a healing stone. Most will work all the time (like the sword’s magic will always make it lighter and sharper), or may be triggered by a word or phrase. A magic hat, for example, that has a spell imbued in it may need an activation word to make the person look like someone else. These items do not require additional energy from its users. Will still pull energy from the user.

Intelligence (Int): Game Stat. A number representing how smart, clever, and/or intuitive a person is. Conversely, it can also measure a person’s general stupidity in the form of a low score.

Iron, Cold Iron: Base metal that is poisonous to most Fey. The simple touch of it is enough to burn the bare skin of some Fey. Favored metal used by humans; the Fey usually use brass as a substitute. Before someone asks, steel is basically iron with other metals and carbon added to it. Works just as well against the Fey. Old myths talk about Fey being hurt by ‘cold iron,’ which is just iron that has not been heated over a forge before being shaped. I haven’t had the opportunity to see if there is any difference.

Magic User: aka Mages, warlocks, witches, hags, etc. General term for any being, Fey, or human that can harness the primal forces or raw magic and shape it through the concepts of the Six Elements (See Def.). Mages tend to specialize in whatever they have a strong affinity for.

Maidin Dealg: Thorn’s full name in Elvish. Roughly translated it means ‘Morning Thorn,’ hence her nickname.

Mortis Causa Ludicio Exercitus: Loosely translated, it means “Judgement by the Death of an Army.” Fancy way of saying whoever loses their army first, loses the battle. I mean, it seems pretty obvious, right?

Múc: Means ‘pig’ in a derogatory way. An insult generally reserved for ogres who may or may not understand they are being insulted, but typically respond to anyone speaking to them with anger and violence anyway.

Natural 1: Game Term. When rolling a twenty-sided dice, the worst thing that can happen is rolling a 1. It fails every time, no exceptions, and the worst possible outcome that could happen, happens. Usually it ends in embarrassment or catastrophic failure involving the person injuring themselves. Cursing is usually involved.

Natural 20: Game Term. The best possible roll of a twenty-sided dice. It always succeeds, no exceptions. It usually results in a grand or epic event. May cause double, or even triple, damage when applied to a damage roll. May also require a cool one-liner when it occurs.

Nomex: Fire-resistant material. Used by firefighters, well-dressed arsonists, or anyone who doesn’t want to burn to death.

Ogre: Pig faced, foul-tempered Fey Humanoid. Generally taller and larger than a human. Savage bastards who enjoy tormenting their opponents before brutally clubbing them to death. About as smart as a public toilet and just about as clean.

Pixie: Tiny, semi-sentient Fey that live on ambient magic instead of food or water. Often used as a light source by encasing them in crystal by more thoughtless or cruel other races. They come in various colors.

Race: Human, Elf, Gnoll, etc. This one should be obvious.

Redcaps: Grey-skinned Fey humanoids known for their enthusiasm toward murder. Strong, evil, and reckless warriors that are organized in Clans or Troupes. Usually commanded by a Chieftain who controls them all with a literal iron fist. Iron is just as dangerous to them, but that doesn’t stop them from wearing it over a thick layer of leather or using it for their weapons. They get their name from the fun and cute way they dip their hats in the pools of blood that leak from the things they kill. The darker the cap, the more murders they have committed. It helps them climb the ranks of their own troops and is seen as a badge of honor. Haven’t met one long enough to have a conversation, but I’m told they are smart. They also have an ability to merge into and travel along thick root systems extremely quickly.

Riker’s Island: Notorious jail located in NYC known for its violence and poor conditions. Of course, everyone there is innocent… it gets terrible ‘Yelp” reviews.

Rowan wood: Also known as Witch-tree, Portal Tree, or Wayfarer’s Tree among others. A reddish-brown, dense hardwood used for making tool handles, charms against sorcery, and staves. Has large orange berries. Provides protection from black magic and fairies. Can be used to suppress magical ability. Poisonous to most Fey. Just ask Morus.

Saving Throw: Game Stat. Used to illustrate how well a person can react to something (Reflex), how much a person can take at any one moment (Fortitude), or how easily manipulated they are (Willpower). They can be applied to physical or magical attacks or circumstances.

Semi-Imbued Object: Magically enhanced item with one spell embedded in it. Reusable, and needs to be activated. Warning: these require energy from the user to make the spell work. Healing stones are a common example. Always try to keep a few of these on hand; this is a violent place.

Sidhe: The proper old-fashioned term for Elf. I usually pronounce it as ‘jerk.’

Silver: Also known as Moon-Metal for its color and luster. Considered one of the first pure metals with inherent magical properties. Used extensively in magical devices, spells, and rituals.

Simuli Uti: One-time-use magical items. Usually cheaply made and disposable. Often given to front line troops prior to a battle. Always used up or destroyed after a single-use.

Six Elements of Magic: Fire, water, earth, air, life, and death. Each one has an opposite that cancels out the other. That should be pretty obvious, unless your Int is less than a 6. All magic is a primal force that is shaped by these or some combination of them. This is all according to Thorn.

Spork: Also known as ‘sfork.’ A useless hybrid of a fork and a spoon. Most often, the fork tines are too long to let the spoon part work, yet somehow not long enough to let you spear food. Used a

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