their word, no matter the cost.

What she did know? The warlords could use her people against her at any time. Therefore, she must find and free the harpies as soon as possible.

Her goals realigned. Harpies forever.

The fact that this guy thought to sacrifice her? A secret phantom? Good luck. She’d just resurrect. Maybe? Probably? What if he utilized some kind of special weapon? She remembered reading about a powerful blade the Astra employed against all phantoms. Although, Taliyah wasn’t some mindless being. She was royal, practically a goddess. Maybe she’d still resurrect.

She feigned nonchalance. “Do make sure there’s a vegetarian option at the reception, darling. Did you remember to order a cake?”

His pupils pulsed, and it was the oddest thing she’d ever witnessed. Perhaps one of the hottest, as well. What did it mean? Fury? Passion? Or both?

Maybe she shouldn’t have kissed him. But oh, he’d been so smug. She’d needed to oversee his defeat. Any kind of defeat. And yes, she was the kind of person willing to impale herself on a pole, as long as she impaled her foe, too. Alaroc hadn’t wanted the kiss, so he’d gotten it. But this... She hadn’t expected to like it. Her lips tingled from the softness of his. His taste proved as amazing as his scent, all spiced rum and melted sugar. Like the piña colada she’d once sampled. Something she thought she might...crave.

“There will be no reception.” Alaroc maintained a blank expression. No big deal. He’d never be able to erase the memory. Whether he admitted it or not, a part of him had liked the kiss, too. “You’ll wish to settle in and plan your first attack, I’m sure. Allow me to escort you upstairs, so that you may begin.” A polite request that wasn’t really a request.

No time to respond. He grabbed her healed hand and marched her across the throne room. The executioner and his prize. His men dived out of the way. The harpies watched her with envy.

To her bafflement, the warlord’s grip remained firm, never bruising. They entered the hallway, the guards she’d spotted before standing in place. Should have killed them while I had the chance.

Alaroc led her around a corner, and she noted the blood-splattered walls. The blood of her kind. Furnishings were overturned, priceless vases broken and scattered over a cracked marble floor.

Fury reignited. Harpies might be a bloodthirsty lot, but they valued their treasures. “How did Harpina draw the short stick? What made you decide to wed a harpy?”

“I’m always mystically drawn to the world I must conquer.”

Mystically drawn? “By whom? Your god?”

“Perhaps him. Mayhap fate.”

He has drawn his cards...

“Well, fate dealt you a bad hand this go-round.” Taliyah wanted so badly to study Alaroc’s tattoos and learn from the mistakes of past victims. But she resisted the urge, knowing the distraction would cost her. “Hey! How do you know your way around the palace?” Men like him were never allowed inside. Plus, he’d arrived today.

“I arrived a year ago, unbeknownst to the citizens.”

“Excuse me?” An entire year?

“I trekked every inch of the realm, collecting data. My knowledge allowed me to create a duplicate realm. That’s where your people currently reside. Today is merely the day I revealed myself.”

Taliyah listened, agog. A duplicate realm? As storage?

Um, how was she supposed to defeat a creator of worlds? And what was that strange sensation working through her? That couldn’t be dread, could it? Nope. Impossible!

“Why not pick a timid mouse and guarantee a victory?” she asked.

“Neither mouse nor lion has the power to defeat me.” A pause. At a lower volume, he admitted, “I’ve never desired a timid woman.”

And he must desire his wife?

As they ascended a staircase, she realized they were headed for the General’s suite. A big nope from Taliyah. She dug her heels into the marble, barely slowing his progress. “I’m not staying in Nissa’s room.”

“Correct. I am.” He didn’t bother glancing at her, just kept dragging her along. “You’ll stay next door.”

Teeth grinding, she asked, “You don’t feel guilty about claiming the bedroom of the woman you just murdered?”

“Hardly. She chose to die. I honored her decision.”

“Hold up. You didn’t just say she chose to die.”

“She attacked me. She chose to die,” he verified, his tone flat.

“And you honored her decision,” she repeated, her tone dry.

“Is there any greater honor than dying for your cause?”

“Yes. Living for it.”

He frowned over his shoulder, and she schooled her expression to say, Go ahead, deny it.

“Perhaps you’re right,” he said with a shrug. “I gave her the second-best honor.”

Such a paragon of virtue. “If honor really matters to you, you won’t cheat on your brand-new wife.” Since sex purged him of aggression, she considered herself the royal wet blanket. The more on edge she kept him, the more mistakes he’d make. “If you truly respect a person’s position, as I do, you’ll respect mine and abstain from sex for the next thirty days.”

The muscles in his shoulder bunched as he said, “You manipulate me. At the moment, I’m willing to play along. So yes. I will remain celibate on your behalf. If you think you’ve won a battle, however, you are mistaken. You alone will suffer my wrath.”

“For your information, I’ve won two battles. This pledge and the kiss. Admit it, you’re hungry for more of me. Starved!”

The slightest noise left him. A growl? A grin spread. Oh, yeah. He wanted more.

Now she would needle him about it for the rest of his very short life.

They reached the master suite, where two guards stood sentry. Without a word exchanged, the pair opened up, allowing Alaroc and Taliyah to stride inside without pause.

“You may go,” he said, giving Taliyah a nudge as disciplined as his handhold.

With a quick scan, she memorized the layout of the room and noted every object she could use to her advantage. Basically: everything. The teapot in the sitting area before the hearth. The vase of flowers on the dresser. The massive chandelier hanging over the bed.

When she pivoted

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