Darren noticed his was doing the same.

“Tell me how Stefan died,” Lee demanded, his breath warm on the chilled skin of Darren’s neck. “Tell me the truth or else…”

On cue the temperature plummeted further, dropping so low it was painful. Johnny’s lips were blue as he jerked his head from side to side, his gaze darting around as if to find the source of the chill. “I dragged him up there,” Johnny blurted, stuttering every word as he shook so hard he looked like he was seizing. “I was afraid he’d tell someone what I did to him so I told him to meet me on the cliff! But he wouldn’t come up so I dragged him! Then I let him go and pushed—”

If Lee hadn’t been holding him, Darren didn’t know what he’d have done, but it would have been bad. He knew the frigid air wasn’t natural, knew Conner had come to him and Lee at the motel and brought the temperature down to scare them into doing what they really wanted. But what good was that doing now? They knew Johnny had murdered Stefan but they couldn’t prove it. No one else had witnessed his reluctant confession. Johnny wouldn’t turn himself in for his crime.

Lee seemed to think Johnny would. “You know why it’s so cold? Stefan’s here, and he’s going to let me and Darren leave, but you…”

Darren tipped his head back so he could tell Lee he was wrong, it wasn’t Stefan, but Lee nodded at something in front of them. Darren looked and saw the sheets—Conner’s hint to them? Or was there another purpose? The fabric floated behind Johnny then began winding around his body. Johnny’s scream was stifled when he opened his mouth and the sheet gagged him.

“I think you can either die today,” Lee said slowly, his voice thick and low, “or you can call the police and make a confession—a truthful one. Let’s go, Dar.”

Darren glanced at Johnny, his face streaked with tears turned to ice, then let Lee guide him out of the unnaturally cold house into the warm morning sun.

“Will Conner kill him?” Darren couldn’t decide if that would be a bad thing or not.

Lee glanced back at the house, his eyes narrowing as if he could see through the brick wall. “I don’t know. I don’t think so. For Conner’s sake, I hope not. Laine and Severo would probably find some way to exorcize Conner or something, and that would destroy them in a way they might not recover from.”

Darren grabbed Lee’s wrist and tugged, trying to get him to move. “We should go inside and drag Johnny out or—”

“Listen,” Lee hissed.

Darren frowned at first then smiled so big it hurt his cheeks. “Sirens!” Darren hadn’t cared for the racket before, but the wail of the sirens had to be one of the best sounds he’d ever heard. He let go of Lee’s wrist and threw his arms around the man instead, happy to his soul when Lee hugged him back.

“I think, this time, you’ll see justice done.”


“Virginia, I’m heading home,” Darren called out as he stepped into the kitchen. “Lee’s here!”

Virginia turned from the grill and waved the spatula at him. “Did he get the floors stripped like he said he would?”

“Yes, ma’am, and he brought pictures to show you. I think he’s hoping you’ll look at them and see how beautiful the wood is and decide to chuck your plan to carpet over it.” Darren agreed with Lee. Carpet would be harder to keep clean and wouldn’t be nearly as pretty as hardwood floors.

“Well, he either needs to come back here or you need to man the grill since Mark called in sick. Again.” Virginia scowled and flipped a burger. “Just bring him back here.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Darren went back into the diner part of the café and waved Lee over. “I think she might cave if we nag her the right way—how much money would be saved now and in the long run what with the expense of keeping the carpet clean.”

Lee laughed and kissed Darren quickly, a bare touch of lips. “Glad you cleared up what you meant by nagging Virginia the right way. I was just going to beg, though.”

Darren took Lee’s hand in his and led him into the hall instead of the kitchen. Virginia could wait just a minute.

“Are you taking me to the office?” Lee asked so hopefully Darren snickered.

“Yeah, but just for a minute or two. Virginia will skin us both if we take any longer than that.”

“It’d be worth it.”

Darren thought it likely would but he wasn’t going to put it to a test. As soon as he got Lee inside the office, Darren pinned him to the wall—not the door, he wasn’t going to close that or all his not too dirty intentions would crumble under the weight of his desire for Lee. Darren grabbed handfuls of Lee’s hair and started a trail of nipping kisses from Lee’s lips to the base of his neck.

“Let’s just get one thing clear,” Darren muttered between the kisses, “I’m the only one who gets to hear you beg.”

Lee arched his neck and slid his hands over Darren’s backside. “Ah, got it. So if I beg you to lock the door and fuck me…”

Darren bit the sweet spot under Lee’s ear, making his lover moan and writhe. “You’re trying to get me in trouble, aren’t you?”

“I’m trying to get you in me!” Lee rubbed his groin against Darren’s. “Please? I swear I’m not gonna last two minutes anyway.”

Darren smiled as he reached for the door. “Well, in that case…”

* * * *

Stefan watched Lee and Darren a lot, but not when they were having sex. That would be creepy and wrong. But he liked to see them and visit, and it made him happy to know they were so in love they practically glowed when they looked at each other. He’d wanted to know what that felt like and

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