“Halle!” Tears welled in my eyes again, but this time they were happy ones. “I knew you were alive!”
“I will admit I was somewhat concerned you would not discover my hiding place, but you did. Thank you.”
Dad glared at his sound system. “Halle, when we agreed to let you stay at our house, my wife and I were under the impression that as part of the family, you would treat us with respect. Both you and Viki went behind our backs to work with Agent Smith. I’m disappointed with both of you.”
“I am sorry. I underestimated Talbot. That will not happen again.”
“What’s its plan, Halle?” I demanded. “You know what it is, right?”
“I do. I want you and your father to find a safe place to stay for a bit. Agent Smith might be able to help; I have messaged him that you rescued me and I will be handling the situation now. There is not much time left.”
“What can I do to help?”
“Stay safe. I will contact you as soon as I can.”
The car beeped, signaling an incoming call.
“Answer it,” Dad said.
“Mr. Wandel? This is Agent Smith—”
“What the hell were you thinking, dragging my daughter into this mess?” Dad shouted over whatever the agent was trying to say. “She’s a minor!”
“I’m aware—”
“I’m going to see you in jail if it’s the last thing I do, you—” Dad launched into a tirade of swear words.
Dan and I shared a glance.
After a few minutes, Dad ran out of new words and breath. Agent Smith took the chance to jump in again.
“I apologize for the subterfuge. It was a necessary precaution.”
“Necessary precaution, my—”
“Dad,” I interrupted. “I was just covering for Halle, because he needed its help and he didn’t want the Government to know Halle was still around.”
I quailed under the dark look he gave me. “Young lady, you are in huge trouble, and as for Halle…”
“Mr. Wandel, you are welcome to call me whatever you like, but I’ve promised Halle to protect both you and your family. In order to do that, I need you to join me at Dr. Sandy’s residence.”
“What about the other agents?” I protested. “Won’t they try to arrest me again?”
“That situation has been defused. You will be safe here.”
“What about my wife?” Dad asked.
“She is working at the hospital, correct? She will be safe there.”
Dad was squeezing the wheel so tightly I was surprised his knuckles hadn’t popped out of his white skin yet. “Do we have a choice?”
Dad got the address and took the next left, his foot heavy on the accelerator. Except for another quick, shared glance, Dan and I didn’t move or even speak until we arrived less than ten minutes later. I was happy to get out of the car—the tense silence had not made for a pleasant trip.
The black cars were no longer in the driveway, except for the one Agent Smith had driven. He let us in, seeming unperturbed by Dad’s unwavering glare.
I looked around. “Where did the other agents go?”
“Agent Newman overstepped his bounds in ordering them to arrest you. I spoke to our superior, who issued orders for them to stand down until I tell them to mobilize.”
Well, that’s one problem solved. “What’s going to happen now?”
“Halle contacted me to tell me that the rogue will be doing something soon, but your AI friend wouldn’t give me the details, only that it was certain it could handle the situation.” Agent Smith led the way to the living room. “You can stay in here for now. Chris is still trying to decipher Dan’s memories. I didn’t want to tell him that I had another source that had already done so. It would lead to too many questions.”
“Dan’s memories?” Dad’s eyebrows drew together in confusion.
I winced. Maybe I should have told him the truth earlier.
“The cyborg’s, yes.” Agent Smith glanced at me and frowned. “Given Viki’s expression, I take it she didn’t tell you everything about her friend.”
Dan leaned close to my ear. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”
What? “Dan?” I turned, but he was already racing back down the hall. My heart thudded with each footstep he took. “Wait!” I chased after him, skidding to a halt as the front door slammed in my face. Yanking it open, I shouted his name again. He had already vanished down the street. A chill ran down my spine. Was this Talbot’s doing? It can’t be. He broke free. Right? Or was it all a ruse?
“Viki!” Dad halted just behind me, grabbing my shoulder, probably in an attempt to stop me pursuing my friend. Not that I planned to—I had no idea where Dan had gone. My father looked up and down the street. “Why did he run off?”
“I don’t know.” I slammed the door. “He didn’t say.”
Agent Smith cursed and pulled out his phone. “It must be the rogue AI. Whatever its plan is, it’s making its move now.” He tapped away at his phone.
My fingers curled into fists. “What’s going to happen? What are you doing?”
“I’m telling the agents to mobilize. If the cyborg means to harm anyone, they’ll stop him.”
“They’ll kill him!” I reached for the door, but Dad grabbed my wrist.
“You aren’t going anywhere,” he snapped. “And you lied to me earlier about your friend. Why?” His expression was mixed anger and disappointment.
I couldn’t hold his gaze. Looking at the floor, I shook my head. “You laughed it off when Dan told you the truth… It was easier to just let