a seat. This shouldn’t take long.”

Brittney shot Carlita a questioning look before perching on the edge of the chair opposite Elvira.

“I’ll get right to it.” Elvira slipped a pair of reading glasses on. “If you were a pizza delivery person, how would you benefit from having a pair of scissors?”

“What in the world?” Carlita grunted.

“It’s a problem-solving question. Nothing too serious, just a little icebreaker.”

“I…” Brittney began chewing on her lower lip. “First of all, I would never be a pizza delivery driver. Daddy wouldn’t allow it. It’s a dangerous job, especially if I were to work in certain areas. No. I would definitely not have to worry about scissors. A better question would be how would I benefit from a gun because a gun would be much more useful.”

Elvira stared at Brittney before catching herself and resuming her questioning. “Thank you for the honest answer. Next question. What is something I would never guess about you?”

“I like shoes. A lot, and I do mean a lot. I have over two hundred pairs. My goal is to own three hundred and sixty-five pairs, one for each day of the year, and maybe a few extras.”

Carlita arched a brow. “You must have a whole closet just for shoes.”

“Oh, I do. Vinnie says it reminds him of a shoe warehouse.”

Elvira folded her piece of paper. “Have you ever thought about attacking someone with one of your shoes?”

“Elvira,” Carlita chided. “That’s a silly question.”

“Is it?” Elvira pointed to the six-inch black heels Brittney was wearing. “Your heel could pierce someone’s skull.”

Brittney giggled. “Daddy says my shoes are a secret weapon.”

“So, yes to thoughts of attacking someone.” Elvira scribbled on her notepad.

“I object. Your question was leading Brittney,” Carlita said.

Elvira ignored her. “Have you ever witnessed a crime being committed?”

“I…maybe. I can’t be sure.”

“Can’t be sure it was a crime, or can’t be sure you saw it?”


“That’s enough,” Carlita placed a light hand on Brittney’s shoulder. “The whole purpose of you talking to Brittney was to ask her about Roxy.”

“I’m leading up to it. Relax.” Elvira scribbled some more. “I guess I’ll skip the question about whether you’ve ever worn clothing with the tags still attached.”

“I have,” Brittney answered. “I was in a hurry. But since you’re asking about Roxy, I know a little bit about her. Her father was killed. He and Daddy were close. Right before Roxy’s father died, Daddy promised to take care of her.”

“Take care, as in hire her?” Elvira asked.


Elvira tapped the tip of her pen on the top of her notepad. “Going back to the night of the party…Did Roxy stick close to you the entire evening?”

“She did, for the most part.” Brittney nodded. “That was her job; to guard the baby and me.”

“Did you notice her talking to others at the party, perhaps one of the guests or an employee?”

“She talked to the people serving the food…what do you call them?” Brittney snapped her fingers.

“The servers,” Elvira prompted.

“The servers. She talked to them. I saw her say something to Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus, and then she talked to the band when they were on break.”

“Has Roxy ever mentioned not liking someone or having an enemy who may have wanted to harm her?”

“No. Although she wasn’t popular with Daddy’s other…employees. She kind of rubbed people the wrong way.”

“And I, myself, was a witness to that.” Elvira continued writing. “If you had to choose, would you say Luigi disliked Roxy more, or Ricco disliked Roxy more?”

Brittney’s lip puckered as she considered the question. She shifted uncomfortably and then picked at her fingernail. “I…think it would be a tie. Neither one of them cared for her.”

“But Ricco worked with her.”

“Right.” Brittney looked as if she were going to say something else and then stopped.

“There’s something else,” Elvira prompted.

“Maybe.” Brittney began to look uncomfortable again.

“Did Ricco say something about Roxy, did you overhear a conversation, or did she comment about him not liking her?”

“No. I mean, I know Ricco didn’t like her, but I never heard him say he wanted to stab her or throw her over the side of a ship.”

“Luigi? Did Luigi say something about Roxy?”

Brittney began chewing on her lower lip again.

Frustrated, Elvira tossed her pen on the table. “This is like pulling teeth.”

Carlita shot Elvira a warning look. Her expression softened as she turned to her daughter-in-law. “There’s something else you’re not saying. Maybe you feel like it’s some sort of betrayal if you tell us. Your father sent Joe Mariani down here to get to the bottom of Roxy’s death. Mercedes is a suspect. So are Pete, Luigi and Ricco. If you have something you think might be significant, then you should tell us what it is.”

She could see the woman was torn, and Carlita couldn’t blame her. Brittney pretended to be an airhead, but she had always secretly suspected that at least some of it was an act. If Roxy had shared something in confidence with Brittney, then it might be a significant clue.

“You don’t have to tell us. Maybe you could tell Vinnie instead,” Carlita suggested. “He can decide if it’s something that should be shared.”

“No. I’ll tell you. Roxy did say something to me on the day of the party. She said she wasn’t looking forward to seeing Luigi.”

“Did she tell you why?”

Brittney nodded. “Yes, and after she told me, I didn’t blame her.”

Chapter 21

Carlita’s scalp started to tingle. She thought about Luigi calling Roxy a tool, about the injury to Luigi’s arm, how he took her gun and thought she was defenseless. “What is it? What did Roxy say?”

“She and Luigi dated. I wasn’t really surprised because I’d heard the rumors before.”

Elvira and Carlita sat in stunned

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