be being honest with myself. Or with you.”

My back was killing me, and I felt incredibly tired, but I still knew how hard it must have been for him to say that. “I appreciate that, Coach. And thanks a lot for coming by to say so.”

He might have said something back to me, but I can’t be sure, because I think I was asleep by then.


When I decided to become a sports reporter, I thought it would just be reporting scores and talking about great games and great players and great plays. I had no idea that everything would be so much harder than that. I had no idea that there was a lot about sports that wasn’t about what happened on the field or on the court. And that a lot of that stuff was bad.

And then Carter fell and got hurt.

Which is when I decided that something has to change.


Friday at 4:13 pm

Alfie Hey everyone, it’s Alfie Jenks. I don’t want to bother anyone, especially since we’re all still in shock about what happened last night. But I didn’t sleep at all, and as I was up thinking about stuff, I remembered this page, and how in the past, everyone would just use it to fool around and make fun of each other and sometimes say stupid or hurtful things. And it seemed harmless at the time but look where that got us. Carter is in the hospital. So I was thinking maybe this time we could change it up and write supportive stuff and actually show some Walthorne Spirit. Sorry to be cheesy but I just think it might help. Let me know what you guys think.

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Friday at 4:15 pm

Sham Thank you for doing this Alfie. I texted Carter a few times and he hasn’t hit me back yet, but bro if you’re reading this we love you

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Friday at 4:17 pm

Sadie I was at the game last night and it was amazing because you girls on the court were so awesome, but I gotta say I was a little shocked at the crowd, I know our guys didn’t act great and the north kids too but the adults were the worst—screaming and complaining and acting like it was a matter of life and death, I mean come on!! #rolemodels


I love you all though, even you North people, Carter, I can’t wait to see you back out there soon xx

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Friday at 4:22 pm

Chase Hi my name is Chase Crawford. I just want to apologize to Janeece Renfro for saying that she worked at my country club. Obviously, she’s too young to work there. But I’m pretty sure her parents, aunts, and uncles all do.

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Friday at 4:25 pm

Janeece Hi Chase, thank you for saying that, because in case anyone had any doubt, it’s now official—you are the biggest jerk in Walthorne. I’m glad you go to private school, and hopefully you’ll stay there next year so none of us have to see you at Walthorne High. Oh, and btw what’s wrong with working at a country club? As long as it’s not YOURS!!

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Friday at 4:26 pm

Chase Yo I’m just kidding around, suddenly everyone needs to be so serious? Look I feel bad that kid got hurt but to be honest he kind of started it

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Friday at 4:27 pm

North4Eva Hey this is Eric and I just want to say that I agree with Janeece, Chase you can be funny but right now you are being a complete jerk, and what you yelled at Janeece was so incredibly gross, it actually made me kind of embarrassed to even know you. Also btw she could completely kick your butt and everyone knows it. And everyone else, I’m sorry for all the trash talking and stuff and also I just want to say to Carter Haswell that I hope he gets better soon because he is literally the best basketball player I’ve ever seen.

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Friday at 4:31 pm

Lucas Thanks Eric, if there are any other North kids on this thread I want to say sorry for mouthing off at you guys, I mean obviously I didn’t know what was going to happen but I said some things that weren’t cool and I just want to say sorry about that

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Friday at 4:34 pm

Janeece Alfie, I know you and I talked about this but I just want to say publicly that i feel so bad for what you had to go through for the last few months, it wasn’t fair at all, we should have believed you all along and I’m sorry, and I think you’re an awesome sports announcer and I can’t wait to see you on espn one day

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Friday at 4:35 pm

Alfie Thank you Janeece and that would be so awesome. I have a long way to go, but I’m just really happy about what people are writing here

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Friday at 4:37 pm

Kevin This is cool, glad you’re doing this, I play for North and man I’m really embarrassed about last night, and to Alfie, thanks for doing this and we shouldn’t have given you a hard time on this page a few months ago, that was bogus, sorry bout that. also just fyi my parents grounded me for two months, so I’ll see everyone NEVER.

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Friday at 4:40 pm

Sham Hahahahaha that’s hilarious, I mean not the Alfie part, the grounding part of course lol

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Friday at 4:42 pm

Kevin It’s cool I deserve it

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Friday at 4:45 pm

Sham Anyone else get grounded?

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Friday at 4:47 pm

Janeece Not me ☺

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Friday at 4:51 pm

Eddy My parents told me we were gonna sit down tonight and talk about it and when I asked what does that mean they said “you’ll see”

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Friday at 4:52 pm

Amir You’re done dude

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