gallery with well dressed patrons was no longer part of it.

Legion leaned down to her ear. “I feel a pull down that hallway. Do you know what is down there?”

Mara whispered back, walking down the hall. “Devlin’s office is down here. I don’t know what’s behind the other door.”

Legion glanced back at the patrons filtering around the primary area of the gallery. “The scent is faint. It originates from behind this door.”

Mara turned to look up at him. Her body covered the door, while she turned the knob behind her back. To anyone looking their way, the couple appeared to be in a private conversation. The door wouldn’t budge, but Mara gave a flick with her magic, centering it at the tumbler inside the lock. There was a faint click before Mara spun and opened the door.

Legion entered quickly, then closed the door behind them. He surveyed the room. There were several glass stands and bookcases, but all were empty. “He has moved his antiquities. This place is too open for a treasure as rare as the circle. I question whether it was here at all.”

Mara noticed the scratch marks on the floor. She went to the bookcase, giving it a hefty push, before it rolled to the side. “Secret room. It seems fitting with Devlin’s personality.”

The adjacent room had one table and chair with stacks of scrolls and an old book. Legion picked one up, glancing through the ancient script. “These are mage spells. I did not think these texts had survived the bomb.”

Mara pointed at the empty bookcase. “It looks like he took these. Maybe someone interrupted him and he hasn’t come back yet.”

Legion nodded. “We will take these materials with us.” He pulled out a sack and deposited the book and scrolls inside, before slinging it over his shoulder. “These are dangerous and powerful. If there’s more, we need to retrieve them.”

Mara looked around the small room. “It looks like he left in a hurry. I wonder what spooked him?”

Mara gasped as Conner screamed into their minds. Return to the Loft. We are under attack!

They bolted from the gallery. She felt the moment Legion’s magic enveloped her. The city whizzed by as if it was spinning like a top and she was at its center. The whirl of sound and color stopped to reveal the shop.

Flames shot up in the air as smoke billowed from the windows. The fire roared its destruction as wood beams cracked and fell within the old frame. Even from a hundred feet away, the heat warmed her skin and turned her heart to ash. “Natalie,” she sobbed.

Legion put his arm around her. “Natalie, Tempest, and Alana are all safe. Conner is taking them to the cabin. Thorn is leading Daisy to safety. Everything will be okay.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks. “No Legion, it won’t. Everything I have... had, is in that building. My grandmother’s earrings, my mom’s wedding dress. The books I saved from my childhood. Every picture of my family. The ones I painted... this will never be okay.”

The hole in her heart exploded as the roof to her family home collapsed, sending sparks flying in the air.

Chapter 21

Mara sobbed against Legion’s chest as ash and smoke filled the surrounding air. She couldn’t look at the devastation anymore, but glanced up when she heard her name.

Jake ran across the street with soot on his face. His brows furrowed as he looked Legion over. “Mara, are you okay? Is Natalie?”

Mara wiped a tear from her cheek. “Yes, we are fine. Just heartbroken.” She put her hand on Legion’s chest. “This is my boyfriend, Legion.”

Jake frowned at Legion. “I saw a guy throwing gasoline on the corner of the building. This was arson, Mara. I reported it to the police.”

She sniffed. “Thanks Jake, I appreciate that.”

He glanced back at the fire. “I may have made a mistake by telling them what I saw.”

Mara sniffed. “Why?”

“The police asked me some strange questions. They think you hired someone to torch the place. I heard a detective say that your debts were paid off. Sizeable sums of money too.”

Mara blinked. “What?”

Jake ran a hand through his hair. “I informed them this building has been in your family for years, but they seem convinced that you had something to do with the fire. I’m sorry, Mara. I know how much the store means to you.”

Mara’s chest squeezed. She hadn’t realized how much it had either until her childhood crumbled before her. The fancy gallery seemed so paltry when thinking of every moment spent within the loving walls of her family shop and cozy loft. She buried her face in her hands and wept.

Legion extended a hand to Jake. “I appreciate your concern. Mara has mentioned what a good friend you are. We will rebuild the store as soon as possible. Mara’s name will be cleared. She has unlimited access to my money, so the police accusations are without foundation. This is likely one of my competitors, trying to get to me, through Mara.”

Jake stepped back. “Why would someone do that to you, let alone Mara?” His eyes squinted. “What kind of business do you run?”

Legion eyed the young man. “Rule Industries has many companies, but our precious gems garner the most attention as our mines are worth billions.”

Jake swallowed hard. “You’re Legion Rule? How did you and Mara meet?”

Legion glanced at the fire, while rubbing Mara’s back. “Our families are close, but we didn’t meet until recently.”

Jake looked away. “A love at first sight kind of thing. I get it.”

Legion put a hand on Jake’s shoulder. “Thank you, Jake. I need to get Mara home.” He led Mara away.

Mara couldn’t get the tears to stop, but she acknowledged the change in Legion’s demeanor. He had been on edge until he shook Jake’s hand. “You were nice to him.”

Legion kissed her temple. “I read his mind when I shook his hand. He is young, and his concern was genuine. He’s enamored with you, but I cannot

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