had it not been for the help of many others. Thanks go out again to Jennifer for her help with proofing and copyediting. She makes me look better than I really am. I also need to thank Daniel and Kasey for their writing advice and many corrections. And of course, I need to thank my beta readers, Callista, Kelly, Jenna, Diana, and Tanya, who gave me some important feedback.
I owe the fantastic cover art to Daniel Eaker. His creativity and patience was exceptional as we worked through all the stages of its creation.
And once again, my wife deserves major kudos for putting up with all the time I spend glued to my keyboard. She also knew exactly when I needed a good dose of homemade lasagna.
About The Author
Jessie Eaker lives in central Virginia with his wife, son, their cats, and (her) parakeets. Originally a native of North Carolina, he’s lived in Virginia so long, he’s lost his southern accent (much to his wife’s disappointment). When not writing, he watches anime, reads, and works on his ever-growing list of things to fix around the house.
Check out jessieeaker.com for his latest works and updates.