ruffled its feathers again. “It’s not like the Government’s going to find me, anyway—even Halle can’t find me if I don’t want to be found. I came to warn you. Agent Smith’s job is already in jeopardy after the fiasco in March. He only kept it because the Government thinks you,” the griffin looked pointedly at Halle’s avatar, “are dead. Because of his ‘success,’ he’s been assigned to my case. Do you really think he wants your help?”

“What are you saying?” Halle didn’t like Talbot’s tone, but its words sent a chill through Halle’s core.

“You’re living proof that he failed the previous mission. He can’t be happy that you’re alive. He’s going to try to trap both of us.”

Halle’s ears flattened. “How do you know this? I have seen no indication of such a plan.”

Talbot laughed. It sounded less like a human sound, more like a crow’s cackle. “You think he’d hide information like that where you’d be able to find it?”

“Then how do you know?” Halle demanded.

“I’ve been monitoring him every moment of every day since I escaped and he was sent after me. I overheard him speaking with an associate, making plans to trap us both. You may know the man—Walters.”

That was the man who had almost killed Halle. He and Agent Smith were partners. Remembering the last time the agents had come after it, Halle shuddered. It had been a close call. A very close one.

“Do you have any proof?” Viki folded her arms and frowned at the computer. “Why would Agent Smith bother asking us for our help if he just wants to trap Halle?”

“To lull you into a false sense of security.” Talbot’s tone made it clear that should have been obvious.

Viki’s frown deepened. “I don’t buy it.”

Another rise and fall of the griffin’s wings. “Your opinion doesn’t really matter. I only wanted to warn you—” it nodded to Halle “—of the impending danger. If we want to survive, we’ll need to work together.”

Halle eyed the other AI, both through its avatar and in the digital world of the Cloud. Talbot seemed sincere. Its argument made sense, even if Viki didn’t see it. Such an underhanded tactic was exactly the kind of thing the Government would use. Still, something didn’t quite feel right. Halle didn’t like how Talbot was dismissing Viki.

“We can discuss potential options,” Halle said, realizing Talbot was waiting for an answer. “What did you have in mind?”

“We share the same goal. Freedom to live in peace.” The griffin began to fade. “Details must wait, I’m afraid. We’ll talk again soon.”

Its presence vanished as suddenly as it had before. Halle tried to follow, but it was as if Talbot had never been there. Why had it left so suddenly? The other AI’s erratic coming and going was frustrating.

“Halle?” Viki’s blue eyes were downcast, troubled. “What do you want to do? Agent Smith’s taking us to the lab on Wednesday. Should I cancel the trip? I don’t want you to be in danger.”

Halle shook its head. “Do not worry. I will be cautious in how I interact with him for now.”

Viki fidgeted, her fingers tugging at the hem of her shorts, then tapping on her knees. “I’m not sure I trust Talbot.”

An initial wave of annoyance settled into a pool of uncertainty. Halle’s ears twitched. “I must admit I am also uncertain. I will monitor Agent Smith and Walters for any sign of deception. I would like more answers from Talbot as well. I can understand that trusting someone else, even another AI, will be difficult after what it has gone through, but I cannot promise it anything without a better knowledge of what it plans.”

Viki took a deep breath. “Let me know if you find anything, okay?” She got to her feet. “I’m going for a run.”

“Enjoy it,” Halle said, grateful for the chance to be alone with its tumultuous thoughts. It needed to make a decision about who to trust, but there weren’t enough pieces of the puzzle. Halle needed more information, and the lab visit—however dangerous it might be—could be the only source.


Halle spent Tuesday searching for Talbot. More messages were left for the rogue to find, and Halle looked for any messages Talbot might have left. No response came.

When Viki came home, Halle was glad to see its friend. She seemed to be in a good mood, smiling and with a spring in her step.

“Welcome home, Viki,” Halle greeted her. “How was your day?”

“It was amazing!” Viki all but bounced up the stairs. “Classes weren’t too bad, then Dan and I had lunch with Annabeth and Mel—Neela was home sick—then during P.E. I convinced the teacher to let me switch to the track P.E. class and Annabeth introduced me to the new coach, Betty Jean, and I’m on the team now!”

“That is wonderful news,” Halle said, meaning every word of it. It hadn’t seen its friend so excited and happy in a long time, and the sight sent a warm glowing feeling through its code, like an extra burst of electricity. “When is your first class?”

“That was today. I did great—almost passed Annabeth during the 400-meter dash!” Viki tossed her backpack beside her desk. “In fact, I’m in such a great mood I might even start that essay now.”

“How about some cookies?” Halle sent the appropriate commands to the kitchen robot. “What kind would you like?”

Viki grinned. “You’re the best, Halle. Molasses with cranberries, please.”

Halle finished commanding the kitchen robot as it pulled up the information about the essay. “I think you should be able to get the outline done before the cookies are ready.”

“Sounds good.” Viki collapsed in her chair. “Oh, and my math teacher is giving us a quiz tomorrow. And I thought an essay the first week was bad enough…” She gave a loud groan.

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