records first. Start with Social Services and see what you can dig up. I don’t want to tell her about her genetic abnormality yet – she’s got enough to worry about. Promise me you won’t mention anything.”

“Your choice, Gabriel, but you’ll have to tell her eventually. And between you and me, the sooner the better. Women don’t like it when they think they’ve been lied to.”

“What suddenly makes you an expert on women?”

Thomas shrugged his shoulders. “Common sense.” After a brief pause, he added, “And you might also want to tell her how you feel about her instead of moping about.”

Gabriel snorted. Was it that obvious what he felt? And if Thomas had noticed, did that mean Maya had noticed too? Was that why she was avoiding him? Did she not want his attention? “I don’t remember asking for your advice on my private life.”

His colleague grinned. “Prerogative of a gay man.”

“And besides, there’s nothing between me and her.” Who was his kidding?

“Uh-huh,” Thomas answered.


Gabriel didn’t want to sleep. It was mid-morning and most vampires would be in their beds. Instead, he sat in the armchair in the living room, staring into the low fire crackling in the fireplace. Maya hadn’t called to feed off him. He’d listened for her, figuring she would be thirsty by now, but she hadn’t asked for him. He guessed she was mad at him. He had to do something about it, but he didn’t know what.

He’d used her vulnerability and exploited it without concern for her wellbeing. As if she didn’t have enough to deal with as a new vampire.

She shouldn’t have to fight off a horny vampire who wanted nothing more than to get into her pants.

Why had he suddenly become so aggressive in his sex life? All these years he’d never had a problem keeping himself in check. He’d never truly pursued a woman before. It had never mattered. Yes, he’d always wanted a companion, a woman to hold, a woman to have sex with, but he’d been okay with taking what he could get and paying for the rest.

Of course, the loneliness had started getting to him, and that’s why he had contacted Drake, but while there had been a desire to get rid of the ugly deformity, there’d never been this urgency before. Now he couldn’t wait to be rid of the darn thing for one reason, and one reason only: so he could go to Maya as a real man and woo her. Of course, there was still the ugly scar on his face.

A woman like Maya could do much better than taking a man like him. Once she had adjusted to her new life, she would have all kinds of offers from eligible vampires in the city. If he didn’t make a play for her now, he’d have even less of a chance later when all the competition kicked in.

He had to try now. A small glimmer of hope had sparked when she’d responded so passionately in the study. He hoped it hadn’t all been due to the feeding. Maybe there was a tiny sliver of attraction she felt for him. Or why accept his demand for a kiss at all? He couldn’t give up his fight for her as long as he could cling to this tiny spec of hope.

Gabriel closed his eyes and imagined what it would be like to feel Maya’s love, to know she cared for him. He knew he was torturing himself by daydreaming like this, but he couldn’t let go, not when it filled his heart with warmth and pride. It was all a dream: to call a woman like Maya his own, to love her day and night, to live with her, share a home, to laugh together.

It was fate that had brought them together, and while he was reluctant to believe in fate, he wanted to believe that they were meant to meet, because he’d realized one thing: he was falling in love with a woman too beautiful, yet perfect for him in every way.

A soft knock at the front door made him snap his head around. Who would be coming to a vampire’s home during daylight? It had to be a human. Gabriel stood and walked to the door. He sniffed. Or a witch.

He looked through the spy hole and knew it was Miss LeBlanc, the witch who’d only a short while ago leveled a crossbow at him. It appeared that this time she was unarmed.

“You gonna open the door, vampire, or shall I leave?” she said through the door.

How could she tell he was watching her?

“I’ll unlock. Then count to three and come in. I’ll be in the first room to your left.”

Gabriel flipped the lock and stepped back into the living room, closing the door behind him, so the light from outside wouldn’t penetrate into the darkened room. Not only were the front windows made of a special tinted glass, light drapes covered them and while they didn’t shut out all light, it was dark enough to be safe for a vampire.

A moment later, he heard the door open. When she joined him in the living room, he pointed toward the sofa. She looked less imposing today, unarmed as she was. Dressed in a business suit she could have fooled anybody that she was some ordinary human. If he had to guess, he would have put her age at mid-thirties. She was attractive and to his surprise, a smile curled around her mouth.

“This is definitely a first.” She looked around the room. “So, this is how you guys live.”

“The house belongs to my boss. And, no, we don’t live in caves or sleep in coffins.”

“Pleasantries aside, I believe you know why I’m here.”

He nodded. “You’ll help me with my problem.”

“You said you would give me anything I wanted.”

Gabriel cringed. He’d said it, and he would keep his word. Now the question was, what did she want? “So I did.”

“Drake mentioned your gift.”

“Figured he couldn’t keep that little

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