“Yes, that’s right.” Carlita nodded. “I’ll be opening a restaurant soon, Italian of course. You’ll have to come back for a visit after it opens.” Carlita knew she was rambling, but Vito was making her nervous.
His henchman were staring at her as if they couldn’t wait to whip out a couple of sawed off shotguns and fill her full of lead.
“Would you like to come upstairs for coffee or something…” Her voice trailed off.
“I got some business to take care of downtown, but I got a coupla minutes to spare.”
“Your wife, Francesca, didn’t come with you?”
“She don’t like riding for long,” Vito said.
“You didn’t fly?” Carlita motioned them inside and began to shut the alley door when she noticed Elvira’s door across the alley was ajar. It quickly closed.
“Me and my men, we can’t fly with our…shall we say…extra luggage?”
“I see.” Carlita reached for the handrail. “I’m sure certain items might pose a problem.”
When they reached the top of the stairs, Carlita paused, offering up a quick prayer Mercedes was holed up in her bedroom. Tony was working in the pawnshop and as far as she knew, Vinnie and Brittney were in their apartment.
She led them into the apartment. The burly bodyguards made their way to the balcony doors and peered out. Vito chose to walk around the apartment.
Carlita nearly passed out when he stopped in front of the fireplace and ran the palm of his hand over the mantle…the same mantle where she’d stashed the cache of gems. “Nice fireplace.”
“Thanks,” she croaked. Her hand shook as she smoothed the front of her skirt. “I can’t remember if you said you would like a cup of coffee.”
“Yeah. Why not?” Vito never turned as he continued walking along the fireplace, studying the display of family photos scattered along the mantle.
Mercedes emerged from her room. “I thought I heard voices, Ma.” She stopped abruptly at the sight of the men inside the apartment. “I didn’t know we had company.”
Carlita forced her voice to remain even. “Mr. Castellini, this is my daughter, Mercedes. I don’t know if you ever met her.”
She gripped Mercedes’ arm. “Mercedes, this is Brittney’s father, Vito Castellini and his...business associates.”
“Hello.” Mercedes’ eyes widened for a fraction of a second and she turned to her mother. “Would you like me to run across the hall to let Vinnie and Brittney know her father is here?”
“I would appreciate that.” Carlita attempted a smile and Mercedes headed out the door.
With no choice but to leave Vito unattended and snooping around her living room, Carlita hurried to the kitchen to start making the coffee. She quickly dumped fresh coffee into the basket, filled the coffeemaker with water and flipped the switch on.
Grrr. Rambo let out a warning growl.
Carlita had completely forgotten about her pooch and hurried into the dining room where he stood growling at the men, his teeth bared.
She darted to the other side and grasped his collar. “I’m sorry. Rambo isn’t used to strangers.” Carlita shooed her dog onto the balcony and shut the door behind her. She latched the doggy door so he couldn’t sneak back in.
Thankfully, Mercedes returned moments later with Vinnie and Brittney.
“Daddy!” Brittney flew across the room and into her father’s open arms. “I thought you weren’t going to come after all. What a wonderful surprise.”
“Yeah. Wonderful,” Carlita muttered under her breath.
One of Vito’s goons cleared his throat and pinned her with a pointed stare.
Vinnie followed his wife and extended a hand to his father-in-law. “So you decided to come down here and take care of a little business after all.”
“I did.” Vito nodded. “We also stopped to check on my places in Atlantic City. You still planning to head up there day after tomorrow to start work?”
“Yes, sir. We’ll be in Atlantic City this Sunday evening and I’ll start work Monday morning.”
“Good.” Vito curled his lip as he glanced around. “This place is okay. Not enough action for me, if you know what I mean. I can see how it might appeal to your Ma.”
“We love it here,” Mercedes said. “It’s a lot safer than living in Queens.”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Carlita said. “I think the coffee is ready.” She motioned for Mercedes to join her in the kitchen while Vinnie and Brittney chatted with Vito.
Vito’s goons watched the women walk into the kitchen where they had an unobstructed view, making it impossible for Carlita and Mercedes to have a private word.
“Grab the container of pizzelle cookies and carry them to the coffee table. I’ll pour the coffee.”
“Sure Ma.” Mercedes did as her mother asked and Carlita joined her moments later.
Vito settled in on the couch and took the cup of coffee Carlita offered. “Thanks.” He took a sip before turning his attention to Vinnie. “You take care of that business matter for me yesterday?”
Vinnie gave his mother a quick glance before nodding. “Yes, sir. All taken care of.”
Carlita perched on the edge of the recliner and began silently praying that Vito wouldn’t stay long.
Thankfully, Brittney chattered on about the penthouse renovations, and then rattled off the things she and Vinnie planned to do during their brief stay in Savannah.
Vito patiently listened to his daughter ramble on and then glanced at his watch before abruptly standing. “We gotta get going, Brit.”
His bodyguards silently crossed the floor and stood next to the door.
“Already? You just got here,” Brittney whined.
“I got some stuff to take care of.” He chucked his daughter under the chin. “Me and your Ma will be in Atlantic City next week.” He shifted his gaze to Vinnie. “I’m sure your new husband