Perhaps that was why she’d been on his mind since their fraught first meeting. He’d watched her work out to the point of exhaustion, sweat trickling down the back of her neck. Yet she’d carried on because she knew that was what it would take to meet her eventual goal. He was a hypocrite for warning her about burning herself out when he’d have acted exactly the same way.
Not many would’ve managed his workload, balancing a successful, demanding career while caring for his loved ones. He did because he saw no other choice. At least, not one he cared to entertain. Like Georgiana, he didn’t want strangers getting involved and taking over his duties. He managed and though committing his time to her too was going to put further strain on him, he’d do it. Because she needed him. He’d never turn down someone in trouble when he had the capacity to help and potentially change her life for the better with his work here.
Anything else that drew him to her—those troubled brown-green eyes, her fierce spirit and her blatant disregard for anything he said—were extraneous. Yes, the quicker they were able to get Georgiana to the level of fitness and recovery she was happy with, the better. Then he had no need to see her again or keep her on his list of people to care about.
Georgiana didn’t know how long they’d been sitting on the wet floor but it was the most comforted she’d been since her operation. It was probably the only time she’d let anyone hold her, much less see her cry. She didn’t know why he was different. Perhaps it was simply because he was there when she was at her lowest or that he didn’t shy away from her when she barked at him. Most likely it was because on some level he seemed to understand what she was going through. He wasn’t pushing her to talk the way everyone else did.
She supposed he’d seen a lot of people in her situation and she wasn’t anything special to him. Yet he was here, pretending this was perfectly normal behaviour. Not for her it wasn’t and, regardless of his poolside manner, she knew she’d come to regret this whole scene. This was the opposite of surviving on her own.
‘I should get changed. I’ve taken up way too much of your time. I’m sure you have someone waiting up for you at home, cursing me up and down.’ As soon as she withdrew from his body heat she began to shiver uncontrollably.
‘I’ll grab your things for you. You can change where you’re sitting. I promise I won’t look.’ He was joking around with her, easing the intensity of the situation. It didn’t escape her attention that he’d avoided confirming or denying if he had anyone to go home to.
Edward collected some extra towels, her clothes and, to her horror, her prosthetic. Technically it counted as one of her ‘things’ and he wouldn’t think anything of it, but she’d never get used to treating it as casually as any other accessory.
‘Thanks.’ She took the pile from him and set it beside her, her leg balancing on the top.
True to his word, Edward turned away and put some distance between them. The changing room wasn’t far but getting there would’ve been another humiliation too far.
‘We should arrange a proper timetable so we know where we both stand. If you let me know what nights you want to come, I can make the arrangements.’ He kept talking as he walked, preventing any awkward silence as she dried and attached her leg.
‘I was thinking of coming most nights if that’s possible? I know that’s asking a lot of you.’
‘No. That’s fine. Same time? Same exit strategy?’ Georgiana could hear the smile in his voice and was glad he was comfortable enough to make fun of her. So many tiptoed around her it was insulting. She’d lost a limb, not her sense of humour or any IQ points.
‘As long as you remember to bring your invisibility cloak for me. Oh, you might want to pop a mattress in the back of the car too.’ She only realised how that sounded as she pulled her top on.
‘Excuse me? I know things have thawed between us but I’m not that kind of guy.’ A shocked Edward was peering back at her when she popped her head through her hoodie.
She was certain he was exactly that kind of guy but she was horrified her jokey remark could be construed as some sort of sleazy come-on.
‘I didn’t mean... I was talking about for in here in case I fell again.’ The end of this night couldn’t come a second too soon. At this point in time she just wanted to get into bed, pull the covers over her and forget how big a fool she’d repeatedly made of herself tonight.
Silence. Then to her relief he laughed, a deep hearty chuckle that echoed around the room and caught her in the midst of its warm embrace.
‘Edward!’ she scolded but she was relieved he was teasing her rather than offended by her unintentional advances.
‘Ed, please. Edward’s so formal. Only business acquaintances give me the full first-name treatment.’ He came over and stretched out a hand to help her up to a standing position. Usually she would refuse, to make a point, but they were past that now. She accepted his hand graciously.
‘Thank you, Ed.’
‘Does this mean I can call you Georgie now?’
‘Definitely not.’
He insisted on taking her to his office, stopping to retrieve an ice pack on the way. Georgiana couldn’t believe the sight she was greeted with on opening the