chains on the floor.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want him to, Mister Devon, I promise,” she whispered, fear turning her skin cold at the thought he would blame her.

“Don’t you worry, the master sees all. He was so proud of you. He says you’re ready for a new home, a place with your own room, and a comfortable bed. He’s making arrangements as we speak.”

“The master doesn’t want me any more? Did I do something wrong?” She felt the tears track down her cheek. “I’ve been good. I didn’t want him to come near me. Please, I can be better.”

“It’s not a punishment, the master is rewarding you,” Devon responded. He stooped down, lifting the shackle, giving her a smile as she presented her foot without being asked.

Chapter 10

Will entered the cafeteria, his gaze searching each crowd for Ashley. He had lingered outside her Cryptobiology class, keeping just out of sight, waiting for her, but she had been nowhere to be seen. Neither had Conrad, which had annoyed him no end. He knew it would have been impossible to overlook her, she was like a beacon to him, more so now than ever before. He licked his lips, his thoughts lingering on the kiss. The warmth of her lips on his was everything he had ever imagined it would be. In time, he was certain he could divert her affections and, if not, he could use the healer’s voice on her again.

It was only since partaking of her blood that he had discovered this new ability. His grandmother’s handwritten texts said it was common for a healer to possess a thrall-like quality in order to better calm and aid those in need, and to encourage people out of a dangerous situation. It had many applications, including a hypnotic effect. He hadn’t meant to use it on her last night. He still remembered his own surprise as her hand went to her gown, unfastening it. At first, he had eagerly misinterpreted it as an invitation. Despite what he was doing, he thought his kindness, his easy conversation had won her over. After all, she seemed to like a bad boy if her history was anything to go by. It was only when she tensed at his touch that he realised what had happened. He had masked his disappointment well. If she wouldn’t warm to him of her own accord, then he could use his new-found talent to possess her in other ways.

Since last night, he had been experimenting. It seemed his healer’s voice only worked for short times, and outside his aura of influence the effect was rendered useless. He wondered if he could find a means to extend it, to plant a thought within her mind that would grow each time he nurtured it.

“Well, if it isn’t Liam7.” A heavy hand fell on his shoulder. It belonged to a voice he would never forget. Devon. “I must say you surprised us last night.” The wicked grin turning the corners of Devon’s lips made him falter and, shrugging from the vampire’s touch, he took a moment to compose himself, passing his hand through his golden hair. He would have tried his influence again, but he and Devon had matters to attend to.

“New diet.” He shrugged, dipping his hand into his jacket pocket to remove his device. “I was looking for you. I want to settle the loan.”

“I guess business was profitable last night.” Devon’s arm snaked around his shoulders as he inhaled. “You still smell delicious. Tell me, does this new diet have a name?”

Will once more shrugged free of his touch, lifting his device, hoping to return to the business at hand. “I-I told you. It’s a new diet, detox.”

He hoped the heat coursing through him wasn’t betraying his lie. His heart sped as a consequence he hadn’t even considered reared its ugly head. The Taphouses issued their own aliases for privacy reason, to ensure things such as this didn’t happen, but Devon knew him, he’d been the one to introduce him to the establishment as a way of making payments in the first place. All at once he was relieved Ashley wasn’t here. If Devon could still smell the effects of her blood on him, surely he’d have no problem tracking it back to the source.

“Oh, now you wouldn’t want to be holding out on me.” The way Devon was playing with his device caused his stomach to churn, wondering what outlandish early settlement fee was about to be added. He was surprised when Devon placed the device before him, displaying the outstanding figure with no interest or additional charges added. Placing his finger to the device, he confirmed the transfer. “The buzz from last night got everyone talking. Come on, we’re friends, you can tell me.”

“I really can’t. Maybe whatever buzz you felt was from the purity level or something.”

“Hmm, maybe.” He gently slapped Will’s face, causing him to flinch. “I don’t suppose you’ve given any more thought to my offer?”

“Sorry, no. I like the Taphouse, it feels… safe.”

“Your loss. Well, that’s our business tied up. That is, until next year. It’s been a real pleasure.”

Devon watched as William made the worst casual, hasty retreat he had seen for a long time, a smile twitching at the corner of his lips as he idly turned his device over.

“So, is he the next target?” whispered one of the small group he chose to associate with.

At first, he had really detested being assigned to the campus by his clan’s leader, Vincent. He thought, after his previous indiscretions, it had been a way of showing him he was still a child in his eyes. It was only as things began to evolve that he understood his placement here. The Academy was the only tertiary learning institute in this territory, and not only did students travel a long way to attend, but some stayed on campus and many chose to get jobs to help cover living expenses. Being here

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