with Ruby before the wedding reassured her that he would look out for her son and would make a good father-in-law to him. Of course, he also made it clear he was not impressed with the situation, but as he said, there was no point in crying over spilt milk. They had to make the best of the situation. George was already in uniform and would be joining his regiment within two weeks. To see him standing waiting for his bride to walk down the aisle was a sight Ruby would never forget. It reminded her of seeing her Eddie standing there on the day she was married, although her own wedding had been nothing like Irene’s. Mrs Desmond made sure her daughter had only the best of everything, and Ruby had to admit Irene looked a sight for sore eyes, dressed from head to foot in lace and wearing a silver tiara handed down from Mrs Desmond’s grandmother.

Pat made the perfect bridesmaid and did everything as Irene instructed, which was a relief to Ruby. Afterwards, at the Desmond’s home over wafer-thin sandwiches and glasses of sherry, Ruby mingled with the guests, making polite conversation. Already she felt a blister on her left foot, but she pinned a smile to her face and soldiered on. Granted her two sisters were there, but apart from that she had no other family to support her. She had spotted Stella and Wilf sitting at the back of the church and had been pleased that they’d been invited. However, as everyone had left the church to stand outside in the winter sun, she had seen them walk away, knowing the rift between them had not yet healed. She decided it would be a good idea to pop over to their house later on with a slice of wedding cake, to thank them for attending. If she took Pat with her, it would break the ice. She missed Stella and the easy way they’d once had of talking with each other; but grief did strange things to people’s lives, she thought.

Towards the end of the reception, as Mr Desmond called the couple over, Ruby joined him. This was the time to give the young couple their wedding gift; it was to be a joint present, and Ruby had never felt so excited. She wanted to see the look on her son’s face when he was told. With just a few words, Mr Desmond handed an envelope to Irene.

‘I know your plan was to stay here while you looked for a home for you and George, but we – that is, your mother, myself and Mrs Caselton – have a surprise for you.’ He faltered, not knowing what to say next, so Ruby stepped in.

‘You mentioned to me at Christmas how you’d like to live near the town, and I said that I would be nearby while George was away. This house became available, and between us it has been purchased and put into your name.’ She didn’t add that her contribution had only been one-tenth of the house’s value; it was only thanks to the generosity of the Desmonds that the purchase was possible.

Irene opened the envelope and pulled out a legal document. ‘Oh, my goodness!’ she shrieked. ‘George, look. I can’t believe it – thank you all,’ she said, throwing herself into her father’s arms before hugging Ruby, then giving her mother a polite kiss on the cheek.

George had been looking at the document and was lost for words. ‘It’s the deeds to number fifteen Alexandra Road. We’ll be living next door to you, Mum. I can’t tell you what this means to me. Thank you, sir,’ he said, shaking Mr Desmond’s hand and doing as Irene had done and kissing Mrs Desmond’s cheek. He then hugged his mother and swung her round in a circle, much to Mrs Desmond’s surprise.

‘I take it you’re happy,’ Ruby chuckled. ‘However, please don’t think I’m going to be an interfering mother-in-law, Irene. I don’t even want to hold a spare key. Number fifteen is yours and yours alone.’

‘Oh, please, Mrs Ca . . . I mean Ruby, you must have a spare key. I insist. If there’s any time you have no one to care for Pat, she is as welcome in my home as she is in yours. George, I can’t wait to look at the house. I shall have such fun making it a home, my love.’

Mr Desmond said, ‘I shall give you a banker’s draft so that you can furnish the house whatever way you wish.’

‘Oh goodness, that will be wonderful,’ Irene beamed as she linked arms with George. ‘I want to make it the perfect home for you to return to, and for our baby to be brought up in.’

Ruby smiled at George. No doubt he was thinking, as she was, about the few modest sticks of furniture they’d had when they moved into number thirteen. She just hoped the young couple would love living in their new home as much as she had loved living in the town these past thirteen years.

Ruby took Pat’s hand as they crossed the road; she’d put a few tasty tidbits on a plate along with two slices of the wedding cake, courtesy of Irene’s parents. She hoped Stella seeing Pat in her pretty lace dress would soften her heart a little. The life seemed to have been sucked out of Stella since the news of Donald’s death. Ruby so wanted them to be friends again, and life to be as it used to. She missed their shopping trips into town, with cups of tea and a good natter in the cafe. In some ways, Ruby had found life without Stella a lonely existence.

Hopefully, with Irene moving in next door and George off to his regiment, her life might change a little, even if Irene wasn’t the kind of person Ruby usually mixed with. The girl had surprised her in some ways – deep down, there was a likeable side to

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