“I know!” Cadmus snapped. Heput his hand on the small of Toemeka’s back and said gently, “It’stime. Show courage, Toemeka.”
She put up an inner shield andwalked onto the stage between Seetva and Cadmus with Amarettafollowing. The sight of the firepit caused her to falter. Cadmusincreased the pressure of his hand on her back and she continuedforward. Courage,show courage, shethought.Show Samrat Condor what an Initiate of the Secret Teaching is madeof.
As they moved toward SamratCondor, the intense flames of the fire heated her face and bare arms.Inwardly the sorcerers attacked her in a deadly attempt to gaincontrol over her. She focused on Michio and Baymond. Love filled herheart so no fear could enter. Sh knew fear was the only means bywhich the sorcerers could gain control of her.
They stopped in front of SamratCondor. Cadmus and Seetva knelt down and lowered their heads to thefloor. Toemeka stood straight and faced the deity through her shroud.
Two Samrat priests grabbed herand threw her to the floor. She thrust out her hands to break theworst of her fall, then stayed prostrate before Samrat Condor. Thesorcerers increased their inner attack, but the Light around herremained impenetrable.
After a few minutes Samrat Condorsaid, “You may rise.”
Cadmus clasped her elbow andhelped her stand.
“Dance for Samrat Condor,”Seetva said. When she didn’t move, Seetva hissed. “I’ll orderAmaretta to jump into the flames if you don’t. Do you understand?”
Toemeka nodded. Then it hit her;this was her nightmare! Over and over she’d been on this stage withSamrat Condor and his priests, feeling the heat of the blazing fireon her skin.
Seetva removed her veil andToemeka began to move to the sound of the flute that played softlyinwardly. As she listened more deeply, she could hear an entireorchestra. She danced to the inner music, making the dance anexpression of her love for God. A smile spread across her face andshe raised her hands upward.
Samrat Condor hurled a bolt ofpsychic energy and she staggered from the blow. The other sorcerersjoined the attack until she was reeling from the blows. No longerable to fight them off, she slipped free of her physical body andwatched with detachment from the high hall ceiling. Iam not my body,she thought. Iwill shed it like a garment when the time comes.
Michio struggled to stay neutralso the priests wouldn’t detect his presence as he gazed at Toemeka.She wore a dress that looked like flames. As she twirled around, thedress flared out and her long black hair flowed around her head andshoulders. At first, she had smiled and raised her arms upward andhe’d felt a stirring in the crowd around him. He knew otherInitiates of Master Bakka were present in the hall. They’d realizeshe danced for the Eternal Life Force, not Samrat Condor, an agent ofthe negative force.
Then Samrat Condor and thepriests began attacking her more directly with psychic energy. Hewanted to help her fight the attack, but didn’t dare. It wouldalert the priests to his presence.
Benray whispered in his ear. “Wecan’t save her. I smuggled in a poison dart. Her death will bequick and nearly painless.”
“Save your poison dart for ourenemies!” Michio said under his breath.
“Have you finally come up witha plan then?” Benray said, keeping his voice barely above a faintwhisper.
“I’ll fight Samrat Condor andhis priests if I have to.”
Benrayshook his head. “That’s not a plan.
From her position near theceiling, Toemeka looked down at the firepit and citizens of Tismus.It wouldn’t be long before Condor compelled her to leap into theflames. She intended to separate from her body permanently beforethat happened. Peace filled her as she surrendered to her fate.
A soft breeze touched herconsciousness, bringing the familiar scent of sandalwood. Michioinstantly came to mind. The energy in the room shifted and she feltMichio’s presence. Returnto your body,he said telepathically. I’vebroken Condor’s hold on you and shielded you from the sorcerers.
Surprised to hear his innervoice, she slipped back into her body and looked around for him.Whereare you?She gasped as he materialized in front of her. She threw herself intohis arms, terrified for both of them.
Teleportto the rendezvous point where your spacecraft landed,he said.
Idon’t know how.
Rememberwhen I was trapped in a burning building and you helped me teleportto you at the Temple? You must now do the same thing for yourself.I’ll help you as you did me. Visualize the meadow in the GlendaleForest, releasing all anchor points holding you to this world andjust be there. We have to get out of here—now!
She closed her eyes andvisualized the meadow where they landed, then felt a shift as theanchor points attaching her to this time and place were uprooted.Trusting Michio completely, she released all limitations and, in thenext instant, was hurtling through time and space.
She expected to teleport almostinstantaneously. Instead dark powers pulled at them, interruptingtheir journey. They began spinning out of control. Panicked, sheclung to Michio. In the next instant, they smashed to the ground.
Areyou all right?Michio asked as he helped her up.
Ithink so.
Michio’s body was luminous, aswas hers, and she realized they were in their light bodies.
Whereare we?she asked.
He looked around at the swirlingheavy darkness that surrounded them. Insome dark region of the Inner Worlds.
Whatwent wrong?
SamratCondor interfered with our teleport.
She was about to ask how tofinish the teleport when Samrat Condor abruptly appeared before themand hurled a fireball at her.
Michio shoved her out of the way,she lost her balance and tumbled to the ground. The fireball hit theground right where she’d been standing. Michio surrounded them bothwith a shield of Light, then shot a spear of light toward SamratCondor.
Samrat Condor threw anotherfireball; it hit the spear of light and exploded. In the nextinstant, the sorcerer’s body began to change into a huge black,scaly beast with enormous fangs and fiery red eyes. Naked,uncontrolled power pulsed as it rose to its hind legs and advancedtoward Michio.
“I am part of you,” itroared. “I am you.”
Michio took a stumbling stepbackward, looked confused and shook his head. “No.”
“I am what you truly are. Youcannot deny it for we have met before. Fight me and you fightyourself for the power within me is you.”