she had said.

‘You foolish child!’ she scolded. ‘Do you realise what you’ve done?’

Trina looked at her mother, bemused. ‘But it was only a soft punch,’ she said. ‘I didn’t even hurt him.’

‘It doesn’t matter how hard you hit him; he obviously didn’t think it was soft if he went home yelling. Why didn’t you leave things alone like I told you to? Do you think a family like that will let this go? You’ve just made a whole heap of trouble for yourself, my girl.’

Trina didn’t say anything. She just stared at her mother in shock as she felt a tremor of fear pulse through her.


After her mother’s warning that the Gallaghers would seek revenge for thumping Shaun, Trina avoided the family for a few days, especially Kyle Gallagher who was two years older than her, and vicious. If she saw them in the distance she turned and walked the other way until she was well out of view. Trina told her brothers to avoid the family too.

It was while she was taking a short cut through a back alleyway that she saw Kyle and two of his friends. They were surrounding someone and Trina could tell they were being mean to whoever it was. Then the other person came into view and Trina realised it was Jessica. The breath caught in her throat and for a moment she stood motionless, taking in the scene.

‘You’re that fuckin’ Trina’s friend, aren’t you?’ said Kyle.

‘No, I’m not,’ said Jessica, and Trina could hear the fear in her voice.

‘Well, how come we see you hanging about with her?’ asked Kyle.

‘I don’t. I don’t even like her. She just keeps pestering, trying to make friends with us because she hasn’t got any other friends. None of us like her.’

‘You’re a liar,’ said Kyle, grabbing hold of Jessica’s arm and leaning forward menacingly till his face was close to hers.

Kyle and his friends had their backs to Trina so they didn’t spot her. But Jessica did. Trina felt her eyes upon her and prepared to run before the boys realised who Jessica was looking at. She quickly took to her heels and as she turned and ran, she heard Jessica scream in pain.

Trina rounded the corner so she was out of sight. Then she heard Jessica shout her name. ‘Trina, help me!’ but Trina kept running, getting as far away as she could from the boys.

When she had made some distance, she became aware of them pursuing her. She heard heavy footfall then Kyle shouting, ‘Come here, you bitch! I want you.’

Trina didn’t even turn round to check how close they were. She didn’t stop till she got home and fled through the door.

‘What on earth’s the matter with you?’ asked her mother.

Trina plonked herself down on the tattered old sofa, panting heavily, and her mother waited while Trina’s breathing steadied.

‘Kyle and his friends were after me,’ she gasped. ‘They hit Jessica because they thought she was my friend.’

‘What did I tell you, child?’ scolded her mother. ‘This won’t end here, you mark my words.’

Trina’s heartbeat had already accelerated after her run but now she felt a rush of blood pulse through her body as fear consumed her. ‘Can’t you have a word with his mam?’ she asked, desperately.

‘Oh no, my girl. I told you before, you can’t reason with those sorts of people.’

‘What can we do then, Mam?’ asked Trina, a note of hysteria in her voice.

Her mother seemed to pause for ages before she replied. Then she sighed heavily before speaking. ‘There’s not a lot we can do, Trina. Just keep away from them and let’s hope it blows over.’


February 1992

For weeks Trina followed her mother’s advice and kept her distance from the Gallaghers and their friends. Trina had started hanging out in the local park rather than in the streets near to her home, hoping she would be safer there. Laura and Holly sometimes came with her but Jessica wouldn’t have anything to do with her since the day Kyle and his friends attacked her.

The first time Trina bumped into Jessica after the attack, Trina could see the panic in Jessica’s eyes.

‘My mam says I can’t hang around with you anymore,’ she said. ‘I was beaten up because of you.’

Her tone was more resigned than hostile. She seemed timid as though she had finally been defeated, and Trina felt a pang of guilt knowing she had deserted her when Kyle and his friends had attacked. Despite how cruel Jessica had been to her in the past, even she didn’t deserve that.

Trina didn’t know what to say. An apology didn’t feel appropriate; neither did an aggressive retort. So, instead, she shrugged and walked away.

After that day, she rarely saw Jessica outside. When she did see her, she was usually accompanied by adults. It made Trina realise just how much the attack by Kyle and his friends must have shaken Jessica. Trina was worried about further reprisals from the boys and took care to keep away from them.

It was several weeks later when they finally caught up with her. Trina had carried on hanging out in the park but she had become complacent as time passed by. So, when Kyle and his friends appeared in the park, they took her completely by surprise.

Trina was with Laura, sitting on a grass verge at the edge of some bushes, facing each other as they chatted about friends, school and their families. Trina remembered glancing admiringly at Laura’s straight blonde hair. She would have loved to have had hair like that.

But Laura didn’t seem so fixated on her. Instead she was looking over Trina’s shoulder at something behind her. Then Trina noticed the shocked expression that appeared on Laura’s face. She turned around to see what had surprised her friend.

By the time Trina spotted Kyle Gallagher with two of his mates, Laura was already up on her feet. It was common knowledge amongst all the local kids that he

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