the steak in your pocket, Shaun,” the axe said with concern.

“Ugh, I’d forgotten about it.”

Pulling it out, the steak roll had been well pounded and flattened during my little workout. I shrugged and ate it anyway. Part of me was hugely interested in how the self-cleaning suit would handle squashed steak juices that had been pounded for over an hour in a pocket. As soon as I took my last swallow of tender, tasteless beef, I felt a warm feeling inside. Within seconds, I felt good, but still a bit weak. “I don’t feel as good as before. Do you know why?”

“Maybe you didn’t eat enough?”

I thought about it, and realized he was right. Though, I had eaten everything to make my body heal and grow, I realized I hadn’t really eaten anything high energy. All the protein would go to my muscles and veggie had bugger all calories. I think I found my answer.

There was a juice option on the drink synthesizer in the gym, so I drained a few glasses of sugary juice. I felt much better instantly. “Yup. That was it. Can you heal me if I go again, Axe?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure. Just not until you’ve more protein available to repair your muscles.”

“I thought you had limited energy. How many times could you heal me?”

“It doesn’t take too much at all for minor muscle repairs. I could probably do it fifty, to a hundred times before we need to go back into battle to recharge me.”

“That’s awesome. We’ll keep doing this until you have, say, thirty percent left. I don’t want to get caught short and not be able to heal in a fight.”

“Very wise,” the axe replied.

I dove straight into doing deadlifts. I could go heavier now. Not much, but noticeable. I worked every muscle group until I was shaking with fatigue again. Smashed some more juice in then walked to the canteen. I could barely keep my legs from giving out, which drew some odd looks from my shipmates as I passed them. I felt like I’d run a marathon by the time I crashed into the FSU. I had two more steaks, some more veg, and a pile of boiled potatoes for energy this time. I was still trying to be good, so I held off the fries. Kudos there, huh?

This time, I smashed the lot in easily. My stomach hurt like hell, but my body was screaming for it. Once again, I felt the warmth radiate inside me. I could almost perceive it coming from the axe perched on my back. What was most odd was that I suddenly didn’t feel full. “Hey Axe. Why am I not in a food coma anymore?”

“Simple, Shaun. I’ve used the vast majority of the food to repair muscles and replace glycogen stores. I can supercharge your digestive system as well as your immune system, you know.”

“Do you realize how smug you sounded there?”

“No, but I’m pretty impressed with myself, so maybe that’s why.”

“Be as smug as you want pal. Come on. Let’s keep going till Ember is out.”

I went back to the gym and did exactly the same thing again. Tearing myself to bits, hating and loving every goddamn minute of it. Yet another hour had passed, which found me staggering back to the canteen like I’d been kicked to shit off ten blokes on my way home from the pub.

This time, I mixed things up a bit and devoured two full chickens. The looks I was getting were even stranger. I was definitely getting the impression that everyone thought I was a weirdo.

Astrid walked past and smiled at me, but didn’t speak. I didn’t know why, but to be honest I didn’t really care, my world revolved around pain and chickens until Ember was up and about.

I headed straight back to the gym, because, why not! I was in the middle of blasting out some more sets when Ember appeared. I chucked the barbell to the ground and gave her the biggest smile I could. “Finally. You’re out!”

“Jesus. What the hell happened to you?” she said. “It’s been what, six hours since I saw you? Why do you look like a skinny superhero?”

“I trained really hard.”

“This better not be drug induced, Shaun, or I’ll kick your ass.” She was actually angry.

“What? No! Of course it’s not. It’s the axe,” I stuttered, shocked by her anger.

“I’ve trained each muscle to exhaustion and eaten a shit ton of meat and stuff. Then I get it to heal me!

“I can train straight away again after. I’ve done it four times today already, and I’ve eaten four big ass steaks and two full chickens since I left you.”

“That’s a pretty useful axe, isn’t it? Will it heal me if I train?”

“I’m sure he will. Though, I’ve told him to keep some energy in reserve just in case we need it in a fight.”

“Cool. I could use a little muscle myself. Not too much, mind. I think my fighting game lends itself more to speed and agility, rather than brute, idiotic strength like you. I’ll start training with you tomorrow. I’m still a bit weak right now.”

“I can use the axe to heal you.”

“No. Save its energy for training. I’ll probably be fully recovered by morning.”

I quit my own training now that Ember was out. I’d have plenty of time for that over the coming weeks. Instead, we went to get something to eat. Again! I had done enough training to earn another meal, so we each sat happily munching our chosen dishes.

Afterwards, we went to my room to relax and talk. When bedtime came, Ember didn’t go back to her room, but instead cuddled up to me in mine. I’d hoped, after our little stint on the supply station, we might be sleeping in the same room from now on.

We started training early the next morning. Ember was chomping at the bit, and all but dragged me out of bed. I hadn’t given myself a good look over

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