have Ember's confidence. By the look on their face, neither did Elyek. “You're trying to tell me that Shaun will deal with a hundred Tri-bor guards?”

“Well, Shaun and his axe, Havok. You haven’t met him yet. He’s great.”

“An axe named Havok that I’ve yet to meet?” Elyek said, looking deeply concerned.

Ember had been playful until that point, now she leaned forward conspiratorially and said, “I was taken as a prisoner on some fucking shithole of a planet called Xzonico. They had an army of over a thousand men out to drive our people away. Our crew were chased off the planet and I got left behind.

“Shaun, this big cuddly bag of stupid over here, wouldn’t leave me behind. This crazy mofo had it in his head to get me back, or die trying. He killed over six hundred fighters before they surrendered, handed me over, and gave us this ship.”

“Nope. You're wrong. It was only five hundred. Drabu told me.”

Elyek sat slack jawed as the exchange unfolded.

“Ha. Lying shit. No, Shaun. Including the first two fights, where you did most of the killing anyway, over six hundred people died out of a thousand fighting men. And you weren’t going to stop.”

“No, I fucking wasn’t!”

“Who were you fighting? Spear-wielders, or something? No one can kill that many people.” Elyek said.

“No. They had force-shields and laser rifles. They even fired a few laser cannons at his big daft ass. But he and Havok just moved through it all, slaughtering everyone in front of them. Seriously, and I know to look at him he’s a massive softie, which he really is. But you don’t want to set him off,” she said.

“So, you think we can take the bank?” Elyek asked Ember, but looking at me with a little awe in their eyes.

“We’ll need a solid plan, but yes, we can take the bank. How much are we talking about here?”

“Oh, I would say around six million senlars. More, rather than less.”

Our eyes goggled. Ember being quick to the point as usual, asked, “And what’s our cut?”

“Cut? There isn’t a cut. The money is yours, or rather ours as a crew. I imagine if we use it wisely it will grow rather than shrink. If I’m honest, I didn’t think I was going to see that money again. Our paths are intertwined now. If, you’re sure you will have me?”

“You’re in. Don’t worry about that. It sounds like a great opportunity for us all,” I said.

“Do you have any idea what you would like to achieve?” Elyek asked.

“Grow stronger firstly. Both individually and as a team,” replied Ember.

I agreed with Ember, “I want to build our strength massively, then go back to Earth, our home planet, and kick the Fystr out. We need to be strong enough to fight them off should they come back. They’ve treated humankind, and apparently most of the galaxy like shit, bullying and cajoling. We’ll get strong here, then go fuck them up.”

Ember looked shocked by my outburst. I don’t think she really understood how I felt about going back to save the Earth. I was relieved when she nodded and added, “Obviously, we’ll have to get very strong for that.”

“You're telling me!” said a surprised looking Elyek. “We’re going to need to build an army for that. We could focus on military contracts as a line of business?”

“Is that something you could help with?” asked Ember.

“I know a few avenues to pick up work. We’ll probably have to start as a mercenary company. Still, with the money we have behind us we should be able to grow and develop quickly. There are a couple of mercenary companies that are so powerful the galactic Empire is essentially balanced by them.

“Allow me to elaborate. There are sixteen races who form the Galactic Government who are in some way responsible for all of the races that occupy our galaxy. Apart from the Fystr who no one wants to fuck with. Is that the word?” Elyek asked.

“Yes. You used it right,” Ember said, smiling.

They continued, “These sixteen races are not equal in power. Five of the races are much stronger and approximately equal in strength to one another. There is a quagmire of political alliances and dealings that keep them all in check. The Xeres and the Rotushna mercenary groups are also part of that spinning shitstorm. Either one is probably powerful enough to take control of the Empire, except for the other mercenary group keeping them in check. If we can become like them we may have a chance.”

“I can see you’re going to be an invaluable member of our crew, Elyek. Let’s go get some money, get a ship, and then fuck some shit up!” Ember shouted, happily.

“The girl loves a wild plan,” I said, indicating Ember with my eyebrows. “And, maybe we should hire some help. I mean, unless you’re taken captive again I don’t know if I could repeat the Xzonico feat.”

“Yeah we could!” Havok shouted in my mind, and I had to smile.

Meanwhile Elyek said, “Our main problem with manpower would be that most fighters are already part of a crew. Our best hope is to hire small time crews and try to absorb them if they are suitable. Or, pick people up at places like Ipsis, until we have a bit of pull, that is.”

“Hey. I know this is a little out there seeing as I just had a whole fucking history lesson on the hatred of the Torax over here, but maybe Calegg has a few friends who need some steady work. I mean, shit, they’re laser proof, can shoot fire, and can go fucking nuclear. If we do it right, we can have a whole army of motherfuckers who can explode,” I said, enlivened.

“Won’t the whole galaxy just come after us?” Elyek asked.

I paused for a moment before answering, “Well, not necessarily. We can keep them on the down-low and get others involved. It wouldn’t be a Torax army, but by my reckoning they’re

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