She shivered, her hand white knuckling the wooden spoon. “I used to want that too, Janus. But…we’re too different now. You have a business and I’m a school teacher. Our lives are completely different.”
He was silent for a long time, and when she glanced over her shoulder at him, he was staring thoughtfully at her. “You’re afraid.”
She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She wanted to deny it, but…he was right. She was utterly terrified. Terrified of falling in love with Janus again.
But as she stared back at him, something equally terrifying came to her brain. She already was in love with him! Seeing him with their kids, the generous way he treated them, how he helped her out, supported her without question…he was there for her.
But what if…what if the same thing happened again?
And what could possibly happen? What was she really afraid of?
“I need time to think.”
He nodded slowly, that silver gaze filled with words he knew she wasn’t ready to hear. Then he sighed, “Fine. Take all the time you need.”
With that, he went into the family room. A moment later, she heard Halley and Harrison giggling wildly as Janus read them a story.
This moment would be so much nicer if there wasn’t that tension between them!
So, what in the world was she so afraid of?
As she turned back to the sizzling pan, she tried to puzzle it out. Unfortunately, she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
That night, Stevie could barely look at Janus. There was something raw eating at her mind. Still, he helped her put the kids to bed that night, just as always. And he took her into his arms and…just held her. He didn’t try to kiss her, thankfully. But Stevie couldn’t handle him even holding her tonight. So after only a brief hug, she pulled out of his arms, bowing her head so that she didn’t have to see the disappointment in his eyes.
The sound of the door closing behind her was the release that she needed. Stevie sank down on the sofa, dissolving into tears.
She was crying so hard, she didn’t hear the door open.
Janus stepped back into the house, rolling his eyes at himself for forgetting his jacket and tie. But then he saw Stevie, curled up on the beaten up sofa, shaking from the strength of her sobs.
“Stevie!” he breathed, trying to keep his voice down so the twins didn’t wake up. He closed the door, then knelt beside the sofa. He wanted to take her into his arms, but when he approached, Stevie recoiled as if he were a snake.
“Why are you still here?” she demanded, angrily swiping the tears from her cheeks.
“I forgot my jacket and tie,” he explained, reaching up to wipe a tear, but she reared away from his touch.
Janus clenched his teeth, angry and…no, hurt. Damn, he wanted her so badly, and she couldn’t even stand his touch.
“I get it, Stevie,” he snapped and stood up. “I finally get it.”
With that, he grabbed his jacket and tie, then walked out of the house. He wanted to slam the door, but even now, he knew that he couldn’t wake the twins. Just because Stevie didn’t want him didn’t mean he could be an ass.
Still, he wanted her and she’d rejected him! When was he going to get it? She didn’t want him! Oh, she might want him physically! But not the rest of him. He merged onto the highway at top speed. Just now, he was too wrapped up in Stevie’s rejection to pay much attention to his driving. He didn’t give a damn about anything else right now.
Stevie stared at the closed door, willing Janus to come back one more time and demand…something. What? What could he demand?
She bowed her head, the tears pouring down her cheeks, because she knew that Janus wouldn’t demand anything. Not after what she’d seen in his eyes moments ago. She’d rejected him! He wouldn’t ask again. She knew that. She knew that he would pull away.
Not from the twins though.
How she knew that, Stevie wasn’t exactly sure. Wasn’t she afraid that the newness of Halley and Harrison was the reason he kept coming over?
So, if she knew that he would still be here for the twins, what was her real fear? If it wasn’t that he’d grow bored with the kids, then it must be that…that he’d grow bored with her!
Yes, that was it. What did she have to offer him? She was just a normal, boring woman. There wasn’t anything special about her.
Except…except he said he wanted her. Her! Janus Meyers wanted her! He’d said so over and over!
Did she trust him?
So…if she trusted him, why did she keep rejecting him?
Stevie made her way up the stairs, hurting in ways she’d never felt before. “What have I done?” she asked her pale, tear-streaked reflection in the bathroom mirror.
That night, she barely slept, thinking about the expression on Janus’ features when she’d pulled back, afraid of what she might do if he touched her last night. She’d hurt him and, in doing that, she’d hurt herself. Deeply!
So if her emotions were so tied to Janus, then…what did that mean?
Surely she wasn’t…! “I’m not in love with him!” she whispered to the pre-dawn silence. “I’m not!”
And yet, Stevie knew she was