happen.” He looked up at Domi, still smiling. “Do you want to come with us?”

For the sake of their daughter, the three of them did a lot of things together, including holidays, but the innocent question still made Julia’s lips tighten into a flat line. Her expression softened with relief when Domi shook her head.

“No, thank you. I have things I need to get done today.”

Specifically, things to get herself ready for a night at Marquis. Every weekend Ana spent with Marcus and Julia, Domi spent either at Stronghold or Marquis. Tonight she wasn’t going with Master Mitch, though. She and Rae were having a ladies’ night to see the fire play scene that had been scheduled. Neither of them had ever seen fire play and were both fascinated by the idea.

Ana pouted but ran over to hug her around the waist. “Bye, Mommy.”

“Bye, baby girl. I’ll see you on Wednesday for dinner.” Domi reaching to hug her back. For just a brief moment, she wished her daughter could stay with her all the time... but that wouldn’t be fair to Marcus. She would enjoy some time for herself. At least for the first few days. That was why they had family dinner every Wednesday, then Ana would be back with her next Saturday morning.

“Can you take Ana out to the car, hon?” Marcus asked Julia, surprising the hell out of Domi—surprising her even more when Julia just nodded in agreement. Domi and Marcus watched them walking to the car, Ana already chattering about what she wanted to see at the zoo before Marcus turned back to Domi. There was something in his expression that made her realize that whatever he wanted to say to her, it was big. He kept his voice low, even though it was unlikely Ana would be able to hear them, even if she wasn’t talking.

“Julia is pregnant.”

Domi slapped her hands over her mouth to stifle her squeal of joy and excitement. She didn’t want to draw Ana’s attention when Marcus and Julia were clearly not ready to tell her yet, but it was so hard. Even with the strain between herself and Julia, she felt nothing but joy for the couple. Marcus’ eyes dance with happiness.

“Oh, my goodness!” she whispered before jumping forward to hug him. Even if it made Julia mad, she couldn’t help it. “I am so happy for you two! The IVF?”

Chuckling, Marcus hugged her back, seemingly not at all worried about his wife’s reaction. It wasn’t as if they hugged for more than a moment before stepping away. Marcus shoved his hands in his pockets, rocking back on his heels and grinning widely.

“Yeah, this round worked. She’s three months along, officially, as of tomorrow. We want to tell Ana this week, but we couldn’t decide if it was better to do it with just us, or if you prefer, we’ll wait until Wednesday.”

This was why her co-parenting relationship with Marcus and Julia worked. As much as Julia might want to cut Domi out of their lives entirely, she knew she couldn’t and, when it came to the big stuff, she didn’t try to. If it might be better for Domi to be there when they told Ana, then Julia wanted Domi there.

Domi blew out a breath, thinking quickly. Ana knew her Dad and Julia wanted a baby and was excited about the idea of a sibling, but enough time had passed from when the idea was first introduced, she might have settled into the idea it wasn’t actually going to happen. Also, it was one thing to think about having a baby brother or sister and another to face the reality after five years of being the main focus of all three of her parents.

“I think... you should do what feels right,” she said slowly. “If a good moment to tell her comes up, I think you should take it. If a good moment doesn’t come up before Wednesday, you can tell her at dinner.”

Nodding, Marcus’ smile seemed a little dimmer… more nervous. “How do you think she’ll take it?”

“I think she’ll be excited, but she’s also going to have a lot of questions,” Domi said frankly. “After the idea sinks in, she might start to get worried or anxious, but I think she’s going to be a great big sister.”

“She definitely is.” Marcus shot a fond look to the car where Julia was buckling Ana in and laughing at something she said. “Julia bought her a book about being a big sister. I have no idea if it’ll help, but she does love books.”

“Yes, she does.” Domi laughed. That was an understatement. Ana had loved books even as a baby, especially when the book came with a stuffed animal of the main character she could hold while the book was read to her. “I bet it’ll help. That sounds like a great idea.” One that had Julia’s mark all over it—in a good way.

Domi still had to sigh internally when Julia straightened up and looked back at them, the frown on her face the expression most often directed at Domi.

“Marcus? Are you ready to go, or do you need another minute?”

There was barely held impatience in her tone and just a tinge of accusation as if she thought Domi was purposefully holding him there to talk to her. Maybe Domi was projecting a little, but that’s what it felt like. Pushing a smile on her face, she grabbed Ana’s bag and passed it over to Marcus.

“Here you go. I’ll see you Wednesday. And congratulations.” It was all she could do not to reach out and hug him again. With Julia’s gaze already boring holes through her, she decided not to, but only because Julia was pregnant and likely to be more emotional. That didn’t stop her from turning and waving at the other woman. “Bye, Julia!”

Pressing her lips together so tightly, it looked like she had to poop, Julia managed to curve her lips in the semblance of a smile and

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