Chapter Eleven
Lillith, Christian, and their allies made it back to Morgan le Fay’s home to find that she’d been expecting them. Lillith was first to approach, and she stood in front of Morgan and showed her the sword. Morgan smiled as she called for Christian to show his sword to her.
Mackinzie, who stood next to them, started feeling like something terrible was coming, and she urged them to go. The twins saw a glint in Morgan’s eye that gave them an eerie feeling, so they slowly backed away and began gathering their energy.
Morgan hissed and cackled. Then she spun around, twirling as sparks of fire engulfed her, revealing her true form. She was a beautiful woman with long black hair, wearing a long purple and black robe. “Finally, the power is within my reach!”
Christian stood battle ready and yelled, “What is the meaning of this deception? You swore your allegiance to the throne!”
“Oh, my Prince, I do align myself to the throne. My throne!” Morgan twirled her hair with her finger, and when she snapped the fingers on her other hand, Christian, JH, and Lillith were completely entangled in the vines of the trees. Then she flung Mackinzie into a tree using just her magic. She smiled as she stepped in front of the twins, Emily and Ayden. "Heirs of Merlin, my sworn enemy, today, I exact my revenge. I have dreamed of this for many years!"
As the twins felt the darkness of her power, they backed away slowly, then threw their own magic at her, which came out in a glow of beautiful yellow and green only to be swatted away like a fly.
“Is that all you have, twins? You have truly disappointed me. Merlin was one of the greatest sorcerers I have ever faced, and you two can barely hold a candle to my pinky finger.” She smiled cruelly and stalked toward them. The twins turned to run, but Morgan simply lifted her hand and spikes raised from the ground, blocking their path. They spun to go in another direction, but she pointed her finger, and the spikes flew at Ayden and Emily. A second before they connected, Merlin appeared, moving the spikes aside with his magic.
“Listen to me, my grandchildren, you have what it takes to defeat her. You are my heirs, and my strength is your strength. Cast aside your fear, embrace who you are, and defeat this evil!” Merlin ordered.
“Merlin! You dare show yourself! I shall destroy you as I swore to you I would!” She snapped her fingers, and a giant spike appeared, which she flung in Merlin’s direction.
Merlin laughed and turned the spike into birds. “This is not my fight, Morgan, this battle between good and evil. I have left it to two powerful sorcerers, my blood.” He smiled at the twins and turned into a white owl, flying off into the sky. “Remember what I told you,” his voice echoed.
The twins went on the attack, and Morgan defended each attack easily as she slowly wore them down. Ayden ran toward Morgan with no fear, leaping into a punch, which she dodged.
"So, we have resorted to fighting like non-magic folk,” she ridiculed, then kicked him hard in the gut, causing him to crumble under the pain. She followed that with a punch to his face that left him momentarily face down in the dirt.
Emily threw her magic, scoring a direct hit on the back of Morgan's head. She turned instantly, grabbing Emily by the throat and lifting her up. Ayden was back on his feet and swept Morgan's feet from under her, causing her to fall! Emily and Ayden locked hands and began wrapping her in magical chains in an attempt to bind her powers.
Morgan’s eyes turned red as she flung the chains off before floating back to her feet. She created a magical sword and sent it sailing into Ayden’s stomach. Terribly injured, he could do nothing but collapse.
Emily yelled and began screaming angrily as she created a sword out of her own magic. She and Morgan began a magical sword fight, but it didn't last long. Morgan stabbed Emily in the gut, then prepared to behead her. She stood over Emily, who lay motionless, but before she could make the fatal blow, Ayden had gathered his strength and threw his magic, hitting Morgan in the eyes.
As Morgan attempted to clear her dizziness, Emily came to and threw a magical made arrow straight at Morgan, piercing her heart. As the evil Morgan looked down at the arrow, a blade beheaded her!
Lillith's grinned as she cleared the leaves from her hair. "Never turn your back on your enemy," she said in a warning too late for Morgan. Her head spun like a top, splattering blood in all directions as her lifeless body fell to its knees before falling over. The blood that hit Lillith’s lips was welcomed, and she licked it off just before she picked up the body and drank from the neck, which was pouring blood.
As Morgan's magic disappeared, the last of the vines fell away, freeing Christian and JH, who hadn’t fared as well with freeing themselves as Lillith had. As Lillith finished drinking and raised her head, she caught sight of Mackinzie, who had been impaled by the tree she’d been thrown into. She ran to her friend, but there was little she could do. Blood streamed from the spiked branch, which was through the middle of her body.
Christian ran to her aid, holding his life-giving sword, which glowed as he gently touched the wound. The branch pulled free, and the wound closed, and