guys you’ve met here, but he’s as nice as they come.”

“Okay.” Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Oscar offered a wobbly smile and waved him toward the doorway. “I need to get the others.”

“The twins are already down in the library pestering the hell out of everyone.”

Yes, that sounded like Zavion and Zuriel. They were happy as clams in Haven, and Oscar could see them growing in leaps and bounds in just the couple of weeks since their arrival. It only reinforced his conviction that he’d do whatever it took to keep them right where they were.

“What about Ro?” Cicero was doing better since their rescue, but he still wasn’t talking. Oscar had seen him smile once or twice, though, and to him, that was progress.

“He went down with Malakai.” Boston bumped their shoulders together and chuckled. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was trying to steal my mate.”

Cicero was comfortable with Malakai for whatever reason, and Oscar didn’t want to take that away from him. If it was going to cause discord within the house, however, he couldn’t let it continue. “I’m sorry, Boston. I’ll talk to him.”

“Ease up, Oz.” Giving him a little push between the shoulder blades, Boston got them moving down the hall and in the direction of the library. “I’m just messin’ around. I think it’s great that he feels comfortable with Malakai.”

Letting out a shaky breath in relief, Oscar smiled again and bobbed his head. “Okay. Sorry. It’s just…well…”

“I get it, but it’s not like that here. No one is going to make you leave, and no one is going to hurt you guys again.” A big hand landed on his head and ruffled his hair affectionately. “My family is coming all the way from Georgia to help you guys, and Stavion is having cabins built on the adjacent property. This is your home for as long as you want it.”

Looking away as they entered the library, Oscar quickly turned his sniffle into a cough and rubbed his eyes on the sleeve of his shirt. He was far too emotional since coming to the mansion, getting choked up over the simplest of things. It had just been so long since he’d had anything that even remotely resembled hope. How did he begin to pay these people back for what they’d given him?

Checking out the others gathered in the room, he immediately spotted several men he knew. Devlin and Cian Murphy were there along with their brother and Boston’s other mate, Flynn. The coven leader, Stavion, was there as well, speaking with the guy who had to be Xander. “Holy crow, he’s huge.”

Boston chuckled and clapped him on the shoulder. “He’s a big teddy bear. I promise.”

Cicero was sitting in one of the far corners with Malakai, and though he wasn’t talking, he nodded continuously and smiled softly as he listened to his new friend. Zavion and Zuriel were doing exactly as Boston had said. The twins had parked themselves on one of the sofas, boxing in Cian and jabbering away while waving their hands around in identical displays of excitement.

Cian looked to be taking it all in stride, laughing right along with them. It was such a huge weight off his heart to see how happy and secure his friends appeared. Now he just needed to let himself feel the same sense of safety and belonging. Unfortunately, he was more resistant to the idea of letting himself get comfortable. Hell, he had a bag packed and ready to go under his bed, just in case he needed to make a quick exit.

“Hi!” A petite blond with spiky hair and painted eyes popped up in front of him, almost as though he came right out of thin air. “I’m Keeton.” He grabbed Oscar and pulled him into a crushing hug, nearly picking him up off his feet. “You are absolutely adorable!”

Oscar’s eyes went wide, his heart raced, and his breathing increased. Panic paralyzed him at having this very enthusiastic stranger grabbing him like this, but he couldn’t even open his mouth to stop it. Luckily, another stranger intervened, prying Keeton off him so he could suck in deep breaths.

“You’re going to give him a heart attack, Kee.” Then he popped Keeton in the back of the head and shoved him away. “I’m Braxton. You must be Oscar.” He kept a respectful distance and held his hand out for Oscar to shake. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Heat infused his cheeks, and Oscar could feel the blush working all the way up to the tips of his ears. What a fantastic first impression. He’d totally overreacted, but it was too late to take it back now. The best thing he could do was act as though it hadn’t happened and keep moving forward.

Grasping Braxton’s hand, he shook it firmly but released it quickly. “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you, too.”

“Well, let’s introduce you to the gang so we can get started.” Braxton placed a hand lightly on Oscar’s elbow, not grasping him, but coaxing him gently as though he was a frightened child.

Honestly, that was exactly how Oscar felt. Twenty-three years old, and he’d never made a single decision for himself—until he’d escaped from The Hive and taken his friends along with him. Unfortunately, he’d had no plan other than getting as far away from the facility in Missouri as possible. He’d done the best he could, but needless to say, he wasn’t leadership material.

“So you met Keeton. That gorgeous hunk of Latin love over there is my mate, Xander. The one who looks like someone shot his puppy is Talon.”

“Why do you always introduce me like that?” Talon groused, wrapping his arms around a younger man and nuzzling against the side of his neck. “See, I’m cuddly.”

Braxton rolled his eyes, but he was smiling as he did. “Fine, the cute, cuddly one is Talon, and the guy he’s slobbering on is Jackson.”

“Hey, little dude.”

Dude? Oscar had never heard anyone use

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