wanted the axe, purely down to its history. However, it seems it had already chosen you. We would not have had much choice in the matter.”

“Why would it choose you?” one of the assholes asked angrily.

The axe started talking to me at the same time, “Give me to him.”

“You sure?”

“Damn right I’m sure. Don’t worry, I’m coming straight back.”

“The axe told me to hand him over to you,” I told the guy.

“Looks like it knows what it’s talking about.”

I handed the axe over and he took it with a big smile. The other participants in the axe olympics were not happy and started grumbling. That, of course, changed when the axe holder went white as a sheet, screamed, dropped the axe, and started clutching his hand. The axe didn’t land on the floor. It flew back over to me and I caught it in the air.

“Are you okay?” Ogun asked the injured man. “I suggest you get to the medical room.”

“It fucking threatened me!” he moaned, clutching at his bright red hand.

“Yes. It seemed it did not like you questioning its decision on its new owner. Is this matter now resolved?”

Four heads nodded in unison.

“Right, Shaun. Let’s get you back to the medical room. We will detour past your room to drop off your fascinating acquisition.”

“Yeah, thanks Ogun. I’ll just explain to the axe what’s happening.”

“Hey Axe. A few things. Firstly, what’s your name?” I said mentally.

“Jotun called me Blood Drinker. It’s a shit name, so I’d like another please.”

“Okay, will do. Secondly, what did you say to that guy?”

“That I’d float in his room at night and chop his fucking head off in his sleep, if he ever touched me again. Then, I burnt his hand with my shaft.”

“Fucking classic. I thought you couldn’t speak to anyone else?”

“So did I, but that fucker sure heard me.”

“That’s pretty crazy. You handled the situation well.”

“I hope that pun was intended.”

“Yeah, course it was.”



“Ha ha. I knew I’d like you.”

“I like you too, Axe. I have to go back to the medical room, so I’m going to put you in my quarters.”

“Why do you have to go to the medical room?”

“I’m still ill.”

“I can heal you. I have energy stored in me.”


“Sure! Here you go.”

I felt a surge of energy swell in my body, and the horrible fatigue and dizziness that had plagued me since waking up was gone.

“It worked a treat. Thanks so much, Axe. That was amazing.”

“Hey, Ogun. My axe has just healed me. I’m not even kidding. Says he stores energy when he kills someone, and that he can give it to me to heal.”

“Truly fascinating. Can he heal others?”

“No. I can’t,” the axe had heard Ogun somehow and responded quickly to me. “I am bonded with you and can heal you only.”

“He says no. He can only heal me because we’re bonded.”

“Ah, that is a shame. How far does the healing go?” Ogun asked.

The axe started talking to me in response to Ogun straight away, “I can massively supercharge your immune system so you can remove things like poison, bacteria, and viruses from your body far more efficiently, like in seconds. I can also heal cuts, stabs, and internal damage. What I can’t do is grow you a new limb or head, so keep it together.”

“Very funny Axe.” I then spoke to Ogun, “Pretty much anything, bar decapitation and limb removal.”

“You have gained quite the upgrade, young Shaun. Go get dressed, then drop by the med lab again just to make sure everything is as it should be. I would also recommend some food. You’re wasting away. You look a third of the man I first met, and that’s taking things a bit far,” he chuckled. “I’ll wait here and then walk you back to the medical lab. I want to check on Mick.”

“Sure thing. I’ll be quick. And, thanks for letting me take the axe.”

“Please try to understand, Shaun, although I’m being hunted by the Fystr for allowing people from your planet to evolve, I’m not your leader. I’m still a Fystr. At some point, one of your own people will have to rise to be a leader. I’m merely a guide and, as such, the axe was not mine to give. You took the axe yourself, and I must confess the method was unexpected. Now enjoy your new weapon, become fearsome and help me protect your planet.”

“Will do, Captain.”

“Just Ogun, Shaun. Even in jest.”

We parted ways in the hallway. I went into my room. I gave the axe a spin and was disappointed to find that it was too heavy for me. Propping it up against the wall, I set to getting dressed. While at my locker, I saw my reflection in the mirror. I was super-thin now, my ribs protruded, and I looked really gaunt. Those three days of starvation had really done a number on me.

I really needed to bulk up. I thought to myself, like Ogun or, even better, like Jotun. I pondered that for a moment. Maybe not that big.

“Yeah, you could do with some more meat on your bones. Jotun would eat, like every two hours. He’d even get up once in the middle of his sleeping period to eat,” the axe responded to the conversation I thought I was having with myself.

“What kind of workout did he do?” I asked, not bothered that he was reading my mind. I really didn’t have anything to hide.

“Beats me. I only noticed the food. I was strangely curious about it.”

“I’ll ask Ogun.”

I quickly got dressed, grabbed the axe, then paused. “Uhm… I’m gonna need a holder for you. I had this great one for my scythe.”

“I don’t know what that is, but you don’t need a holder for me. Flip me over your shoulder. My head pointing upwards please.”

I did as I was told. He moved out of my grip through his own ability, once he was near my back. He didn’t actually touch my back, he must have been an inch away

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