toecap of his boot, a disgusted expression on his face, I used Resurrection and quietly returned from the dead. We were standing awfully close to each other, but unlike the Gravekeeper, I was prepared, and a short stab with Aelmaris put an end to this drawn-out fight.

You dealt 3500 True Fire damage to NPC Rocky (Gravekepeers)! NPC Rocky dies!

Attention! Your Soul Eater ability was resisted with hidden ability—Soul Armor!

That developer was no fool—he had protected his soul against being stolen! What was that hidden ability? Or maybe one Key couldn’t be inside another? Honestly, I had planned on locking him inside the sword and dealing with the problem in a calm atmosphere after mulling everything over. Alas, it was not to be, and I was forced to improvise.

The swirling ash engulfed me, and Rocky’s rapier plopped down on the floor, covered with a foppish plumed hat. I hunkered down and closely examined the loot. Svechkin’s stuff didn’t include the Compass; he hadn’t dropped it, which meant that my plan had worked. I ended the recording, glanced at Rocky’s silent ghost, and said, “I think we should continue our conversation.”

The thing was, he couldn’t leave that place, thanks to the green icon of Resurrection applied by Resuciato. Svechkin was at my mercy.

“In short, we have a minute. There are several options. The first and the worst: I resurrect you, and we fight again. I have the first strike advantage. Sooner or later, you’ll drop the Compass. Second option: I resurrect you, you don’t do anything, and I explain what happened. You can attack me again, of course, but first, hear me out. Third option: you leave for your respawn point in a minute...oops, thirty seconds. Honestly, I’d prefer the second option. If you understand, nod as many times as the option you pick.”

The Gravekeeper’s spectral figure reeled. Seconds kept ticking, and I almost decided that he would proudly go to the resp point, but then he bent his head twice. Really, what was he to lose? As I materialized him, I pressed my finger against my lips and used the tip of my blade to point at the stone at the fireplace where we had sat during our conversation. The Gravekeeper obeyed, picking up his hat and rapier and probing me with his look. The shuriken, spinning slowly, formed a golden halo above his head.

The Magister kept showering me with messages. Apparently, he was eager to learn about our rendezvous. I sent him the video of the battle and went online.

HotCat: I did it. Here’s the video. The Compass didn’t drop.


The Magister: Wait, I’m watching... Why did you let him take the Key?


HotCat: Did I have a choice? The video shows how it happened. What should I do next? He went to his resp point.


Magister: Soul Armor? I see he played it safe... Do you know where his resp point is? Rocky, the Gravekeepers... It’s probably the faction island, the Tomb. He’ll respawn in 24 hours. Can you intercept him there?


HotCat: I’m not sure. I’m on the other side of the Sea of Terror. I don’t know how long traveling there would take. It’s a tough place.


The Magister: Find him and get the Compass!


HotCat: Hmm, I don’t remember agreeing to work as an assassin. It’s not my job, and it costs way more. Maybe you should find professionals?


The Magister: There’s no time to negotiate!


HotCat: He’s above my league! I won by the skin of my teeth, you saw it! The Soul Forge Gem procced. If not for it, I’d be at the resp point. I don’t want to get roasted again. Actually, everything’s not quite as you described it. We need to meet and talk.


Svechkin resentfully studied the scorched hole in his bandages left by Aelmaris.

“Is it possible to track you down with Clairvoyance?” I asked, ending the conversation with Balabanov.

“No, unlike you,” he replied. “It’s one of the features of the Compass. So am I correct in understanding that our battle was a show for the Magister?”

“Exactly,” I said, grinning. “Good fight, by the way.”

“Couldn’t you have warned me? I almost killed you. You got lucky.”

“Then, the fight would have looked unrealistic, and he might have suspected something. And if you killed me, it would have been even simpler. Of course, I would have failed the quest and lost my reward. As it is, however, it’s all fair: I tried and won, there’s proof.”

“You care about the Magister’s opinion and reward that much?” the Gravekeeper asked. “I thought I made it clear that you’re expendable to him.”

“The more I learn about your squabbles, the more I realize that I got into a real mess,” I told him, nodding. “You see, his people have my family and me under surveillance. I need to get off that hook.”

“You’re in deep shit, that’s true. Trouble begins with small mistakes,” Svechkin said with a sigh. “But I’m still not sure—which side did you choose? The Magister or us?”

“My own. I don’t care about your war and your global plans. I came here to earn money. I take it both Balabanov and you want the same thing—gather the seven Keys. The Magister’s fee is known. How much are you willing to pay for my help?”

 Interlude: The Watchers

Sphere Herald newscast, Video Net


THE SCORCHED SHELL of the castle gave off a thick cloud of smoke visible for many miles. The battle inside was still raging—spells flashed in the air, and riders on flying mounts dashed through the billowing fumes—but the outcome was already decided, the defenders’ morale broken. The camera showed a bird’s eye view of the castle and then darted downward, highlighting the details: a star-shaped breach in the main gate, soot-black towers resembling melted candles, and dozens of bodies peppering the inner courtyard. The corridors of the burning stronghold were

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