and sent the floater dropping down into the ground. I clapped my hands over my mouth, determined not to scream, even though it felt like my stomach was now lodged in my throat.

The floater slowed to a halt and moved forward in the dark. Lights appeared, dim and yellow. They lit up the surrounding area slowly, until I could see gray concrete walls and the occasional concrete pillar. White paint, faded here and there, marked spots for cars to park—only about a quarter of the slots were filled. Our floater slid into a place toward the middle of the garage.

Agent Smith glanced at me as he opened his door. “Let’s go.”

Swallowing hard, I willed my stomach back into its proper spot and followed Agent Smith through the garage. My sneakers squeaked on the concrete. The sound echoed against the walls. We stopped in front of an elevator. A red light blinked at the top of a biometric scanner. Agent Smith pressed his hand to the panel. It lit up white for a second, then the red light became green and the elevator doors slid open.

I glanced over my shoulder, but the driver hadn’t followed us. Our black floater was indistinguishable from the other ones scattered around the garage.

“Hurry up,” Agent Smith called, already in the elevator.

I jumped in.

The doors shut, leaving us encased in a metal room with a thin green carpet as its only decoration. I glanced around for buttons, but there were none. The elevator started moving up—it was so quiet I wouldn’t have noticed the movement if it weren’t for the faint feeling of pressure.

Agent Smith looked down at his clipboard. “Did you bring a phone?”

I checked my pocket and nodded.

“They’ll take it from you. Phones aren’t allowed in the laboratory. It’ll be returned once our tour is done.” He glanced at my legs. “How are your implants doing today?”

It was an innocuous question for anyone who didn’t know the truth. “They’re working properly.” Halle and I had tested them last night after my run. My friend would be monitoring through them now, but I didn’t dare say anything. No matter how much I wanted to reassure it.

“Good.” He scribbled a note on his clipboard. “Remember your instructions. This shouldn’t take too long.”

Avoid saying anything, avoid getting caught. I swallowed hard and nodded.

The elevator came to a halt, the pressure vanishing. Agent Smith took a step forward, straightened his fedora, and adjusted his clipboard under his arm.

I glanced at the spot over the door, where there should have been a display to show what floor we were on. It was empty.

“It only goes from the parking lot to the reception area,” Agent Smith explained.

“Oh.” I drew in a breath as the doors opened, then followed Agent Smith through them.

I found myself in a large reception area: carpeted floor, white walls with framed pictures of flowers, comfy armchairs arranged around a coffee table with magazines spread over it, and a desk with a computer and a woman sitting behind it, sipping something from a mug. It was almost like a doctor’s office, except there were no windows, the two doors leading from the room had obvious keypads and biometric locks, and the desk had glass surrounding it that was probably bulletproof.

“Nice place,” I said.

“I’m glad you are finding it enjoyable.” The unfamiliar voice brought my head around to see a man a little taller than me, with long black hair and deep blue eyes. He smiled briefly and held out his hand. “Dr. Chris Sandy, at your service. Please call me Chris. You are Agent Smith, correct? And, Vicissitude Wandel? Did I pronounce that right?”

I nodded, not wanting to break the no-speaking rule again.

“She goes by Viki,” Agent Smith said, shaking the man’s hand. “It’s less of a mouthful. Thank you for agreeing to our visit, sir.”

“I’ll appreciate any help you can offer us in tracking down the rogue.” Chris gave me a scrutinizing look. “Bit young for an intern, aren’t you?” He held out his hand.

My palms were too sweaty to risk a handshake. I gave an awkward wave instead, my cheeks heating.

“She’s a bright girl with a lot of talent,” Agent Smith said, not missing a beat. “But she’s a bit shy outside the office environment, which is why I wanted her to shadow me today.”

Nice save. I let my gaze drop to the floor, trying to imitate this quiet person he was describing.

Chris clapped his hands together. “Well, let me show you around. Bear in mind, there isn’t much to see in this sector. Banks of computers and servers, mostly. AI research doesn’t require any of the fancy gadgets you need for things such as biological research. But I can show you the facility where the AI was being developed.”

“You were part of the research team, correct?” Agent Smith asked.

“A minor part, yes. I help out on many of the research teams here. Technically, I work in the robotics section, but I have a degree in AI development as well, so when necessary I serve both roles.

“Now, I understand that we gave you a full report regarding the incident,” Chris continued, leading the way to the reception desk.

“Yes.” Agent Smith pulled a few sheets off his clipboard and handed it to the scientist. “These are the clearance papers.”

Chris glanced over them and nodded. “I’ll just have Rebecca check them out.” He tapped on the glass and smiled at the receptionist.

Her flat expression didn’t change, but she opened the cover to a slot in the glass that surrounded her desk and snapped her fingers impatiently.

Chris slid the papers through and drew his fingers back as the cover banged into place after them.

Rebecca looked the papers over then started tapping away at her computer. A couple minutes later, she set the papers

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