The lights in the hall flickered, then went out, one by one. From a spot in the center of the hall, I began to conjure a Magma Ape. It was a big one, having gained some strength with my improved summoning power. It was a bit different, I realized, here in the granite cave dungeon.
With a low, threatening growl like the rumble of a volcano’s depths, the granite-fleshed monster rose up out of the cave floor. Dull red light shone from between its granite armored plate skin, and drips of molten rock hissed and smoked as they landed on the ground. The Magma Ape’s eyes glowed red. It was bigger, stronger, and its skin plates were tougher.
“Oh, wow,” I heard Amanda Fallon breathe. “I never thought I’d see an actual Magma Ape again.”
I wondered what that meant, but I had to file the thought away for later. Right now, I wanted to concentrate on this battle.
The Magma Ape charged them, fire spewing from its wide jaws as it roared out its battle cry. Gunfire met it, with regular ammo from Belinda and Storm Sphere lightning bolts from Amanda crashing into its stony hide.
The Ape’s stone skin was brittle, and Belinda’s regular rounds did some damage, smashing bits off the monster’s face and shoulders. Fire sprayed backward from where the bullets hit, and the stone fell away from the monster’s face to reveal a featureless face of flaring fire. Molten rock spilled from where the monster’s face had been, pouring down its chest and over its arms.
Astrid, still in her werewolf form, leaped forward with a roar, and I was suddenly very aware that there were still not any health potions in the dungeon. We had not got around to doing that yet. That would have to be a priority.
As Astrid dealt the monster two ringing blows with her massive wolf-claws, I hoped there would be no need for healing potions. I was not sure I could bring the dungeon immersion experience to an end quickly enough to stop my friends getting hurt if it looked like they were going to.
“Don’t worry,” whispered Kyrine. “Concentrate on controlling the dungeon experience. Astrid is tough—if she takes a hit, we can heal her again.”
There didn’t seem to be much chance of Astrid getting badly hurt, however. Her rain of blows shattered the rocky plates that made up the magma ape’s collar bone structure, and the monster’s right arm suddenly disintegrated and shattered to the ground.
Astrid leaped back to avoid the explosion of fire and molten rock fragments that went flying everywhere, as Belinda retreated, crouching as she snapped a fresh magazine into her pistol. Since the Magma Ape didn’t have much in the way of intelligence, I figured that Belinda was not going to use her psycher abilities on it. That made sense to me. Then again, perhaps she simply didn’t want to get close to the roaring heat that blazed form the Magma Ape.
The flaming monster was literally falling to bits. Its face was gone, and its right arm, and its chest was starting to melt under the continuous flow of magma from its own face. But it still had strength, and it was not dead yet. It roared again, a terrible, gurgling roar that came out from the place that its mouth would have been if it’d still had one.
Astrid backed off as flames spouted from the partially destroyed Magma ape. Even in her wolf form, she had to be wary of the unpredictable blasts of flame and magma.
That was when Amanda Fallon stepped up.
“Come on then, you swine,” she sneered at the monster. She picked up a broadsword from the ground. Sticking her gun in her belt, she raised the sword up in both hands.
All the lights were still out, the only illumination in the chamber coming from the Magma Ape itself. The threatening red light flickered and flared on Amanda’s high brow and clean, sharp cheekbones. Her dark eyes glittered with the light of battle.
“Go on, Amanda!” shouted Belinda encouragingly, and Amanda let out a howling war cry and charged in at full speed.
With a mighty blow that even the greatest warrior could have been proud of, the plainly dressed EDI boss slammed the point of the sword into the burning face of the magma ape. The sword smashed through the creature’s head, and the red-hot point burst from the back of its head.
The monster screamed, flailing in the air with its one remaining arm before tumbling backwards. With perfect timing, I made every torch in the room suddenly flare up brightly, illuminating the whole scene in yellow, flickering light.
“Take that, you fiery bastard!!!” yelled Amanda, as she leaped back from the dying Magma Ape. Fire blasted in every direction as the Magma Ape exploded in a shower of sparks, molten magma, and superheated granite.
Amanda punched her fists in the air. Her unremarkable office clothing was burned and tattered, showing an elegant shoulder and a good stretch of well-formed, green leg. She flicked her head, sweeping her dark hair over her shoulder as she grinned in fierce triumph.
“That was amazing!” said Astrid. She had transformed into her humanoid form again, and she ran over to slap Amanda on the back repeatedly in congratulation.
“I think that’s probably enough for now, don’t you think?” I said to Kyrine. She didn’t reply, but I felt her agreement running along the psychic connection that joined us.
Before the women could trigger any more of the traps, I summoned my Personal Cultivation System. I was still the dungeon, and so the display only appeared to my mind’s eye.
Option: Deactivate Dungeon?
I selected yes and a new option appeared.
Option: Expel Dungeon Adventurers?
I selected Yes again.
Option: Expel Dungeon Adventurers to:
Outside (Mansion Driveway)
Mansion (Entrance Hall)
I selected Entrance Hall. One final option