level the dungeon up!”
I added a smaller chamber at the end of each connection, so the main hall acted as the entrance, then there was a corridor with a chamber at the end of it leading off from each wall of the entrance hall.
There was an option to limit which of the other chambers could be entered and when, and that gave me an idea. I placed a lock