11. Kearns’s lobbying efforts for Sonatrach were uncovered by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith.
l. Memoirs, Richard M. Nixon, Grosset & Dunlap, 1978, 438.
2. Fortune, January 1975.
3. Interview, Willis Slusser, July 1985.
4. Interview, John L. Lynch, January 1986.
5. Interview, John Ehrlichman, July 1982.
6. Time, 7/5/82.
7. Interview, Fred Jacobs, January 1985.
8. O ff-the-record interview.
9. Interview, John Haggard, February 1986.
10. Lynch interview.
11. Slusser interview.
1. Oral history interview w ith Caspar W Weinberger, Governmental History Documentation Project, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, 1980.
2. New York Times, 2/14/85.
3. Weinberger oral history.
4. I bid.
5. Ibid.
6. Reagan’s Ruling Class, Ronald Brow nstein and Nina Easton, The Political Accountability Group, Washington, D.C., 1982, 435.
7. New York Times, 2114/85.
8. Ibid.
9. Interview, W illis Slusser, August 1984.
10. Off-the-record interview.
11. Interview, John L. Ly nch, January 1986.
12. Interview, Fred Jacobs, February 1985.
13. Slusser interview.
14. Interview, Robert L. Bridges, July 1984.
15. Ibid.
16. Slusser interview.
17. Weinberger to Ford, 10/9/75.
l. Interview w ith Margaret Lucas Montgomery, February 1984.
2. Off-the-record interview with Bechtel family member.
3. New York Times, 2/13/75.
4. New York Times, 3/5/75.
5. New York Times, 2/24/75.
6. New York Times, 2/27/75.
7. New York Times, 3/3/75.
8. Off-the-record interview.
9. Letter, Fischer to Tom Neuman, Houston office, ADL, 2/20/75.
10. Cheren’s charges were detailed in the American Examiner-Jewish Week, 3/4/83.
11. Off-the-record interview.
12. Interview, Lee Loevinger, September 1985.
13. Off-the-record interview.
14. Letter, James Scheuer to Gerald Ford, 12/17/75.
15. Interview, Frank Jungers, August 1985.
16. Forbes, 10/l 76.p>
17. ADL memorandum, 9/14/76.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid.
20. Interview, Charls Walker, March 1987.
21. Interview, Seymour Graubard, April 1987.
22. Ibid.
2 3. Walker interview.
24. Congressional Quarterly Almanac, 1976, 257.
25. Graubard interview.
The Bechtel company memos regarding the problems at the Tarapur nuclear plant were originally obtained by the late Paul Jacobs. The 253
material relating to Bechtel’s involvement with the Ford Administration was obtained in large measure from the presidential papers of Gerald R. Ford through the cooperation of the Gerald R. Ford Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
1. Many of the details of the Japanese-U.S. enrichment agreement and Bechtel’s role in it were first reported by J. Kwitny in The Wall Street Journal, 1112/75.
2. Ibid.
3. Damm to minister Ueki, 2/25/75.
4. Memo, Davis to H. F. Brush, 9/27/73.
5. Ibid.
6. Bechtel Power Corp. Jobsite Inspection Report Tarapur Project, Job No. 4267, 11/19-23/73.
7. Memo, Davis to Harry 0. Reinsch, 12/27/73.
8. H. F. Brush to Reinsch, 12113/73.
9. Robert L. Beckman, Nuclear Proliferation: Congress and the Control ofPeaceful Nuclear Activities, Westview Press, 1985.
10. Engineering News Record, 2/21/74.
11. Hullto Seidman, 12/24/75.
12. Seidman to Hull, 116/76.
13. Congressional Quarterly Almanac, 1975, 24-A, 25-A 14. Ibid.
15. Ibid.
16. “A U. S. Firm ‘s Troublesome Flirtation with Brazil,” Robert Gillette, Science, July 1975.
17. Washington Post, 7114/72.
1. Time, 7/l 2/82.
2. New York Times, 4116/80.
3. Prince Mohammad’s business dealings have been chronicled by a number of reporters, including David Mizrahi in Mideast Reports, June 1982, and Michael Field in The Merchants: The Big Business Families of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, The Overlook Press, 1985, 114-15.
4. Off-the-record interview.
5. Off-the-record interview.
6. Ibid.
7. Off-the-record interview.
8. Prince Mohammad’s terms have been reported in Mideast Reports and in Saudi Arabia and Its Royal Family, W illiam Powell, Lyle Stuart, 1982, 155.
9. The Merchants, 115.
10. Off-the-record interview.
11. Off-the-record interview.
12. Interview, W illis Slusser, August 1984.
13. Interview, Raynal Mayman, June 1986.
14. Miami Herald, 7/13/82.
15. Off-the-record interview.
16. Off-the-record interview.
17. Slusser interview.
18. New York Times, 10/15/79.
19. Interview, Charls Walker, March 1986.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid.
22. Off-the-record interview.
23. Walker interview.
24. Martin Schram, “The boys from Bechtel may