“It’s a meeting of all the state’s mayors. Important for him to attend. Especially since we don’t know exactly how Tina died yet. Still could’ve been a heart attack.”

“Tina’s eyes suggest it was more than that.” Maybe. “Are you okay? You look upset too.”

“I’m fine.” Madge dips her head and studies a pen on her desk.

Avoiding eye contact with me.

“No. You’re not.” I draw a deep, cleansing breath and take her hand. “Can I help?”

Madge finally tilts her head up a fraction. “Do you think my Christmas sweaters are ugly?”

Oh boy. This is one of those times honesty might not be the best policy. “I think anything that spreads year-round Christmas joy is amazing.” Madge once told me that was why she wore her sweaters. To spread happiness. “Anyone who disagrees is just a grinch.”

A slow smile creeps across Madge’s face. “You really think so?”

“Yep. So why aren’t you wearing the sweater you had on earlier?”

Madge scowls. “Because I overheard Beth and that new gal from IT talking about my sweaters in the bathroom. They weren’t very nice.”

Beth, Uncle Frank’s secretary, claims to have psychic powers of some sort, and she gives me the willies. “Beth is also the same dark soul who used to stab pins into dolls of Dylan and me during homeroom. Hardly someone interested in happy vibes.”

“Never thought about it like that.” Madge pulls out her bottom drawer and grabs the sweater she had on earlier. “Maybe I should put this back on to protect me from her dark arts woo-woo powers.”

“Probably a wise move.” I suppress a grin.

Madge stands and pulls the sweater over her head. “But Beth wasn’t wrong about Raphe. And the golf ball, was she?”

I wave a hand. “I think Beth might have overheard my uncle telling Joe Kingsley to set Raphe up to shoot that ball through my store’s window last summer.” Joe said it was an accident, but I doubt it. He had Raphe shoot that ball with a threatening message on it through my store’s front window so I’d have to replace it. That’s why I’d rather talk to Emily at school than at her and Joe’s house. He still has it in for me.

Madge sits back down and frowns. “But Beth was also right about Dylan’s dad having a heart attack. And you and Dylan did break up for many years like you said she predicted when you guys were in high school.”

I shake my head. “She just wanted Dylan for herself.”

“But maybe…” Madge leans closer so the lone deputy across the office won’t hear. “She can tell you who killed Tina.”

I’m not one for psychic mumbo jumbo, but it’d give me a chance to tell Beth she owes Madge an apology, so I’ll play along. “Good idea. I have just enough time to stop by her office before I meet Dylan at Emily’s classroom. I’ll report back later.” I stand to leave.

“Wait.” Madge pulls something from her big purse. “You might need this. I got it last summer when we were on vacation. It wards off the bad stuff.”

“Can’t hurt.” I accept the blue Greek Evil Eye. “See you later.” I tuck the token into my slacks pocket and head out to the hallway to Uncle Frank’s office.

Always a little scared of Beth, I open the mayor’s office door and stick my head inside. On the short walk down the hallway, my courage waned a bit. However, my need to defend a kind and generous friend like Madge moves my feet forward and into the outer office.

Dark-haired Beth is staring at me like she expected to see me. “You just missed him, Sawyer.”

“I know.” If Beth really had special powers, she’d know I wasn’t here to see my uncle. I throw my shoulders back and lift my chin. “I’m here because Madge overheard you mocking her sweaters in the bathroom earlier. It hurt her feelings. I figured you’d want to know so you can apologize to her.”

Beth’s left brow arches. “Since when are you the apology police?”

Anger boils up in my gut again, but it’s probably best to ignore her comment and go. “Sorry. My mistake. I thought you’d want to make it right.” I turn to leave.

“Sawyer, wait.”

I stop and slowly turn around. My hand instinctively reaches for the charm in my pocket, though, because I recognize that smug tone from our school days. She thinks she knows something I don’t. “What?”

Beth stands to her full six feet and circles her desk. “I knew Madge was there. We thought we were doing her a favor. Even you have to admit those sweaters are hideous.”

I’m not playing her game. “You of all people should know that being different is what makes our world a richer place to live.”

Beth snorts. “Well played. So why not just ask me what you came here for.”

My fingers tighten around the charm I could swear is getting hotter by the second. Or, maybe that’s my hand sweating. “What do you think I want to ask you?” Take that Ms. Superpowers.

Beth’s lips slowly tilt into a grin. “You came to ask if I know who killed Tina.”

My jaw falls open, and I must look like an idiot. So, I quickly close my mouth but can only nod because I’m really freaking out.

Beth draws in a deep breath. “It’s complicated, but definitely murder. I’m not seeing a clear picture of who did it because there are so many emotions involved. But an affair and jealousy are at the root.”

I blink for a moment before common sense rushes back into my head. Murder often is based on jealousy, and Beth saw Dylan interview my uncle this morning. Beth knows everything about my uncle, possibly about his affair with Tina too. She’s probably guessing. “Okay. Thanks. Have a good day.” I turn to leave as fast as I can.

Just as my hand is on the doorknob, Beth calls out, “If you want a real protection charm, I have some crystals that’ll work better than what’s in

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