looked up at him. “I was on the treadmill at the gym, and she stopped in front of the window.”
“Did she see you?”
“No, she stopped to pull out her phone to look at it. She looked frail and sad.”
“Of course she did, Connor. She loves you, but you walked out on her. You left her all alone in a
hotel room in Michigan,” he spat.
I leaned across the table. “I know what I did, and I regret it. I was in shock and very angry by what
I had just found out. The only thing I saw was my future dying, and I couldn’t deal with it, so I left. Do
you think it was easy for me just to leave her there? Do you know how many times I almost turned
around to get her?”
“I understand how hurt you are, but it’s time to be a man, Connor, because she needs you.
Regardless of what she did or didn’t do, she’s sick, and she’s alone,” Denny spoke.
“I know that, but I need time as well. I’m not that much of a heartless bastard.”
“That has yet to be decided,” Denny smiled.
I glared at him as we ate dinner and continued to talk about Ellery. I looked at him seriously as I
needed him to do something for me.
“I need you to keep an eye on Ellery for me. I want you to follow her and report back everything
you find out.”
“Connor, that’s just not right,” he said.
“If you don’t do it, then I’ll hire someone else. I trust you, Denny. I know she means something to
you, and I know you’re just as worried about her.”
“I want to know where she goes, who she’s with, and what she’s doing. Most importantly, how
she’s doing.”
“Fine, Connor. If that’s what you really want, then I’ll do it. But I don’t think that it’s right. I think
you need to talk to her yourself.”
“I will in due time. I appreciate you doing this for me. You know you’re like a father to me,
Denny,” I said.
He smiled as he looked at me. “I know, and you’re like the son I never had.”
I smiled at him as we got up from our seats and left the restaurant.
As I was driving back to the penthouse, my sister Cassidy called.
“Hey, Cass. What’s up?”
“I just wanted to talk to my big brother. We haven’t heard from you in a while, and mom was
starting to get worried.”
“I’m fine, Cassidy. Please tell mom that I’ve been busy with the Chicago purchase, and that I
haven’t had a chance to call her.”
“You know how she gets when you don’t keep in touch,” she said.
“Tell her I’ll be over Sunday for dinner, and kiss Camden for me.”
“I will. He misses you, Connor,” she spoke softly.
“I miss him as well, and tell him that I’ll see him on Sunday. I’ll come early, and we can take him
for a walk along the trail.”
“He’ll love that. I’ll see you Sunday, Connor.”
“Bye, Cass. Take care.”
I miss my family. I don’t see them as much as I should, and it’s my fault. They would love Ellery.
It’s too bad they won’t get to meet her anytime soon. The emptiness in my heart and the silence of my
soul is too much to bear. I decided to stop by Ellery’s apartment before going home just to----hell, I
don’t know why, but before I knew it, I was parked across the street from her place. Her curtains
were closed, but I could see a small stream of light coming from the sides. I could see a shadow of
someone sitting in the corner. I know that’s where she keeps her easel. I bet she’s painting. I slowly
pulled away and headed home.
I arrived at the penthouse and headed straight to the bar. I poured myself a scotch and sat down
with my laptop on the couch. I opened up my email, and the first one I saw, sitting on top, was one
from Ellery. I took in a deep breath and prepared myself for the hate words she probably said. I
wouldn’t blame her after what I did to her.
Dear Connor,
I hope you’re reading this and didn’t delete it before you opened it when you saw my name. If
you are, then you’ll see this is my heartfelt apology to you. Words cannot explain how sorry I am
for not telling you about my illness from the start. I never meant for us to get as close as we did
for that very reason. The night I took you home, I had every intention of leaving and never looking
back; if I had, we wouldn’t have met, and you wouldn’t be hurting right now. I will never forgive
myself for not telling you the truth. I believe in fate, and it was fate that brought us together. I told
you I was saved for a reason, and I think it was to save you. You have a beautiful heart and soul,
and you don’t deserve to never love someone. You will never know what you’ve done for me, and
how you’ve changed my life. I never would have experienced love the way I have with you, because
what you showed