‘Of course, dear,’ he said. ‘With pleasure.’
‘And, if possible, could you bring Spencer?’
‘Spencer? My . . . Mr White?’
‘Yes,’ said Hannah. She could hear the surprise in Father Luke’s voice. Hannah had only met Spencer White, the black accountant with whom Father Luke lived, a time or two, notably at the birthday party which Spencer had hosted for his life partner. ‘I have a good reason.’
‘Well,’ said Father Luke slowly, ‘I will certainly ask him.’
‘Thanks,’ said Hannah. ‘Please tell him it’s important.’
‘I’ll do that,’ said the priest.
‘And, if you could . . .’
‘What?’ he asked.
‘Could you get a message to Kiyanna and Frank?’
‘I can call them, sure. They already left a few hours ago.’
‘Tell them . . .’ Hannah hesitated. ‘Tell them that Syd— Cindy is fine for tonight. They shouldn’t worry. Cindy won’t be coming over. She and Alan are staying here at the hospital.’
‘I’ll tell them. Is there anything else?’
‘No,’ said Hannah. ‘Nothing else.’
‘All right, then,’ said Father Luke. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’
‘Tomorrow,’ Hannah repeated. ‘And thank you, Father.’
‘Try not to worry,’ he said. ‘I’ll pray for you.’
Hannah ended the call, and thought about what the former priest had said. She did not think much about praying, though she often thanked God for her blessings. And she had certainly asked for strength from time to time.
Maybe it would help, she thought. Nothing could feel worse than the agony she felt in her heart right now. She decided to pray for help to face her ordeal and, as she did, she fell almost instantly asleep.
Someone was shaking her awake. Hannah opened her eyes and looked around groggily. Then she suddenly remembered where she was. She remembered that Adam and Sydney were gone, and she remembered all that she was facing. Dark thoughts crowded inside her head. Outside of the windows, the day seemed to be just breaking. She turned over gingerly in her bed, wincing at the pain and stiffness after spending the night fast asleep in one position.
A nurse, pale with dark circles under her eyes, leaned over her. ‘You have a visitor,’ she said.
‘It’s not visiting hours,’ Hannah protested.
‘It’s the Father. He comes and goes whenever,’ said the nurse.
Father Luke, Hannah thought. ‘Oh. Yes,’ she said. ‘OK. I asked him to come. Tell him to come in.’
The nurse nodded and padded out of the room. In a few minutes the door opened, and Father Luke entered, followed by Spencer White. Father Luke was a quick, wiry man with white hair and impish eyes. Spencer was large and dignified, with mocha-colored skin and close-cropped hair. He wore black horn-rimmed glasses, and a conservative brown suit with a tan shirt and a geometric patterned tie.
The two men crossed the room and stood beside her bed. Father Luke grasped her hand and smiled at her. ‘Sorry to be so early. Spencer has an audit to prepare for in Media today. We thought we better stop by here early, before he has to get underway.’
‘Thank you for coming,’ said Hannah. ‘Both of you.’
Father Luke waved off her thanks. ‘I’m curious as to why you wanted to see Spencer.’
Hannah looked from Father Luke to Spencer, who was watching her cautiously, uncertain what sort of request to expect. Hannah took a deep breath. ‘This has to be in the strictest confidence.’
‘Of course,’ said Father Luke.
Spencer nodded.
‘I found out yesterday,’ said Hannah, ‘that what happened to me was not . . . random. My life — our lives, are in danger. I can’t tell you more than that.’
‘Did you tell the police?’ asked Father Luke, shocked by this news.
Hannah looked at him helplessly. ‘I can’t. I have my reasons.’
‘Anna, this situation has gotten out of hand.’
‘I know that, Father. That’s why I called you.’
Father Luke nodded. ‘Well, what can we do? Does Alan know about this? Because if he doesn’t, you should certainly confide in him.’
‘Alan and Cindy have gone. They left with just the clothes on their backs.’
‘They left what? The hospital?’
‘The hospital. Philly. The state. They’re headed west.’
‘They left you here all alone?’
‘I insisted,’ said Hannah firmly. ‘I’m not looking for sympathy. This was what I wanted. It was my idea. They are not safe here. They had to go. The thing is, we have our bags all packed and in the attic of Mamie Revere’s house, where our apartment was. But the house is . . . probably being watched.’
Spencer’s face wore an expression of distaste. Father Luke’s was all compassion. ‘Oh, Anna, this is terrible.’
Hannah felt unnerved by his concern. She did her best to remain resolute. ‘That’s why I need your help. I need you to get the bags for us. And to get them to Alan. When they find a place to stay, you can send them.’
‘Of course. I can do that,’ said Father Luke.
‘Actually,’ said Hannah, turning her gaze to the well-dressed black man, ‘I want Spencer to do it.’
Spencer started. ‘Why me?’ he asked, recoiling from the suggestion.
Hannah hesitated. She did not want her idea to sound insulting. It was just a practical reality. Spencer was black and would blend in. It would appear normal for him to enter the house. Father Luke, on the other hand, might cause a blip on the radar. ‘Whoever is . . . watching us, thinks that my husband and my . . . child are staying here at the hospital, with me. I don’t want anyone, especially not this person in question, to know that Alan and Cindy are trying to get far away. The more time I can buy for them, the better. The thing is . . . the person watching us probably already knows about Father Luke and Restoration House. If Father Luke goes in and