Kate thought. You don't understand . You're wasting your breath; you've got to be a Catholic before you can understand. "Pat... go to him now; tell him you'll support the child;
tell him that you were tricked into it. Look, Pat, I'll stand by you in this. You won't be without friends;
let her take you to court. "
"You're a grand fellow." There was the uttemess of finality in Pat's few words; and they conveyed to Rodney the hopelessness of his appeal.
But it mustn't be hopeless I Pat must marry Kate; he had got to marry her! She must be made safe, put out of reach. He didn't want that internal war over again, it had been hell. He had seen the danger signal last Christmas Eve. She must get married; there must be some barrier put between them. He started talking again, and no one answered him.
The back-door latch clicked, and Kate opened her eyes. And when she heard her mother's surprised voice say, "Father!" she thought. No, no, it can't be! This is too much. Her mother continued.
"We don't often see you." And, realising it was Father Bailey, she relaxed.
"I've been to your lodgings. Pat; I've been looking all over for you."
"Have you. Father?" said Pat, in a dead voice.
"I wanted you to know how sorry I am about all this, Pat."
"I know it." There was a soothing quality in Pat's words, as if he intended to lessen the pain of the priest's embarrassment.
"Sir, do you consider this is right?" Rodney addressed the priest without using the usual prefix.
"To trap a man, half demented with trouble, into marrying a woman he hates... ?"
Father Bailey, looking at Rodney sadly, broke in, "We all have our own ideas of what is right and wrong, doctor. When a wrong is done someone always suffers, it's inevitable. And when it's the ones we know and respect it appears like injustice, and we see the enforcing of right as cruelty or wickedness. But," he added wistfully, 'a lot, of course, depends on how it is enforced. "
"What right has Father O'Malley or any man for that matter, to wield the power of fear to make another follow the course that he deems right? ... Surely you would admit that such coercion is diabolical?"
Rodney faced the priest, his beard stuck out in anger.
"I would admit that coercion by fear is diabolical," answered Father Bailey calmly.
"But then, we have both to explain to each other what we mean by fear and by coercion. I think we view the former from different standpoints. It's a question I'd like to talk over with you some time, doctor, for it makes for lengthy discussion.
And now, if you will excuse me . " He turned once again to Pat:
"Would you care to walk part of the way home with me. Pat?"
Pat nodded dumbly, then made to go towards the saddle for some final word with Kate. But he changed his mind, and, with a violent shake of his head, he stumbled out of the backdoor.
The priest went to Kate and bent over her: "You're not well, Kate. I can understand that; but try not to worry," he said.
"I will see you later and have a talk.... God is good, and the path is all mapped out for us; He knows exactly where we are going." He patted her shoulder, then followed Pat, and there was silence in the kitchen once more.
The path is all mapped out for us! Kate shuddered. Why struggle? Why try? The path is all mapped out. It always had been; she had tried to take a side road last Christmas Eve. She had seen herself as good and noble, and the spasms of happiness that had been hers this past year she had accepted as payment for her goodness. Pat, the buffer, had gone, and with him the cloak she had wrapped around her real feelings.
She had not dramatised anything; she knew, as she felt Rodney standing over her, that it had not been her imagination which had played her false; she had played herself false and had clung to Pat, as a drowning man to a straw.
What lay before her now? A struggle, or a giving up? A delightful giving up . and involving what? Scandal? Well, she had been scandalised when she was innocent. But the other person . what would scandal bring to him? Disaster, finally! She sensed this more than she knew it, glimpsing the lengths to which his feelings would carry him. And what of her mother and of Annie? and of the other Annies who might come? No, she must fight it! But could she? The path is all mapped out!
She suddenly began to laugh, and once more found herself in the shelter of Rodney's arm.
"Don't do that, Kate!" he said sternly.
"Come now!"
As she saw his free hand come up to touch her cheek, she burst out,
"Did you hear what he said?... The path is all mapped out 1' " Stop it, Kate! Do you hear? "
She laughed the louder.
"If you don't stop it I'll have to slap you!"
"The path is all mapped out 1' He laid her back and struck her twice on the face, two ringing slaps which made her head reel.
She stopped and lay still, then the slow tears brimmed her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. Her breath caught in her throat and she sobbed painfully and bitterly.
Rodney stared down at her, and gritted his teeth. Then, swiftly falling to one knee, he gathered her into his arms. His face pressed into her