There was a long pause. Then a small click. The safety in place, Agent Smith rested the gun in his lap. “I hope you realize how big a risk I’m taking here.”
I glared at him. “He came to help me despite how dangerous it was. They shot at him—he could have been hurt.”
“For good reason! You know what Dr. Sandy said. They’re military-grade cyborgs. Lethal weapons! And in the hands of this rogue AI—”
It took me a second to remember who Dr. Sandy was—Chris, the scientist from the lab. “I don’t care what he said!”
“I’m not dangerous.” Dan’s voice held a low growl. “I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
My fingers dug into the leather upholstery of my seat. A flicker in the rearview mirror caught my gaze. Black cars, flying in a formation. “They’re coming after us!”
“Can’t you call them off?” Dan asked.
“With you in the car now, they’ll consider me compromised.” Agent Smith jerked the wheel, sending us careening around the turn. “I can evade them, but I need some help. Phone!”
A beep came from the car.
“Call Walters,” Agent Smith ordered. As a second beep told him the system was doing as it was told, he glanced at the GPS and took a sharp turn in the opposite direction.
“Where are we going?” I gasped, tugging at the seat belt that was now digging into my midsection.
“Dr. Sandy lives nearby. He will be able to assist us. Although bringing the cyborg along might not be a good idea. Whatever it says—”
“He is my friend,” I interrupted. “And if you let Dr. Sandy harm him, we won’t be able to help you stop Talbot.”
He gave me a brief, searching look. “How do you propose to stop the rogue? Without Halle, we’re fighting in the dark.”
The car’s system beeped again, and a flat voice stated that the call failed.
“Stupid, useless… Phone. Call. Walters.”
Dan released a hissed breath, and I glanced back. He was staring out the rear window. The cars behind us were catching up. I could almost read their license plate numbers.
The phone system pinged, then an unfamiliar voice came over it. “Smith? That you? This connection is awful. What piece of junk did they stick you in—”
“Any luck with the house, Walters?” Agent Smith interrupted.
“Not yet. It’s tied up tightly with icewalls, and I can’t get a handle on this code. It’s…slippery is the best way I can describe it. Evolving to match whatever I can throw at it.” Walters sounded half-horrified and half-impressed. “It’s going to take me longer than I expected.”
Agent Smith’s scowl deepened. “All right, keep me posted. Can you access the systems for the cars in Agent Newman’s fleet?”
“…Yes? Why?”
“I need you to disable them and the tracking device on my car. Now. I’ll explain later.”
“That, at least, I can do.” Walters still sounded hesitant. “You better have a good explanation for this, though.”
“Just do it!” Agent Smith thumbed a button on his steering wheel, cutting off the call. “That solves one problem at least,” he muttered, more to himself than to Dan and me.
The cars pursuing us were still closing the gap. My fingers dug into the soft cushion of my seat as I watched. “Are you sure about that?”
“Yes.” Our car turned right, and as it did so, the three cars behind us suddenly plummeted to the ground. The last image I saw of them was a faint glow around their undercarriages as their emergency landing system kicked in.
Agent Smith gave a sharp nod. “Good. Maybe next time they’ll think twice about opening fire on an unarmed civilian.”
The ice creeping down my spine made me very, very glad I wasn’t one of those agents. I’d never heard someone so angry before.
Dan’s fingers curled into fists. “I hope Halle’s all right, Viki.”
My shoulders slumped, and I blinked back tears. “So do I.”
“Halle is resourceful,” Agent Smith murmured. “I’m sure it’s safe.”
I wanted to believe that, but part of me feared the worst.
The agent’s voice became ice again. “Now how about you catch me up on everything that you and Halle have been keeping from me?”
Chapter Sixteen
Dr. Chris Sandy’s small house was not what I expected. I’d walked past houses that were almost identical before—light blue siding, solar-paneled roof, smooth green lawn surrounded by a white picket fence. It didn’t fit my image of the scientist, who I would have thought spent his free time working on his own science projects rather than landscaping. Then again, Dad kept our yard neat and raked. Maybe it was a scientist thing.
Agent Smith parked the car behind a navy blue floater that was almost the same shade as the front door.
“Dan, you should stay in the car. He might recognize you,” I said.
Agent Smith shook his head. “No, he comes with us. I don’t need another rogue wandering about, especially one that’s being controlled by the first rogue.”
“He broke free of Talbot’s control,” I protested. “If Dr. Sandy recognizes him, he’ll want to take him back to the lab.”
Agent Smith got out of the car, holstering his gun. “Let’s go.”
“It’s okay,” Dan said as he opened his door. “I can take care of myself.”
I slammed my door and hurried after them.
It took three rings of the doorbell before we heard footsteps. The door finally opened, and Dr. Sandy appeared in jeans and a t-shirt. He swept his gaze over us.
“What’s this all about?” His eyes narrowed at Dan. “Is that—”
“Let’s take this inside.” Agent Smith ushered everyone through the door.
“Chris?” the feminine voice brought my attention to a woman standing in a doorway a few steps down the main hall. She was also casually dressed, with a touch of makeup.
His wife, I guessed. We were probably