“All right.” Mom took the hint and left, closing my door behind her.
I added a few more notes, then pushed myself away from the desk. “You joining us for dinner, Halle?” My friend couldn’t eat, but sometimes it joined in the conversations.
“Hm? No, not today.” Halle sounded distracted, which was unusual. It must be working on something major. I headed downstairs without further comment, not wanting to disturb its work. Maybe it had a new lead on Talbot.
Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs, with a huge salad and garlic bread as sides, and chocolate cake for dessert. I stared at the spread as I took a seat.
“When did you get home?” I asked.
Mom and Dad shared a smile.
“The new nurse started today, so my shifts have been rearranged,” Mom said. “I’m still helping cover for Sharon—she’s on maternity leave—but I’ll be able to come home to make dinner most evenings now. That’ll save Halle the trouble.” Her smile slipped briefly. “Plus, I miss cooking for the family.”
Dad tapped his glass with his knife. “I have an exciting announcement as well! Our project’s in the final stages, so starting next Monday, I’ll be back to my regular schedule. You’d better brush up on chess, Victory, or I’m going to have to start using Defeat for your nickname instead.”
I wrinkled my nose at him and took a bite of spaghetti. “That’s awesome! Congratulations.” It would be wonderful to have dinner with them again. Just like old times. If only I didn’t need to worry about Talbot and Dan.
“Is everything okay?” Mom’s expression filled with concern. “You look upset, Viki. Did something happen at school?”
I took a sip of orange juice to dampen my dry mouth. “It’s fine.”
Mom and Dad shared a look.
“Is this about that boy?” Dad asked.
“No!” I set my juice down with a little more force than necessary. It sloshed, almost spilling onto the white tablecloth. “Dan hasn’t done anything.” It wasn’t just them I was speaking to, but Halle, if it was listening to us. My parents’ startled looks made me scramble for a believable explanation. I looked down at my plate and heaved a sigh. “Remember how Neela wouldn’t see me over the summer? And you thought she might just need some time to cool off?”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Mom reached across the table to squeeze my hand. “You two still haven’t made up?”
I shook my head. “It’s not going to happen. She’s made it clear that she doesn’t want anything to do with me.”
In unison, my parents got up and came around the table, wrapping me in wordless hugs of comfort. I closed my eyes and hugged them back, startled by the sting of tears and the ache in my chest. If I don’t care that we’re not friends anymore, why does it hurt so much?
“I’m so sorry.” Mom stroked my hair. “Maybe we can do something this weekend. Go to the beach or a movie. You could invite Dan along.”
It was on the tip of my tongue to tell them the truth, about Agent Smith and Talbot and Dan, but I couldn’t cause them any more worry. They’d already done so much, taking time off during the spring so they could be home with me, convincing the school to let me skip the rest of that semester, staying in constant contact even after they returned to work. Even if they couldn’t always be around, they made sure I knew I was loved and valued. Just like they were doing now.
Sniffing, I reached up to wipe my eyes. “That sounds fun.”
“Let’s see if we can make Saturday work, then.”
We settled back around the table, and I did my best to answer their questions about my classes, Dan, and how Annabeth and Mel were doing. It was hard to keep a cheerful front while my heart lay heavy in my chest. I hated keeping secrets from my parents, but I also didn’t want to put them in danger.
After helping clean up the dinner dishes, I headed upstairs.
Halle was pacing around my computer screen, black tail lashing back and forth.
“What’s wrong?” I sat down and drew my knees up to my chest. “Did you hear from Talbot?”
“No. Agent Smith contacted me to say he had nothing new to report. Not that I am surprised. He can do little to assist with the mission.” Halle’s ears flattened. “Also, his son took a turn for the worse last night. He has slipped into a coma.”
I might not like the man, but I had nothing against his son. I remembered the brief glimpse of a small face and a frail body when Agent Smith left my home the last time in March. Poor kid. My shoulders slumped. “Is he going to be okay?”
“I do not know. I am trying to determine a way to help. So far, I have been unable to do so. With your augments, I had the necessary data to formulate a proper cure, but they don’t actually know what causes his disease, except that it might be genetic. The medication he is on was discovered by accident and only treats some of the symptoms.” Halle’s tail continued to sweep back and forth. “There must be something I can do.”
“You’re a good person, Halle.” I rubbed my eyes. “I wish I could help. I feel so useless.”
“You will need to keep an eye on Dan at school.”
My friend’s tone sent my hopes plunging toward my sneakers. “Did you confirm he’s a cyborg, then?”
“I cannot be sure, but except for records, his parents do not exist. There are no video recordings of them and few pictures. I am certain that if you were to actually open the boxes in that house of his, you